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クエリ検索: "望月芳郎"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • :J. M. G. ル・クレジオの『パワナ』を巡って
    櫻井 典夫
    2017年 34 巻 121-135
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2019/06/11
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 前近代から近代まで
    牧野 和孝
    1996年 9 巻 2 号 4-21
    発行日: 1996/12/20
    公開日: 2011/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    To elucidate the paradigm of modern materials civilization, typical materials civilizations keeping the coexistence of human culture with natural system from pre-modern times and typical technologies characterizing modern materials civilization are taken notice.
    The paradigms of the typical materials civilizations and the typical technologies are fundamentally discussed by use of structuralism analysis method. And their structuralism structures are respectively and qualitatively elucidated by the analysis mentioned above.The characterizations of these structures are described by structuralism structure diagram.
    As a result, the following conclusions are obtained.
    1) The paradigms of typical materials civilizations keeping the coexistence of human culture with natural system are described by the structuralism structure balancing between two mutually contradictory transformation structures.
    2) The paradigm of pillage between two mutually different civilizations or civilization and natural system forms single irreversible physics or meta-physics transformation structure (natural system to culture, civilization to another one).
    3) The paradigm of each typical technology characterizing modern materials civilization contains a negative irreversible meta-physics transformation structure introducing negative accumulation into civilization. In particular, technologies such as car, computer, atomic power generation, and genetic engineering produce the paradigm including unstable, austismic, threatening or fearful phase.
  • 岸 好彰, 高橋 和人, 横地 千仭, 伊藤 春生
    1975年 17 巻 2 号 178-187
    発行日: 1975/12/31
    公開日: 2010/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    われわれは, 走査型電子顕微鏡を用い, ヒト舌乳頭, および舌下粘膜の毛細管ループの鋳型標本を立体的に観察した。
    糸状乳頭に分布する毛細管は, 舌背粘膜下を走る細血管が, 粘膜下組織内につくる血管網より発し, 乳頭に侵入して数枝に分岐したのち, その頂点に向って数個のループを形成し, 下降する (下行脚)。
    有郭乳頭では, 粘膜下組織内の血管網よりでた数枝が, 乳頭内に入り, その表面に向ってループを形成する。このループは, 乳頭基底部に移行するに従って低くなる。また, 粘膜固有層にできた血管網より, 微細な枝が, 乳頭内のループに合している。
    茸状乳頭では, 侵入した毛細管は, 放射状に分岐して, ループを形成する。
    舌下粘膜では, 粘膜下組織につくられる比較的太い血管網よりでた毛細血管が, 単純なヘヤーピン型のループを形成する。また, その配列は疎で, 血管網の網目と一致している。
  • 滝川 弘志
    1982年 33 巻 5 号 362-375
    発行日: 1982/10/10
    公開日: 2010/10/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    Serial esophagograms were obtained from 143 normal subjects who showed no abnormal findings in clinical examinations including fiberscopy and brushing cytology. The subjects were kept at the right antero-oblique position and 5 pictures were serially taken at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 seconds after a swallow of contrast medium using quarter size films. Although comprehensive observations of the entire esophagus with filling, double-contrasted and mucosal fold images were hardly made due to rapid passage of contrast medium through the esophagus, observations were made at the 7 different levels and the following findings were obtained. The 7 levels were; A: 3 cm above the clavicle, B: clavicle, C: aortic arch, D: tracheal bifurcation, E: upper 1/3 between bifurcation and esophagocardiac junction (ECJ), F: lower 1/3 of the above.
    The transverse diameter of esophagus was the largest after 1 second, and the size was the largest at E, followed by D, F, A, B and C in this order.
    The esophagocardiac junction (ECJ) was wider in the male than in the female, and the peak was observed after 3 seconds in both sexes. The width of ECJ was wider in the case in which the medium was more quickly exhausted from esophagus.
    Contraction of esophageal wall first occurred at D in the thoracic esophagus, and the peristalsis developed to E and F. Then, the second peristalsis occurred in A and B.
    In general, 1 to 8 (2.9 on the average) folds were seen on the esophagograms. When the transverse diameter of esophagus became larger, the number of the esophageal folds increased proportionally. The width of the esophageal fold was from 0. 3 to 5. 0 mm with a mean of 1. 52 mm. It tended to be a little wider in the lower esophagus (D, E, F) than in the upper (A, B, C.)
  • 大場 恒明
    1967年 10 巻 43-57
    発行日: 1967/10/20
    公開日: 2017/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー