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クエリ検索: "普天満宮洞穴"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 大城 逸朗
    1994年 103 巻 1 号 49-63
    発行日: 1994/02/25
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new fossil assemblage of terrestrial vertebrates was found from limestone breccias, forming a cave deposit in the Futenma-gu (Shrine) Cave, Ginowan City, Okinawa (long., 26°17′19.5″;lat., 127°46′44.2″).The site represents one of the well preserved and most fo ssiliferous localities of terrestrial vertebrates in Ryukyu Islands. The assemblage of the Futenmagu site consists of the following species. Mammalia: Cervus astylodon, Dicrocerus sp. and Chiroptera; Amphibia and Reptilia: Testudo sp. nov., Geoemyda spengleri japonica , Japalura sp. And there are a few species of Ayes. As the good majority of the fossil bones be-longs to deer, it was attempted to estimate the number of individuals of each species of the fossil deers by canine teeth and axes; minimum of 67 individuals of Cervus astylodon and 133of Dicrocerus sp. were counted. This assemblage records the first fossil locality of Geoemyda spengleri japonica in Okinawa-jima and an addition for Tesudo sp. nov. in Ryukyu Islands. The species composition of the Futenma-gu assemblage is characterized with the abundance of Cervus astylodon and Dicrocerus sp . and the lack of Sus sp. and Diplothrix legata, so that it is tentatively correlated with the Yamashita-cho Daiichi Cave assemblage (Naha, Okinawa) of 32, 000 ± 1, 000y.B.P.in radiocarbon age. It is suggested that fossil land tortoises were introduced into the Ryukyu Islands earlier than hitherto presumed.
  • 大城 逸朗, 野原 朝秀
    2000年 10 巻 1 号 41-50
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2009/01/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    琉球列島では,第四紀更新世前期~後期の琉球層群を構成する石灰岩層が広く分布し,本層に形成された裂カ充填堆積物や洞穴堆積物から陸生脊椎動物遺骸を産する。現在,脊椎動物遺骸の産地は,100 カ所以上(図1 ),化石動物種も39 属51 種(表1 )知られている。
    ,久米島具志川村の下地原洞穴,そして宮古島上野村豊原のピンザアブ洞穴の4 カ所,さらに与那城町照間石川市楚南今帰仁村今泊など3 カ所の更新統中の動物遺骸について,それぞれの特徴を述べあわせてこれらの化石動物の琉球列島への渡来について考察した(図2) 。