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4件中 1-4の結果を表示しています
  • ー川上・川下による取引チャネル・組織評価に注目してー
    山本 尚俊, 北野 慎一
    2023年 63 巻 3 号 145-152
    発行日: 2023/09/20
    公開日: 2023/09/20
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    This paper aims to investigate aspects required for the players’ business of wholesale markets in consumption areas, in also consideration of a fundamental reform on the Wholesale Market Law. We examined the followings: summarizing the main points of and the players’ action responded to, the policy change such as the law reform; clarifying a position and channel evaluation of wholesale market trading for users like shippers and retailers, based on the factor analysis with questionnaire surveys; considering a key point for players, especially wholesalers, to strengthen a value of their presence. It is clarified that users highly perceive wholesale markets as a superior channel to reduce their trading risk.

  • 椿 広計
    2015年 44 巻 1-2 号 17-30
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2016/01/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    本フォーラムは,ビジネスのアウトプットを 幾つかの入力変数で説明する入出力システムモデル,すなわち支配法則を 形成する際に必要な基本的視点を議論する.このために, 日本の財務多変量データ解析を事例として用いる.先ず, 労働生産性のような単純な比例関係に誤差が含まれる形で ビジネスの静的法則が記述されることを紹介する. 次に,その法則は適切な分類を通じて正当化されることに注意する. 更に,動的法則の記述のためには,入出力の適切な差分に対して構造を 計量するのが簡便な接近であることを示す.一方, これらの法則当てはめの残差分布は,見かけ上裾の重い分布に従う.しかし, それから外れたデータ群が原入力変数群で説明可能な場合があり, それによってハイパフォーマンスやローパフォーマンスのフロンティアを 形成するデータ群に対する要因解析がランクロジットモデルを 通じて可能となることを示す.最後に,単一方程式モデルを 連立方程式モデルに拡張することで, 利益など財務パフォーマンスに関わる指標の向上に資する ビジネスモデリングが可能となることを示す.
  • 米 康夫, 富山 哲夫
    1960年 26 巻 1 号 49-54
    発行日: 1960/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The yellowfin, Neothunnus albacora, which were caught on Indian Ocean in 1956 by a longliner, Bôchômaru, were subjected to 45- to 60-day storage in CTC-ice (about 3 to 5ppm.) aboard the boat after being dipped in or smeared with CTC-containing sea water. The freshness of fish in each group was estimated after landing by organoleptic grading and volatile bases nitrogen content of the flesh. The skin and flesh of sample fish were assayed microbiologically for CTC residue, and the flesh was also assayed for residual CTC after boiling. The results can be summarized as follows:
    1. The freshness of fish after landing was the best in a group which had been iced after being either dipped in CTC (10ppm.)-sea water for 1 to 4 hours or smeared with CTC (10 and 100ppm.) -sea water. The second quality was found in a CTC-iced group without any previous treatment (Table 1).
    2. When the fish one from each experimental group, was stored at 0 to 15°C after landing, the fish which was CTC-smeared and CTC-iced showed storage life of about 138% and CTC-iced fish without smearing showed that of 125% as compared with that of control fish.
    3. The price of the fish which were stored in CTC-ice with and without previous chilling after being killed on the deck was exceedingly high as compared to the price of the fish which were dead when hauled and that of the fish which were left standing for one hour on the deck after being killed (Table 3).
    4. The skin of fish which were smeared with CTC (100ppm.)-sea water and stored in CTC-ice for 60 days possessed 0.34mcg. CTC per g. The flesh, 1cm thick beneath the skin of the same fish, contained 0.28 to 0.59mcg. CTC per g.
    5. The residual CTC in belly fillets after 3-minute boiling was found 20 to 40% of raw tissue. Negative result was obtained (lower than 0.04mcg. per g.) after 5-minute boiling (Table 4).
  • 中村 義治, 田口 哲
    1994年 31 巻 2 号 111-119
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2018/01/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス