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クエリ検索: "日置陸奥夫"
125件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 源明 日出夫
    1952年 6 巻 5 号 334-335
    発行日: 1952/05/10
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Diphenyl Ether誘導体の結核菌, 黄色葡萄状球菌及び大腸菌に対する抗菌作用
    富田 眞雄, 渡邊 和一
    1951年 71 巻 11 号 1198-1203
    発行日: 1951/11/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Antibacterial action of various compounds possessing diphenyl ether as the fundamental nucleus was tested against human strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The results showed that none of the compounds possessed any remarkable growth inhibition against the tubercle bacilli although trilobine, one of the alkaloids of biscoclaurine type, showed a fair amount of antibacterial action far below that of p-aminosalycilic acid. Fairly high antibacterial action was shown by 2-hydroxydiphenyl ether against Staph. aureus and E. coli, by 3, 6-dibromo-4-hydroxydiphenyl ether against Staph. aureus, by 2, 2′-dihydroxydiphenyl ether against B. coli, and by diquinoline-6, 6′-oxide dimethiodide against Staph. aureus.
  • 第III編 培養液内の発育電位測定による各種抗菌性物質の併用効果検定
    山本 穰
    1954年 66 巻 3 号 511-518
    発行日: 1954/03/31
    公開日: 2009/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 倉田 正一, 須藤 清二, 豊田 和雄
    1960年 2 巻 6 号 488-494
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/04/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Machines and tools in a work situation should be within the reach of arm movements of the operator in his sitting posture. In other words, the operator should not be required to leave his normal working position to operate his machine. The normal working area and maximum working area of the arm in three dimensions were measured. The equations related or a nomograph was constructed from the measurement data, from which can be known the necessary values associated with the total span. This nomograph would be of aid to designers of various industrial machines. In arm movement the shoulder or elbow does not stay at a fixed point, but rather moves outward or upward. The movement of the scapula occurs with that of humerus. The arrangement of controls in the working area should be evaluated also from other aspects.
  • 田中 秀二, 伊藤 鎭雄
    1936年 14 巻 7 号 596-600
    発行日: 1936/07/24
    公開日: 2011/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Tuberkulöse haben manchmal eine verminderte Zahl der roten Blutkörperchen und einen geringen Haemoglobinindex. Die Vermehrung der Blutkörper und die Haemoglobinbildung beruhen jeweils auf ihren besonderen Prinzipicen, die lurch Lungentuberkulose nicht weiter gesondert in Mitleidenschaft gezogen sind.
    2. Der Gehalt an Bilirubin im Serum der Lungentuberkulösen ist, i mmer auffallend gering, doch steht seine Verrninderung, in keinem direkten Zusammenhang mit der geringen Haemoglobinbildung.
    3. Ueberhaupt hat die Blässe der Lungentuberkulösen nichts mit der Zahl der roten Blutkörperchen und dem Haemoglobingehalt zu tun, sie ist vielmehr mit ganz anderen Faktoren zu erklären. Auch vom Haemoglobin- und vom Gallenpigmensto ffwechsel ist die gelbe Hautfarbe der Kranken unabläugig.
  • 桶田 秀雄
    1949年 7 巻 1-2 号 7-10
    発行日: 1949/04/01
    公開日: 2010/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 一安 利平
    1959年 8 巻 2 号 32-33,40
    発行日: 1959/02/25
    公開日: 2011/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日本内科学会雑誌
    1956年 45 巻 9 号 915-1003
    発行日: 1956/12/10
    公開日: 2011/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 生體測定及體型の觀察
    佐藤 三郎, 和田 安民, 鈴木 立春, 松本 舜一
    1943年 14 巻 5 号 373-387
    発行日: 1943/09/25
    公開日: 2008/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 赤穂 治
    1958年 25 巻 8 号 643-661
    発行日: 1958/08/15
    公開日: 2009/07/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the classification of the body type of the male Japanese were 7 indices; biacromial widthchest girth index, Rohrer-Index, Pignet-Index, Andreew-Index, Wertheimer-Index, B and C Index examined. For this purpose two groups were made. One group is classified after author's observation; 38 under 189(20.1%) pyknic, 96(50.8%) asthenic and 55(29.1%) athletic; the other 202 after body type indices. Amoung 202 persons of the latter group were at first 7(3.4%) as pyknic after Andreew (over 15) and biacromial widthchest girth (under 41) index, then 166(82.2%) as asthenic after Wertheimer (over 33), Pignet (over 27), B (over 17) and C (under 29) indices, the. rest 29(14.4%) as athletic. The so-called Rohrer Index is only for the classification of the pyknic type useful. All the measurements of thesetwo groups are in Table XII. Almost all measurements are pregnant in the group of observation, only one exception among them is the Andreew's Index, by which the thoracal and abdominal girth are used so that the characteristics of body types after observation a little difficult to conceive which after this index it is easy to identify.
  • 菱本 恒温, 出井 勝重
    1962年 16 巻 11 号 14-20
    発行日: 1962/11/20
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The quantitative Estimation of urinary 17-ketosteroids (KS) is generally based on the Zimmermann's reaction in the routine laboratory and still presents a number of problems. Among the rest, we must be careful about the nonketonic chromogens in the final urinary extract, In order to remove these nonketonic chromogens, Talbot et al, have conducted the application of Girard's reagent T, but this method is not feasible for the routine clinical laboratory because of the complexity of its operation, Therefore, empirical correction equations were studied for deducting the interfering color absorption, but they were found unreliable by various authors. On the other hand, various solvents were used to isolate the urinary 17-KS but they were not so selective, However, Cahen and Salter's Method with chloroform is relatively selective to isolate the urinary 17-KS, so we examined the method of Cahen and Salter and improved it as follows
    1) We have pointed out the nonketonic chromogens still included in the chloroform extract by Cahen and Salter's method and elevated the accuracy of the value of quantitative estimation of urinary 17-KS, deducting the urinary blank value from the value by Cahen and Salter's method, The value of urinary blank indicates that of the color absorption of chloroform extract of the urinary dried ether extract added only with alcohol and KOH.
    2) The methods deducting the interfering color by empirical correction equations were studied and found unreliable on account of giving plus error in case of the specimens whose blank held purple color in the ether extract.
    3) In the procedure of laboratory operation, it was devised to carry out all processes i. e. hydrolysis and extraction using a small volume of urine, washing, color development and chloroform extraction, with only one centrifuge tube with glass stopper. Therefore, the hydrolysis by the customary method employing a reflux condenser and the complicated manipulation using a separatory funnel were all saved. Consequently this simplified method enabled to spare time for the operation and moreover ceased bringing about the error that results from the increase of density of 17-KS due to a loss in quantity of ether during the process of extraction and washing.
    4) Turbidity due to emulsion particles in the chloroform layer, giving consequently high absorption values, becomes perfectly clear by the addition of small volume of absolute ethanol.
    5) The values of urinary 17-KS obtained by our method tally well with those obtained by the Girard's reagent T, and recovery of dehydroisoandrosterone added to urine is satisfactory averaging 95 percent.
  • 金生 富雄, 玉田 正三, 瀬川 修一, 豊田 登, 山田 要助
    1958年 12 巻 11 号 839-848
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pulmonary infections have been considered to be very difficult to be cured, even with antibiotics and their prognosis is by no means very good. By means of antibiotics and chemotherapeutics, the authors treated 4 cases of pulmonary infections with cavities, of which 1 case was the galloping form clinically and accompanied with diabetes mellitus. Two cases of them completely recovered, and the other 2 recovered as far as the treatment of internal medicine could reach. The results obtained were as follows:
    1) In the drug treatment of pulmonary infections, tetracycline that has a wide antibacterial spectrum was more effective than the others.
    2) If possible, the kind of infected bacilli should be detected in the first place and the bacilli sensitivity to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics utilized shall be examined. Thus the most sensitive one should be selected.
    3) By means of the above measures, complete cure of pulmonary infections shall be not difficult to attain, and the period required for the treatment shall be thus be shortened.
  • 吉野 彦助
    1958年 34 巻 2 号 102-130,97
    発行日: 1958/05/20
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Daily urinary excretion of total (free and conjugated) acetaldehydogenic corticoids (ACS) was measured by modified Cox's method in patients with various diseases as well as normal subjects, and the following results were obtained.
    1. The mean urinary excretion of ACS for normal men, with 95% confidence limit, was 3.0 ±0.5mg /day, and the mean for normal women was 2.0 ±0.5mg/day.
    2. Most of the diseases investigated were observed to affect the urinary excretion of ACS, 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17-OH·CS) and formaldehydogenic corticosteroids in the same way, that is, the excretion of all the three groups of substances seemed to increase or decrease together according as the disease involved produced enhancement or suppression of the function of the pituitary-adrenal system. It was observed, however, that the ACS-forming activity of the adrenal gland did not always keep steps with its adrenocortical-hormone-forming activity, either of the two being sometimes very vigorous while the other remained low. Marked decrease of the ACS excretion was observed in one case each of liver cirrhosis, tetany, pituitary anorexia and Simond's disease as well as two cases of Addison's disease. On the other hand, striking increase was observed in a number of patients with high fever, another who had received transplantation of a bovine pituitary gland and two others who had been surgically operated. This is worthy of notice, as it is contrary to the generally accepted view that such elevated ACS excretion is characteristic of patients with certain adrenocortical tumours. In patients with Cushing's syndrome or Basedow's disease, it was observed that the urinary 17-OH-CS excretion increased while the ACS excretion remained normal or decreased. This may be explained by adopting the view that Cushing's syndrome accompanies elevated production of adrenocortical hormones alone and Basedow's disease belongs to the kind of disorder in which the reduction of hydrocortisone alone is accelerated.
    3. All the subjects except those with extremely disordered adrenal gland function, e.g., advanced Addison's disease, responded to administration of ACTH with increased ACS excretion. This suggests that ACS production is promoted by ACTH.
    4. Administration of adrenocortical hormones brought about hardly any increase of ACS excretion either in the normal subjects or the patients, but even some decrease in a few cases.
    5. Administration of Fowler's solution, adrenochrome-monosemicarbazon or pyrogen had almost no effect on the ACS excretion.
    From these results it may be reasonably concluded that the ACS appearing in the urine is directly derived from some substances produced in the adrenal gland such as 17,20-dihydroxy-20-methylsteroids and that the process of formation is promoted by ACTH, probably prior to their conversion to progesterone.
    Under conditions accompanying increased progesterone production, such as pregnancy, augmentation of the ACS excretion was observed. Can 17-hydroxylation take place in the placenta, ovaries etc. ? Nobody has produced conclusive evidence to decide this issuer either way. If 17-hydroxylation of progesterone takes place only in the adrenal gland, the amount of ACS excreted will indirectly indicate the level of the adrenocortical activity.
  • 太田 藤市郎
    1963年 17 巻 8 号 495-498
    発行日: 1963年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thirty one cases of biopsy were performed and the results obtained are as follows.
    1) The succeeded percentage were 95% in liver, 30% in kidney and 100% in spleen.
    2) As the by-effects, in liver biopsy cases abdominal pain was complained in 50 per cent, in kidney biopsy cases light microscopic hematuria and lumber pain were observed.
    3) In the homogenous pathological changes of liver (liver cirrhosis, acute hepatitis, serum hepatitis etc.), the percentage of diagnostic accuracy is very high, but in the solitary changes (for instance liver cancer) is very low.
    4) In comparison with the bioscopic and operative diagnosis it could be confirmed.
    5) The another applied aspect of the biopsy is the so-called necropsy, which is carried on instead of autopsy.
    6) When the indication is strict, the preparations are complete and the diagnostic decision is cautious, the biopsy is a very safe useful diagnostic method.
  • 化学療法剤の研究(第3報)
    戸田 忠雄, 徳永 徹
    1959年 7 巻 5 号 327-331
    発行日: 1959/09/25
    公開日: 2010/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 後藤 鹿島, 反町 貢, 中島 和江
    1966年 16 巻 5 号 358-369
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    Korotkoff sounds on the young people recorded by an electro-cardiophonograph were newly classified into five phases according to the wave form.
    After this new classification, we established five grades from first to fifth in 326 cases, and found that the younger people had higher value than older.
    Therefore we used these grades as a sclerotic classification.
    As minimum blood pressure increased, the grade decreassd, and in cases of over 80mm Hg they showed progressive stiffening situation, while the maxium blood pressure had not so intimate relation with the sclerotic grade. Even if the maxium pressure was very high, that grade was not always so malignant. Pulse pressure had nothing to do with it. Mean pressure had most remarkable mutual relation with sclerose and in cases under 100mm Hg, they showed very good values.
  • 第二編 胴下半部形態
    明石 嘉聞
    1951年 27 巻 4 号 101-106,123
    発行日: 1951/07/20
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    Vital measurements were conducted of 114 ama between the ages of 17 and 49 in Boshu Shirahama of Chiba prefecture, and under the direction of Dr. Shiro Ogawara, the following five quantitative measurements, seven indices and formulae for the lower torso were compiled and detailed statistical observations were made.
    1) Measured items:
    i) Length of front abdomen ii) Width of rib-arch iii) Pelvis width iv) Maximum width of thighs v) Minimum circumference of abdomen
    2) Indices:
    i) Lower-torso index I (Width of rib-arch·100/Length of front abdomen)
    ii) Lower-torso index II (Pelvis width·100/Length of front abdomen)
    iii) Lower-torso index III (Maximum width of thighs·100/Length of front abdomen)
    iv) Lower-torso width index A (Pelvis width.100/Width of rib-arch)
    v) Lower. tors width index B (Maximum width of thighs·100/Width of rib-arch)
    vi) Lower-torso width index C (Maximum width of thighs·100/Pelvis width)
    vii) Abdominal circumference index (Length of front abdomen·100/Minimum circumference of abdomen)
    3) Lower Torso Formulae:
    Each index was classified into five or six groups according to its numerical quantity, and each group was marked from one to six.
    The Abdominal Circumference Index was designated as“U”, and the numerical formulae which were obtained as the result of arranging the markings in the order of their derivation: thusly, I II III A B C U, were called Lower Torso Formulae.
    4) Only Lower Torso Index II and Lower Torso Width Index C derived from the mean numbers of each index were found to be absolutely equivalent when compared with the results of Dr. Shibata's observations of adult women in general residing in Tokyo.
    In all other indices differences were noticed between the mean numbers, and except in the case of Lower Torso Index I, the arria were smaller.
    However, when the shapes were fixed under Dr, Ogawara's classification system, the mean number of each index was“3”, resulting in exactly identical shapes.
    5) There are remarkable differences in individual Lower Torso Formulae, but the Lower Torso Formulae obtained from the mean numbers of each index is 3333333; therefore, presenting the same as that of Shibata's for adult women in general.
    6) In other 'words, absolutely no difference is seen in the Lower Torso Formulae between the ama and adult women in general, but compared to the length of their abdomen, the width of the upper part of the lower torso of the ama is wider than adult women in general and in comparing widths the upper part is better developed compared to the, lower part, while on the other hand, the circumference of the abdomen is bigger compared to the length of the abdomen.
    These facts mean that the ama is wider at the upper part of the lower torso and has a bigger abdominal circumference than adult women in general.
  • フラシン及びフラシンとズルフオンアミド剤との併用効果に關する動物實驗
    春日 齊
    1950年 17 巻 12 号 904-908
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2010/10/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平岡 恒郎
    1961年 50 巻 6 号 445-452
    発行日: 1961/09/10
    公開日: 2008/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    著者は,尿中17-KS, 17-OHCS定量及びThorn's testによつて,入院肺結核患者の副腎皮質機能を検した結果.健康者に比して低下し,しかも重症者程著明であるとの諸家の見解にほゞ一致した成績を得た.すなわち,学研分類F型及び喀痰中結核菌陽性例では,機能低下が認められた.又化学療法に対する反応性と副腎皮質機能の関係を比較検討したところ,副腎皮質機能が正常又は治療初期に正常化を来たす症例,化学療法により症状軽快がみられた.しかも当初尿中17-KSおよび17-OHCSが比較的低値を示す例に, X線像の改善が多い傾向が認められた. Steroid hormone投与により,強い副腎皮質機能の低下を認めた例においては,しからざる場合に比して,症状の回復が遅れる傾向を認めた.
  • 日置 陸奥夫, 森岡 貫二, 鈴木 政人
    1943年 30 巻 11 号 713-720
    発行日: 1943/02/10
    公開日: 2008/06/12
    ジャーナル フリー