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クエリ検索: "浜田靖一"
45件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 第2報 肌着の変形について
    大野 静枝
    1967年 21 巻 6 号 383-392
    発行日: 1967/02/10
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The deformation of underwears is observed by some experiments. The method of finding out the deformation of underwears, discussed in part 1, proved to be effective enough. The experiments were carried out by four maidens twenty-one and twenty-three years old who tried sixteen underwears made of spun yarn and stretching nylon thread by their same motions of gymnastic exercises. The principal results of the experiments are:
    1. The qualitative analysis of the deformation of underwears, shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.
    2. The quantitative analysis of the partial deformation of underwears, geometrically shown in Fig. 5.
    3. The relations between the contraction of skin and that of unders by motions, shown in Fig. 6.
    4. The relations between the representative value of partial deformation of underwears and the increasing rate of surface area of underwears before and after wearing them (R), illustrated in Fig. 9.
  • 堀米 志郎, 中島 武文
    1991年 10 巻 2 号 123-134
    発行日: 1991/03/15
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are three basic types of forward handspring, followed by a forward somersaults that are performed on the floor, a forward handspring followed by a tucked forward somersault, a forward handspring followed by a piked forward somersault and a forward handspring followed by a stretched forward somersault. They are different forms of movements in the second position from forward handspring as first position. Each forward handspring, followed by forward somersaults are a composite movement consisting of a forward handspring and a forward somersault. The forward handspring, followed by a tucked forward somersaut develops into a forward handspring, followed by a piked forward somersault, and they develop into a forward handspring, followed by a stretched forward somersault: the basis for these basic movements.
    This study attempts to determine the technical points of difference in the three basic types of forward handspring, followed by a forward somersault and to determine an efficient take-off for the forward somersaults develops into a stretched forward somersault. Althought the first part is technically similar there are differences in the take-offs due to the differences in the second part. In the landing from the forward handspring for a forward somersault in the first part when the heels and toes touch the floor the forward somersault is performed by bending the body backwards, leaping from a backward falling posture into th preparation for the leap. From this posture the spring is performed by returning the backward bending upper body toward the position which completes the leap. The motion here resembles the rebound of a bow, with the legs hitting the floor.
    This enables the upward leap and subsequent forward rotation for the forward somersalt in second part. In a forward handspring follwed by a stretched forward somersault, the differences are mainly in the utilization of the efficiency of rotation after the take-off from the other two types. And, the differences are in the leap into the forward somersault in the second part and the movement of the upper body to assist the leap by using the legs.
  • 河本 洋子
    2018年 4 巻 1 号 3-4
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2021/12/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 必要とされる科学の眼
    西山 豊
    2016年 51 巻 9 号 32-37
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2024/02/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • −児童の授業評価ときつさに着目して−
    檜皮 貴子, 長谷川 聖修, 小島 瑞貴, 堀口 文, 新海 萌子, 松浦 稜
    2021年 15 巻 36-49
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    The object of this study is to check up how to teach children on the pair exercises / pyramid exercises in accordance with their actual state through formative evaluation of the teaching and by elucidating the tightness of the exercises felt by children. The subjects were 517 the 6th graders of elementary school and 16 of teachers who taught them. Surveys were carried out with different format of anonymous self-administered questionnaires separately for children and teachers. As a result, the teaching was highly evaluated with level 4 or higher in all the details and overall judgement in the formative evaluation, showing that the subject children in this study highly evaluated the teaching of this pair exercises / pyramid exercises. At the same time, it was shown that 65.3 % of the children felt the tightness of the pair exercises / pyramid exercises ; female children felt more tightness than male children. Twelve categories of factors which make the pair exercises / pyramid exercises tight were extracted: the major ones were, “Being foundation” of the pyramid, and “Body pain”. Significant differences between the sexes were found in “Pain of being ridden on”, “Hotness” and “Fear”. More female children answered this way than male children.
  • 柳川 英麿, 浜田 靖一
    1965年 10 巻 1 号 181-
    発行日: 1965/06/10
    公開日: 2016/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山崎 綾子, 板垣 了平
    1991年 42B 巻
    発行日: 1991/09/10
    公開日: 2017/08/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 中森 孜郎
    1969年 13 巻 5 号 18-
    発行日: 1969/07/31
    公開日: 2016/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 浜田 靖一
    1969年 13 巻 5 号 18-
    発行日: 1969/07/31
    公開日: 2016/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 河本 洋子, 中永 征太郞, 馬場 桂一郎, 亀岡 偉民, 藤原 寛, 嶋﨑 博嗣, 三宅 孝昭, 梅澤 雅和, 徐 相玉
    2020年 6 巻 1 号 5-12
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 松下 清子
    1996年 1996 巻 24 号 8-18
    発行日: 1996/07/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    To study the development of static behavior of disabled schoolchildren, 20 items of behavior were checked in 145 children from the two schools for the mentally retarded. The items are kneeling, cross-legged sitting, legs forward bending and touching the toes, opening toes, hands together on the back, etc.
    Each item of behavior was given 1 point if succeeded or 0 if failed. The items were 20 in total, so 20 points were given if all items were succeeded.
    The average score for senior high school students was significantly higher than for junior high school students, and that of elementary schoolchildren was the lowest. But there was no significant difference between male and female. The static behavior seems to be affected more seriously by disability than by sex difference.
    The static behavior of disabled schoolchildren developed sequentially from a kind of coordination to the intellectual one.
  • 梅澤 雅和, 三宅 孝昭, 徐 相玉, 丸山 克俊
    2019年 5 巻 1 号 23-30
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2020/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Our society, the Japanese Society of Health Education for Children, has been conducted international exchanges with discussions and practical workshops by teachers, professors, and young researchers since 1990s. In 2017, a special committee was established in the society in order to further enhance the international exchanges in the field of education. Herein, we look back on the results of our exchanges and describe our future prospects. We are developing human resources for further international collaboration of practical research on education for children’s health.
  • 千葉支部香取女子体連共同研究
    斉藤 道子
    1971年 1971 巻 70-II 号 23-30
    発行日: 1971年
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐野 孝, 國土 将平, 近藤 亮介, 上田 恵子, 川勝 佐希
    2020年 2020 巻 89 号 1-11
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purposes of this study were to identify typical motor patterns that indicate elementary school children's level of proficiency in squat-vault movement and to consider teaching points according to this level. The analysis subjects were 215 elementary school children (98 boys, 117 girls) from the 5-6th grade. A squat-vault was performed and the motion was recorded from the left and front sides. The motions were scored using evaluation criteria based on the consideration of motion causality. Latent class analysis was used to extract characteristic motions based on the response patterns to the criteria.

    The research conclusions were as follows:

    1. The squat-vault movements of elementary school children can be summarized as failed vaulting movements, arm-dependent vaulting movements, and strong take-off vaulting movements.

    2. Looking at the proficiency of the elementary school students in the squat-vault movements in detail, there were failed vaultings with strong take-off movements and stable vaulting movements.

    3. There was a tendency for more failed vaultings with strong take-off movements when the vaulting box was in a portrait orientation and for more arm-dependent vaulting movements in a landscape orientation.

  • -「後転」から「後転とび」へ-
    金谷 麻理子, 三木 伸吾, 朝岡 正雄
    2005年 18 巻 55-73
    発行日: 2005/12/16
    公開日: 2020/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     “Handstützüberschlag rückwärt am Boden” ist eine reizvolle Übung für die Kinder und oft als “Flick-Flack” genannt. Dabei aus leichter Hockstellung mit Rückverlagern des Körperschwerpunktes erfolgen Hüftstreckung, schenller Armzug und Absprung. In der Flugphase ist die Bogenspannung des Körpers ausgeprägt, und das Aufstützen der Hände geschieht unmittelbar nach dem Absprung. Bei allen vorhandenen Lehrweise des Flick-flacks am Boden wird im allgemeinen auf direkten Wege angegangen. Z.B ihre Flugphase unterstützten zwei Helfer in den Handstand, in dem sie am Gesäß und am Brustwirbelteil die Gesamtbewegung führen. Mit andern Worten ist die Hilfeleistung des Helfers unbedingt nötig, um erfolgreich diese Übung zu erlernen. Deshalb war es sehr schwer, daß diese Übung als Lernziel des Gerätturnens in der Schule gesetzt wurde.

     Der Zweck dieser Betrachtung besteht darin, daß das neue Lernprogramm des Handstützüberschlag rückwärts am Boden gestellt werden soll, so daß der Lernende unabhängig von Herfer, also von sich selbst sie ausführen kann.

     Darum wurden die neuen Lernschritte aufgrund dem methodischen Prinzip der graduellen Umformung der Lernsituation aufgebaut, in dem das Gerät “Physio-roll” anstatt des Helfers benützt wurde. Diese neue Lernschritte bestand aus sieben Stufe. Mit diesen neuen methodischen Übungsreihe für das Erlernen des Flick-flacks wurden der Sportunterricht an der Universität Tsukuba im Jahre 2004 gegeben.

     Daraus ergab sich, daß bei diesen neuen Lernschritte im Vergleich zu bisherigen Lehrweise vor allem mehr Studentinnen das Flick-flack erfolgreich erlernen konnten.

     Zum Schluß sei betont, daß von jetzt an die Veränderungen und Verbesserungen dieser Lernschritte erforderlich sind, in dem diese Lernschritte in den Unterrichtspraxen angewandt und daraus die Informationen über die Korrekturen dieser Lernschritte gesammelt werden.

  • *今泉 徹, 小川 祐樹, 諏訪 博彦, 太田 敏澄
    2009年 24 巻
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    We develop a recommendation system for news movies that can reflect social trends as well as personal Preferences. Many news movies are delivered every day due to the development of information and communications technology, and the audiences may be suffering from finding proper news movies among them. In order to support audiences, we develop a topicality measure for social trends, as well as that of personal preferences, and find them successful in recommendation.
  • 中村 剛
    1997年 10 巻 55-66
    発行日: 1997/10/01
    公開日: 2020/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー

     Die Bewegungstechnik von den Kreisflanken am Seitpferd im Kunstturnen wurde von Ukran M.L. oder Kaneko A. schon in den 70er Jahren ausführlich erwähnt. Danach wird die Technik, die in den 70er Jahren bestätigt wurde, allgemeiner in der ganzen Welt. Und jetzt demonstrieren fast alle Spitzenturner mit solcher Technik ihr Kreisflanken.

     Bei den Olympischen Spielen 1992 in Barcelona hat Pae Gil Su, der Meister im Wettkampf Ⅲ am Seitpferd, seine Kreisflanke mit anderer Technik als die bisherige geturnt. Dagegen hat Li Donghua, der Meister im Wettkampf Ⅲ am Seitpferd bei den Atlanta Olympischen Spielen 1996, seine Kreisflanke mit der typischen bisherigen Technik geturnt.

     Der Zweck dieser Untersuchung besteht darin, daß der Charakter der Pae´s Persönlichen Technik von den Kreisflanken ins klare gebracht werden soll.

     Darum wurden Pae´s Kreisflanke und Li´s von phönomenologisch-morphologischen Standpunkt aus vergleichend betrachtet.

     Daraus ergab sich folgend:

     Die bisherige Technik benötigt einen höheren Stutz im Schultergelenk, aber Pae hat fixiert seine Schulter im Unten. D.h. bei der bisherigen Technik spannt der Turner immer seine Schulterbänder in der Stützphase Aber Pae entspannt immer seine Schulterbänder in der Stützphase.

    Pae gebraucht seine persönliche Stützweise, um seine Kreisfkanke ausgiebig und Kraftsparend zu turnen.

  • ――1950年代から1960年代を中心に――
    鈴木 明哲
    2023年 40 巻 29-40
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/08/13
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
     This paper considers how the partner exercise has been retained in physical education practice and school sports festival from elementary school to senior high school in japan after deleted from the course of study. The partner exercise was deleted from the course of study were 1953 in elementary school, 1958 in junior high school and 1960 in senior high school. The Ministry of Education by the official daily gazette from 1958, in addition, strengthened the restriction of the course of study. The most important part of this argument is that the reason why the partner exercise has been retained in the physical education practice and the school sports festival under strengthened the restriction of the course of study.
     The results of the considerations are summarized follows:
     In the course of study in elementary school (1949), the partner exercise belonged to the part of the calisthenics composed of three children without the pyramid building. Since the partner exercise deleted from the course of study in elementary school (1953), a lot of teachers through the discussion in physical education magazine recognized that the partner exercise is the same as the calisthenics. Therefore, the partner exercise has been exist in physical education practice in order to training physical fitness and mind.
     In the course of study in junior high school and senior high school (1951), the partner exercise belonged to the part of the “Kohgi” (= apparatus gymnastics, pyramid building, stunts and tumbling). Since the “Kohgi” deleted from the course of study in junior high school (1958) and senior high school (1960), the partner exercise recognized the calisthenics as like elementary school has been retained in physical education practice.
     A further important point is the relationship between the physical education practice and the school sports festival over the partner exercise. The partner exercise has been placed in the program of the school sports festival before practiced in physical education. Performing the partner exercise in the school sports festival needed a lot of time to prepare it, because many teachers and audience sought high performance for students. As a result, the partner exercise was practiced in physical education course in all year in order to complete it in the school sports festival.
     Finally, the main reason why the partner exercise has been exist in the whole school after deleted from the course of study was that a lot of teachers gave it highly educational philosophy which the character building through the school life.
  • 金子 嘉徳, 長谷川 千里, 鞠子 佳香
    2010年 7 巻 31-38
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2010/12/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    The objective of this research is to devise an original school gymnastic to the university song and to examine its benefits. In 2006, we devised the ‘J-Women′s University gymnastic’ to fit the university song, which was an instrumental piano song without lyrics. Using 336 first-grade students as our subjects we conducted our investigation during warm-up exercises in class from May to July 2007, and during the final week we took the heart rate measurement (201 students) as well as conducted an anonymous survey (308 students). The results were as follows: a mild increase in heart rate from 83.5 (±12.0) bpm 30 sec after commencing exercise to 102.3 (±13.3) bpm 3 min after commencing exercise. With regard to ‘Matching the form of the gymnastic to the school song’, ‘Matching’ and ‘Partially matching’ together accounted for 97.4% of the results with no variation in the tendency for self-conscious learning. With regard to the ‘Desire to repeat the experiment’, there was a higher tendency among those who displayed a higher level of self-conscious learning. With regard to the ‘Practice of original school gymnastic outside class’, the most common results were ‘After getting up’, ‘To change my mood’ and ‘Organized gymnastic’. These results suggest that the J-Women′s University gymnastic may be highly beneficial.
  • ―食育での活用を意識したオリジナル体操の開発―
    金子 嘉徳, 鞠子 佳香, 長谷川 千里
    2009年 6 巻 10-18
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/08/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to devise original gymnastic exercise applicable to dietary education and to verify its effectiveness. This original gymnastic exercise, "Vegefru -exercise", is the gymnastic exercise choreographed to the music "Vegefru" which an NPO, Japan Produce Alliance for Better Health, has produced for the purpose of promoting consumption of fruits and vegetables, by using an Indian club developed earlier as sporting equipment to promote health. In order to verify its effectiveness, cardiotachometry and a questionnaire investigation was carried out in the last week of classes starting in April and ending in July in 2007 where "Vegefru-exercise" was adopted as warming-up exercise, by targeting at 299 of first-year students at J women's college. Also by targeting at two students of the same college, measurements of MET-levels were performed in order to show the exercise intensity. The results are as follows. The cardiac rate became from 113.2 bpm at one and a half minutes after the start of the exercise to 118.2 bpm at 3 minutes after the start of the exercise, where MET-levels increased from 7 to 8 METs after 3 minutes. These results suggest that the exercise intensity of the exercise is suitable for the of health Promotion. The results of the questionnaire investigation are as follows. The tendency was analyzed by comparing three groups of students divided according to their competence for the "Vegefru-exercise", "high competence group", "medium competence group", and "low competence group". To the questions on "impression after the exercise", "experience of various movements and large-scale movements", "hope for re-experience", 90% of them answered in the affirmative, by answering as "It was pleasant.", "I could experience it." ,and "I hope for it.". It was observed that among the groups the higher in competence the more evident this affirmative tendency was. To the question concerning dietary education, "Is the 'Vegefru-exercise' applicable to dietary education ?", which had been the objective to develop this exercise, 90% of the students answered in the affirmative. This answer suggests that this exercise is effective in application to dietary education.