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クエリ検索: "永保寺"
55件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 長谷川 英男, 伊東 孝, 市古 太郎
    2000年 20 巻 359-366
    発行日: 2000/05/01
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    英語でCovered Bridgeといわれる屋根付き橋は、アメリカ、カナダでは今でも郊外部や農村部で現役の道路橋として使われている。中には鉄道橋として使われているのもある。ヨーロッパにもリアルト橋、ヴェッキオ橋 (ともにイタリア)、パルトニー橋 (イギリス) などの屋根付き橋が地域のシンボルや歴史的な構造物として親しまれている。日本では、古い社寺仏閣にある屋根付き橋が、宗教施設のひとつとして、大切に保存されている。
  • 小串 重治, 石井 正人, 朝波 史香, 井本 郁子, 末次 優花
    2017年 22 巻 2 号 61-67
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2019/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1965年 115 巻 44-51
    発行日: 1965/09/30
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Generally in the distribution of bays in the Japanese Buddhist architecture the central bay is made a little wider than others in order to increase stability of its exterior. There is especially a distinctive characteristic in the distribution of bays of most buildings in Zen style built in the period between the 14th and 16th centuries. Its ratio is three to two between the central bay and adjacent one. It is based on a characteristic system of eaves bracketings of Zen style. In this style, bracktings are placed not only on the column axes but also between them. Two units of bracketings are placed in the central bay and one in the adjacent one (Fig. 12). As a consequence if the intervals are regular, the ratio between the central and the adjacent bay comes to be three to two. In the case of the Relic Hall of Engakuji (probably built in 14th c.), however, which is the most typical example in Zen style, the ratio is not three to two but four to three, and the intervals between bracketings are not regular between the central bay and adjacent one. There are similar examples in the older Zen style. Consequently it is worthwhile to classify methods of the distribution of bays in Zen style and to examine the transition of each method through all the extant examples of Zen style. The following is the summary of this study. The plans and the dating of these examples are shown in my previous study.
  • 関口 欣也
    1965年 111 巻 37-48
    発行日: 1965/05/28
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    As I have described in the previous paper, the features of the Buddha halls of the main Zen monasteries in their golden age (14th c.) were their square plan (7 by 7 including pent-house-aisle), their composition as the Buddha hall complex and their inner composition which separated the chancel area from the space for worship. Compared with them, the existing Budd hahalls of Zen style built in from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century are small in scale. There remain thirty-seven Buddha halls, three founder's halls and two sutra halls now. I would like to try in this paper to classify them according to their numbers of bays and examine the characteristics of each type.
  • 児玉 治彦, 三谷 徹
    2007年 70 巻 5 号 501-506
    発行日: 2007/03/30
    公開日: 2009/03/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims at revealing the spatial characteristics of traditional Japanese stroll gardens, through the interpretation of the luminous environment created by the architecture of tree canopies. Preceding studies on the garden spatial design have been typically done by means of observing the formal layout in the plan. Although this approach is successful for European formal gardens and modern landscape design, it could not be persuasive to reveal the special characteristics of Japanese traditional gardens, especially those with the organic layout of planting. Taking notice of the luminous environment under the tree canopies as the significant factor of the spatial characteristics, this study tries to establish the method to express it in the graphical representation. As the result, the study recognizes two luminous environment factors: the canopy brightness and the sunlight patterns through leaves. Observing these two factors, the following points are revealed: 1) four patterns of the canopy brightness and three patterns of the sunlight patterns through leaves are observed, 2) three types of plan organization, background, composite, and complex type, are observed, 3) two factors show different plan organization independently even in one garden, then those combination creates diversity of luminous environment, 4) the sequence of luminous environment along the path also shows particular pattern, and continuity and diversity of luminous sequence are not necessarily in the contradict relationship.
  • 関口 欣也
    1968年 149 巻 73-84
    発行日: 1968/07/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1968年 153 巻 67-76,85
    発行日: 1968/11/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 夢窓国師と永保寺庭園の構成について (その1)
    澤田 天瑞
    1976年 40 巻 2 号 13-21
    発行日: 1976/11/15
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The End and Means of This Study
    The end of this study is to [theoretically] expound teh conception and expression of the gardening in the Eiho-ji temple on Mt. Kokei through the Muchumondo (Questions and Answers in the Absolute Dream) by Muso-kokushi.
    In the Muchu-mondo Muso-kokushi says that gardening is an expedient sermon that concretely shows the Buddha-mind, free from words and phrases or special transmission outside of the Buddha's. teachings; that none but those who through zazen realize the identity of self and others or find the all-creating source in the changes of the four seasons can appreciate the core of mountains, water, trees and springs [in the garden]; and that gardening leads a practitioner to the intuitive realization of his original Buddha-nature and the salvation of sentient beings...the ultimate end of Buddhism.
    The realm of enlightenment, the primary meaning of Zen, has ever been expounded intuitively and and directly. In this case, words and phrases are always connected with truth. They utter the words “freedom from words and phrases” for fe ar that excessive theoretical dispute should bring truth to nothing, just as ivy and vine mantle a big tree to its death. But the garden of a Zen monastery is a means by which we can give up the attachment to words and phrases and attain the ultimate reality.
    Muso-kokushi further says that a talk about the conception and expression of the gardening is against the original meaning of Zen. To expound theoretically, therefore, the conception and expression of it, we need a practical and intuitive realization. In this case, it is by a scientic strictness throngh historical materials that we can exactly certify subjective and intuitive realization [of truth]. Consequently, through visionary intuition and historical materials, I am going to expound [theoretically] the conception and expression of the gardening in the Eiho-ji temple on Mt. Kokei.
    Zen is, as mentioned above, beyound words and phrases. But, on the other hand, they have hitherto made, happy to say, the most earnest efforts to express their realm of enlightenment through the versified comments, Zen literature or Zen paintings. If we study the garden of a Zen monastery from this original viewpoint of Zen, we shall find that the allotment of land, the structure of stones, or plantations represent their true merits beyond words and phrases. This forms the most pertinent index to the process of this study.
    The Summary of the Garden of the Eiho-ji Temple
    The subject of this garden shows the long atrict practice after enlightenment...the fundamental thought of Rinzai-Zen based on the Rinzai-roku...by Muso-kokushi, founder of the Kokei-an; the conception of it shows the thorough realization of his true Self through zanen stemming from the Rozan-ki (A Guide of Lu-shan); the structure ex-presses the realm of the original enlightenment based on the Shodo-ka (The Song of Enlightenment) by Yoka-daishi. This is the garden of the Rinzai Zen monastery where we walk about trees and springs.
  • 川村 次郎
    1984年 7 巻 i-ii
    発行日: 1984/04/25
    公開日: 2016/12/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1966年 129 巻 43-54,56
    発行日: 1966/11/30
    公開日: 2017/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1966年 123 巻 55-65,75
    発行日: 1966/05/30
    公開日: 2017/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は平面に関する論文で扱った45棟の禅宗様仏堂のうち内部の不明な泉福寺開山堂前身と大恩寺念仏堂前身を除いた43棟について内部架構法と内部構成を検討する(付表-19)。各遺構の縦断面は紙面の関係で方3間もこし付仏堂を前回論文(論文報告集No.121)に付し, 本号には方3間仏堂・方1間もこし付仏堂・禅宗様内部架構をとり入れた和様3間堂を集録した。なお天井をはった方3間もこし付仏堂と方3間仏堂および園城寺一切経蔵は後論に分載する。
  • 林 魁一
    1903年 18 巻 204 号 244-245
    発行日: 1903/03/20
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 高山 青嶂
    1903年 18 巻 204 号 240-244
    発行日: 1903/03/20
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1966年 128 巻 46-57,60
    発行日: 1966/10/30
    公開日: 2017/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    1)中世禅宗様斗〓は中国南宋頃の正統的な斗〓形式をうけつぐものであるが, 中国のものと異り肘木長さを2種類に統一し, 斗も立面上大斗と巻斗の2種で構成するのが一般的である。したがって斗〓は巻斗配置法の各型を通じて立面的に斗が上下に整然とそろう。すなわち禅宗様斗〓は細部の精緻な整備感を重んずる日本的感覚によって中国斗〓を整理単純化したものとみてよい。2)禅宗様の斗〓形式は斗の配置法によりA・B・C・Dの4型に分類される。このうちA・B・Cの3型はいずれも14世紀から存在し, なかでも秤肘木上巻斗外面と長い肘木にのる巻斗内面が相接するととのったA型が中世の主流形式である。またA・B・C 3型よりも秤肘木の相対的長さを長くしたD型は室町末から現れ近世初期の禅宗様仏堂にかなり用いられるが, これは斗〓一具としての1体化した整備感よりも, 斗〓部材を大きくみせる傾向をしめすもので, 一つの和様的感覚をしめすものとみてよい。また斗〓の変化としては中国の仮昂に発したと考えられる折線状肘木の使われ方と形状の変化がある。すなわち14世紀には当初の擬似尾〓的役割を意匠的によく伝えて折線状肘木を壁面と直角方向に配するが, 16世紀には1つの装飾的モチーフとして壁面と平行な方向にも用いられ, 形状も当初の直線状のものから下端が凹曲線になるものや繰型をもつものへ装飾化していった。3)斗〓立面の特殊例には法用寺本堂内厨子斗〓と安国寺経蔵内輪蔵斗〓がある。法用寺本堂内厨子斗〓は東大寺鐘楼斗〓を先行例とする三つ斗と五つ斗を重ねた特殊で複雑な形式であるが, 上下の斗を整然とそろえ, かつ各巻斗間隔を一定にし, 軒中央では六枝掛と通ずる〓と巻斗の関係がみられるなどいちぢるしく和様的な処理がある。安国寺経蔵内輪蔵斗〓はこれと対照的にいちぢるしく中国直写的な性質をもち, 当時日本ではかなり多様な中国斗〓の各型がしられていたことをしめす。4)禅宗様斗〓の一般的傾向と中国斗〓を比較すると, 斗の種類の点で中国的性質を痕跡的に止めるものが関東に存在する。安国寺経蔵内輪蔵斗〓の中国直写的性質をあわせ考えると, 禅宗様斗〓は当時の中国斗〓の各形式のうち日本的感覚に適合したものを撰択的に輸入したのではなく, 禅宗様斗〓は中国斗〓を日本で日本的感覚により整理単純化しかつ洗練させていったものであろう。ただし, その洗練はかなり急速であったろう。5)斗〓断面は中国斗〓の性質をよく伝えているが, 尾〓の配し方に, 上下尾〓が平行で内外一木をなすものと, 上下尾〓が相互に有角をなし下尾〓が内外で縁が切れ急勾配でたち上り上尾〓を支える型とがある。中国では発生的に前者の方が古いが, 後者も中国で11世紀に成立している。したがって日本における両者の間には年代差はなく, 当時の中国における両形式の併存状態を反映したものと考えるのが妥当である。また関東禅宗様斗〓の尾〓は有角に定形化している。関西では一般的には上下尾〓が平行であるけれども, 有角のものもあり, 関東ほど定形化していない。このことは関西禅范の中心をなす京五山が創立時では13世紀初頭から14世紀末にわたり, 発願者も朝廷・公家・武家に分れ, このため各寺の建築的伝統が独立的であったのではないかと想像される。このように考えてみると, 関東禅宗様斗〓の定形化は単に地方色だけとしてみるべきでなく, そこに鎌倉五山の雄たる建長・円覚両寺の強大な建築的権威を推察せしめるものがあろう。
  • 夢窓国師と永保寺庭園の構成について (その2)
    澤田 天瑞
    1977年 40 巻 3 号 2-10
    発行日: 1977/02/20
    公開日: 2011/07/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    According to the annual table of Muso-kokushi, in showa 2 (AC 1313) he came to the Totomi province from the Jogo-ji temle, along with his six or seven follow-practitioners, such as Hongen Gen-o' Kokumon Funi, So-yo and so on, and finally reached Mt. Nagase whose solitary scenery attracted him a great deal. It is said that he built a hermitage here and called it Kokei (Ancient Valley) against the intention of his master Kennichi Koho to make him the chief monke of the Choraku-ji temple in the Kozuke province.
    But according to the history book of Toki city, unlike the above annual table, Musokokushi is the second chief monk of the Jorin-ji temple whose lay founder is Yorizane Toki, lord of the Toki district, and invited found is Sogen Mugaku, and the first monk founder is Kennichi Koho. Consequently, the Kokei-an is considered to have been built as an annex hermitage of the Jorin-ji temple and the six or seven fellow-practitioners of Mushokokushi came to help this kokushi with his managing the hermitage.
    Here Muso-kokushi applied himself to the “long strict practice after enlightement”, while Hongen Gen-o and Myogen Jusan were engaged in the temple affairs of the Jorin-ji temple. Especially the former, invited by Yorisaa Toki before the annual table of Muso-kokushi, accepted the bones of the predecessor Mitsusada Toki and performed a memorial service at the 33rd anniversary of his death. Furthermore, he built another annex hermitage named Fuso-an where the image of the founder Sogen Mugaku was located and his bones were dedicated. This memorial service was performed in Showa 1 (1312) and the next year but one the Kannon temple of the Kokeian was built.
    About the situation of defence of the then Toki clan, Sanrei Shigemori, a researcher of “the gardening when the Toki clan was in the mansion” and garden of the Eiho-ji temple, says: “with the Tki market as a center, they built the Fukazawa castle in the norh-western part and the Tsuruga castl in the northern, Mt. Kamado commanding the Ena district. In the front place of the south there was there was the Mashiko castle ; in the west there were the positions of strategic importance, Such as Otomi, Asano, Takada and Tajimi. “(Cf. Toivorikaneko, p. 118).” This shows that there was no record that the Toki clan had the mansion on Mt. Nagase.
    In the Buttoku-zenii-goroku by Hongen Gen-o there is a passage entitled “casual work on Mt. Kokei”: the surface of a mirror opehs newly and the water of a pond is clear...” This means that Muso-kokushi built a garden then in such a spiritual realm.
    The Summury of the Garden of the Eiho-ji Temple
    The subject of this garden srows the long strict practice after enlightenment...... the fundamental thought of Rinzai Zen based on the Rinzai-roku... by Muso-kokushi, founder of the Kokei-an ; the conception of it shows the thorough realization of true Self through zazen stemming from the Rozanki (A Guide of Lu-Shan); the structure expresses the realm of the original enlightenment based on the Shodo-ka (The Song of Enlightenment) by Yokadaishi. This is the garden of the Rinzai Zen monastery where we walk about trees and springs.
  • 関口 欣也
    1966年 119 巻 66-76,79
    発行日: 1966/01/30
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 関口 欣也
    1968年 150 巻 59-70,73
    発行日: 1968/08/30
    公開日: 2017/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    1.禅宗様頭貫鼻は中国の12世紀に現われ, 12世紀末から元にかけて一般にみられるものの系統をひき頭貫鼻が厚くない点で華北明初期の代表建築より古めかしい。ただし頭貫鼻の渦巻は元までの中国では特殊らしい。2.しかし室町初期を降らぬ時期に限り絵様のない例があり, 中国の一般情況を伝えた古い1系統であろう。3.繰形の性質には2つの異なる型がある。第1は繰形凸部がほぼ直線上に並ぶ型で古い系統らしい。第2は渦巻部分の繰形が出張る型で現存中世禅宗様遺構の大部分をしめる南北朝以後の主流である。4.鎌倉時代の渦巻は現存遺構に関する限り, 渦が小さく南北朝以後と異なる。また前項に記した第1の型と第2の型との交替にともない渦巻は大きくなり, 応永ころ大きな同心円状渦巻が現われる。5.15世紀以後の変化には地方差があるが, 繰形先端部の誇張的な傾向, 木鼻がのびる傾向, 繰形と渦巻の関係が流れる傾向, 渦巻が途中で止る傾向が現われる。6.頭貫鼻の絵様繰形には地域性がある。西日本は一般に木鼻が短く, 上巻が主流であり, 近畿にかなりある下巻型は関東と系統を異にし, 鎌倉時代の古い系統をひくらしい。関東・甲信は強い統一性があり, 両地域に挟まれた中部南西部は関東型と関西型が交錯する地域である。東北地方は会津・越後に関する限り, 関東の延長にのらず, 上巻が主流であり, 一般に地方色が濃い。
  • 城光寺 文章, 櫻井 敏雄
    2007年 72 巻 616 号 159-165
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2017/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Middle age, the Zen-style triple-brackets is generally used in Zen-style temple's architecture. In the Esoteric Buddhist Temple Architecture, the Zen-style triple-brackets is not found out in Main Hall, but it found out in Zushi Architecture in 14th century. The triple-brackets on Zushi Architecture seems to grow into the peculiar shape in modern age. Zen-style brackets have two different types in length of bracket arms. Pilling of bracket arms and tie bracket arms are shown the difference in the age.
  • 林 淑美
    1983年 32 巻 11 号 68-72
    発行日: 1983/11/10
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山川 志典, 伊藤 弘, 武 正憲
    2017年 80 巻 5 号 537-540
    発行日: 2017/03/31
    公開日: 2017/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー

    Today, several local governments in Japan are making attempts to create their own local systems for the conservation and utilization of culture and nature. This study defines these systems as “Systems for Local Heritage” and aims to describe the characteristics and appraise the results of these systems. The Systems for Local Heritage of eight different regions are examined, and common features and differences are identified. The results show that one identified common feature is the importance ascribed to the opinions of the local communities. Furthermore, a difference was detected in the support of conservation and utilization of culture and nature, depending on the department in charge. The Systems for Local Heritage in five regions were found to be based on landscape planning. Three of these regions were selected as case studies of the effects of these systems. The results show that three Systems for Local Heritages had implemented the discovery of local heritage. However, the implementation of conservation and utilization was deemed not sufficient. Among the three case studies, Tono city is noticeable for its high level of involvement of the local residents. System management supporting the continuous involvement of local residents are deemed as beneficial for local heritage.
