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クエリ検索: "旧土人給与地"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 二風谷村における各居住地の特性と集落社会の関係性に着目して
    森 朋子
    2023年 88 巻 809 号 2151-2159
    発行日: 2023/07/01
    公開日: 2023/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper aims to clarify how the Ainu settlement is formed by focusing on the relationship between a characteristic of each settlement site and a village community in Nibutani based on “Granted Land Map”. The following points were clarified. 1) A pair of two sites between a road based on a pure direction is a primary factor of settlement patterns. 2) The location of a settled site reflects its habitant’s rank in a village community at the settled time. 3) The dominant person, settled in predominant location, determines the frame of settlements, and other members fill up between.

  • ウィンチェスター マーク, 田村 将人
    2022年 2022 巻 1 号 175-185
    発行日: 2022/09/30
    公開日: 2023/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 齋藤 米太郎
    1947年 12 巻 2 号 129-136
    発行日: 1947/11/01
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 北海道におけるアイヌと和人との複合社会
    高野 史男
    1958年 9 巻 6 号 405-422,480
    発行日: 1958/02/28
    公開日: 2009/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    i) Similar facts to those found in the so-calld “plural society” of the white and the native in south-eastern Asia may be observed, in the process of Japanese modernization, everywhere in japan, for instance in the suburbs of some large cities and isolated mountain villages. Especially in Hokkaido social contact and assimilation between the Ainus, the minority, and the Japanese in the process of Japanese colonization provides a typical case of the formation and dissolution of a plural society.
    ii) In the commercial colony period before the 17th century the plural society had not yet been formed in Hokkaido, but in the 18th century many fishery colonies were built at different parts on the sea coast of the island and the exploitation colony period then attained continued till the Meiji Era opened. During this period Japanese merchant colonists carried on many fishery colonies employing many native Ainus by compulsion, and as the social contact between Ainus and Japanese became closer and closer, a sort of plural society was formed.
    iii) Since the Meiji era, Hokkaido, it may be said, has been an emigration colony of Japan and as the number of the Japanese immigrants there increased rapidly, the Ainus come to form the racial minority. By this time the Ainus had compelled to give up hunting and fishing on which they had once lived and turn to agriculture. Thus they were assimilated economically, socially and culturally with the Japanese. Then the half-breeds between the two races gradually increased, and the plural society entered the stage of dissolution.
    iv) This blood-mix process has greatly advanced by to-day, and the present Ainus, whose number amounts to about 17000, are mostly half-breed. But the blood difference that still remains and is taken into consideration in such cases as marriage prevents the complete assimilation of the Ainus with the Japanese. Accordingly the plural society of the two races cannot by expected to disappear completely. In the Biratori district on the Saru River of south-west Hokkaido, a region where large Ainu groups still exist, the above-mentioned process has been most typical. The Ainu people in the district hesitate leaving their native place, chiefly because they have their reserved farm land there, though there are several reasons beside this. Thus the Ainu community is now still maintained there.
  • 佐久間 学, 羽深 久夫
    2014年 79 巻 706 号 2733-2741
    発行日: 2014/12/30
    公開日: 2015/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Ainu settlement at Nibutani in 1940 was confirmed to have had at least 35 ethnic Ainu houses and at least three ethnic Japanese houses. The architectural buildings are categorized into four types: "thatched-wall thatched-roof hipped-roof architectural structure" (Type A), "spindle-wall thatched-roof hipped-roof architectural structure" (Type B), "thatched-roof gable-roof architectural structure" (Type C), and "roof-shingle or tin-roof architectural structure" (Type D). Many ethnic Ainu people lived in Type B architectural structures, using architectural structures of Type A or Type C as barns or stables. Type D modified residential housing is considered to have become more prevalent only after 1940.
  • 白井 義彦
    1964年 37 巻 8 号 425-449
    発行日: 1964/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) まず農地の分散度合の地域的分布をみると,水田と集村が卓越し,一部にに藩政時代の割替制度がみられた北陸と東海地方において分散的であり,これより外周へむけて次第に集団化の傾向が認められる.それと逆相関に経営団地面積は,北海道において最大で,内地では東北地方が大きい.かかる農地の分散要因には,自然的農業経営的社会経済的な要因があげられる.
    (2) 農地分散の解決は,栽地整理法のみでは地主の差額地代の取得という意味で推進されたので不十分であった.農地改革を経て,土地改良法下に農業の機械化と経営の合理化にともない本格的に農地集団化が進められ, 1950~1960年に地区数, 9, 123ヶ所,実施完了面積1,686,551町,全耕地面積の31%に達した.これは西南目本の畑地・水田・果樹園と裏日本の水稲単作地帯に著しく,経営規模が大きく機械化のおくれた東北地方と都市化・工業化が著しい東海・近畿地方に進度がおくれるという,かなり事業発展の遅速がある.
    (3) 地域の環境条件との関連で,とくに問題となつた農地集団化のタイプは次の3つの場合である.括弧内は事例調査地である. (a) 土地利用の高度化のため作物地帯別の農地集団化を行なって土地利用が更新された場合(長野県飯田市川路地区), (b) 水利慣行を是正し,農地集団化を進めた結果,水稲労働生産量が節減された場合(香川県木田郡三木町丸岡地区), (c) 農地の集団化に伴って集落の二次的分散を行ない農業の機械化の普及と酪農の振興をみた場合(福島県安積郡三穂田地区)などのタイプがある.