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クエリ検索: "海岸平野"
2,088件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • *森脇 広, 永迫 俊郎, 奥野 充, 河合 渓, 中井 達郎, MCCORMAC Gerald, COWAN George, MAOATE Paul T.
    2011年 2011s 巻 P1623
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/05/24
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    の離水過程が明らかにしてきた(Moriwaki et al., 2006; 森脇ほか,2009).今回は,さらに追加したC-14年代資料や地形・堆積物の観察から,特に_丸1_
    の離水開始期:これまで,東岸においては詳しい年代測定がなされ,離水開始時期は約4,000 cal yr BPが得られている(Moriwaki et al., 2006).今回,これに加えて,北岸の数地点において,最も内陸の浜堤堆積物のサンゴ礫のC-14年代測定を行った.もっとも古い年代は,北東岸において得られた 6,900 cal BPである.この年代は,旧ラグーンの海成堆積物の頂面6,300 cal yr BPとほぼ類似した年代となっている.北西岸では4,300 cal yr BPが得られ,東岸での離水年代と一致する.全体としては,ほぼ4000-5000年前ごろに海岸低地は離水を開始したものと推定される.  完新世と更新世の
    は完新世の礁原上において,東岸から北岸にかけてより広く発達したことを示唆する.  東岸で砂堤列と堤間湿地が3列に分岐しているが,大部分は比較的広い1列の砂堤列と後背湿地が連続的に分布する.砂堤列は,標高の大きい北東岸では海抜6mに達する.他の海岸では海抜3-4mである.それらはサンゴ礫と砂から構成されている. 更新世の海岸地形は,最終間氷期の形成と考えられる離水した扇状地とサンゴ礁からなる.離水扇状地は山麓にほぼ連続的に分布する.完新世の扇状地より広く,連続性もよい.この海岸側にある更新世のサンゴ礁は露出が極めて限られる.現在は東岸と北岸の海岸と低地内に一部露出しているのみである.その高さは標高2mほどである.現在の海岸に露出する更新世サンゴ礁が内陸側では完新世の浜堤堆積物に覆われていくことや,完新世の砂堤堆積物が掘削された露頭観察によると,いくつかの場所では更新世のサンゴ石灰岩が現在の砂堤列堆積物の下に伏在していると考えられる.更新世の浜堤堆積物はみられない. 完新世の砂堤列地形は,一般には完新世のサンゴ礁の礁原上に形成されているとみられるが,更新世のサンゴ礁地形を核として形成されているところもある.完新世と更新世(最終間氷期)の
  • 長谷 弘太郎
    日本古生物学會報告・紀事 新編
    1965年 1965 巻 58 号 67-73
    発行日: 1965/06/30
    公開日: 2010/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    の沖積層から, 軟体動物を主とする合計27種の海棲化石を採集し.それらの産状と現生生態に関する調査に基いて.化石群集の性格と当時の堆積環境とを考察した.
  • 奥津 春生, 竹内 貞子
    1972年 78 巻 2 号 59-64_3
    発行日: 1972/02/15
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 若生 達夫
    1972年 24 巻 2 号 74-76
    発行日: 1972年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    By the C-14 method, a peat layer in the column of Loc. 2 is dated 15, 800±350 yrs. B. P. (GaK-3374). This is the first valid date about the Quaternary geology of Sendai Lowland and its vicinity.
    This report is written to publish the date and to discuss on some relating informations. The subsurface geology and geomorphology of the area will be discussed in detail by Mr. Hiroaki Hase.
  • 明石 和大, 山下 清次, 川村 教一
    2012年 27 巻 2 号 35-38
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2018/04/07
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 落合 敏郎, 川崎 宏直
    1962年 4 巻 1 号 2-4
    発行日: 1962/06/25
    公開日: 2012/12/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 廣木 義久
    1992年 36 巻 36 号 25-30
    発行日: 1992/05/15
    公開日: 2010/05/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Quaternary deposits in the Atsumi region comprise six depositional sequences. Each sequence contains furthermore two facies associations relating to the glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. One is formed in barrier-island system during transgression and the other is in strand-plain system during regression.
    The top of each sequence can be marked by the beach facies. The present altitude of the beach facies can be used as a marker of paleo-highstand sea-levels. Absolute crustal movement of the region has been inferred from the magnitude of the glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The region had been subsided at the mean rate of 0.28m/ky.r. till 330Ka, and it abruptly turned to uplift at the mean rate of 0.17m/ky.r.
    The level of each beach facies varies from place to place, probably reflecting differential crustal movements. Based on the difference in the elevation, wave length of the crustal bending is estimated to be 50 to 100km. Amplitude of the bending was less than 10m before 330Ka, while it was 50m after 330Ka.
  • *金子 紫延, 近藤 昭彦
    2005年 18 巻 5
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/07/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 北見沿岸の對置海岸線
    渡邊 光
    1939年 51 巻 4 号 175-180
    発行日: 1939/04/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 海岸段丘の構造の類型的研究, 第2報
    若生 達夫
    1970年 22 巻 2 号 62-66
    発行日: 1970年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Oma-zaki (cape) facing the Tsugaru Kaikyo (strait) is composed of Oma Surface (10-20 m a. s. l.) and Oma-shimote Surface (3-5 m) (Fig. 1).
    The C-14 measurement of coaly clay in the deposits underlying the former surface shows the age 21, 500±2, 500 yrs. B. P. (Gak-2591). The material, however, is the terrestrial deposits lying on the true marine deposits. On the thin marine deposits, muck, clay with limonite pipes as well as coaly clay lie (Fig. 3). The C-14 measurement of coaly clay in the deposits underlying the former surface shows the age 21, 500±2, 500 yrs. B. P. (Gak-2591). The material, however, is the terrestrial deposits lying on the true marine deposits. On the thin marine deposits, muck, clay with limonite pipes as well as coaly clay lie (Fig. 3).
    The author thinks that the cause on such a feature of terrace deposits is the persistence of swampy condition. Oma-shimote Surface is now at such a phase, although it is necessary to examine the significance of the scarplets and the gentle slopes between the swampy parts and the dry ones within the surface (Fig. 4) as well as the structure of the scarp between two Surfaces (Fig. 5).
    At any rate, terrace deposits underlying the upper surface is a typical example of compound structure consisting of marine and terrestrial sediments: the C-14 datum shows the age younger (the degree is unknown) than that of the emergence from sea.
  • 粒度分析法を用いて
    松本 秀明
    1977年 29 巻 4 号 229-237
    発行日: 1977年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Sendai Coastal Plain is located in the northeastern part of Honshu Island. The studied area in this paper is the southern part of this coastal plain and is about 30km long from north to south and 8km wide from east to west. Natural levees, beach ridges and other micro-landform units are commonly recognized in this area, but in place exist some landform units with slight elevation which can not be classified into either natural levee or beach ridge according to their similar topographic forms. The present author attempted to discriminate these uncertain landform units into natural levee or beach ridge from statistical parameters which depend on the shape of grain size frequency curves.
    For this purpose the author first of all clarified from the grain size distributions of sediment on typical natural levees and beach ridges, that standard deviation versus skewness and standard deviation versus mean grain size are effective in distinguishing the sediment of natural levee from that of beach ridge (Figs. 3, 4). The beach ridge sand and the natural levee sand are mainly separated by standard deviation, that is to say, beach ridge sand is more sorted than natural levee sand. And these sands are much more distinguishable by an analysis of the relation between standard deviation and other parameters of skewness and mean grain size.
    As the result of land classification, with consideration of sedimentary structures of alluvium and distribution of historical remains, the geomorphological development of this coastal plain was considered as follows (Figs. 8, 9).
    i) About 7, 500yrs. B. P. this area was under shallow maritime environment and the shore line was indented into the hilly area.
    ii) And by the beginning of the Yayoi period (about 2, 000yrs. B. P.), the 1st (innermost) beach ridge in this area was formed along the foot of hill-land, which resulted in shallowing of sea bottom by deposition of the terrestrial sediment, according to the reduced rate of sea level rise.
    iii) The 2nd beach ridge range appeared on the shallow off-shore bottom, before the middle Kohun period (about 1, 500yrs. B. P.), following to accmulation of terrestrial sediments on sea bottom. The marsh between 1st and 2nd beach ridges was gradually filled by fluvial sediment and peaty sediment, and the later period of this stage, the natural levee, to the north of Abukuma river, was formed on the marsh.
    iv) The 3rd beach ridge range was formed near the present shore line in the last stage. The marsh formed between 2nd and 3rd beach ridges was gradually accumulated and modified by natural levees while the Abukuma river changed its course due to repeated floodings and cut the 2nd beach ridge, then the natural levee, to the south of the river, was formed.
  • 海津 正倫, JANJIRAWUTTIKUL Naruekamon, 小野 映介, 川瀬 久美子, 大平 明夫, PRAMOJANEE Paiboon
    E-journal GEO
    2022年 17 巻 1 号 1-11
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー


    の砂州の形成と発達を,衛星画像,DEM,掘削調査,堆積物の年代測定結果などに基づいて明らかにした.砂州Iは長さ80 kmに及ぶ連続性の高い砂州で,砂州Iの背後にあたる砂州の西側には低湿地が広がり,泥炭層が形成されている.泥炭層基底付近の年代から砂州Iは7500年前頃形成されはじめたと考えられる.砂州Iの東側には砂州IIが発達し,最も新しい砂州IIIは現在の海岸線を縁取るように発達している.埋没砂州Yは

  • 海田 能宏
    1979年 17 巻 3 号 400-408
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2018/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―山形県の例―
    田島 康之, 籾山 政子
    1980年 17 巻 3 号 16
    発行日: 1980/11/01
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡山 俊雄
    1932年 8 巻 2 号 157-161
    発行日: 1932/02/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大塚 彌之助
    1932年 8 巻 2 号 81-95
    発行日: 1932/02/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In his previous papers, the writer has shown a peculiar contrast of the geoglogic structures of the lower Pliocene strata inn the Fossa Magna and in the outer zone of southwest Japan. And' he has concluded that. the structural lines of the.. lower Pliocene deposits do not conform with the general trend lines of the Honsyu arc or with the main structural lines of the outer zone of southwest Japan, but with the trend of the contour lines of the summit level in the outer zone of southwest Japan, and that the attitude of the lower Pliocene strata wasere made by the Pliocene crustal movements. From the above conclusions, . he has called in question that the crust deformation of the similar tendency as in the Pliocene crustal movements may have been continued during the later geologic period. In this paper he takes note of attitude of the. lower Pleistocene deposits and the inclinations of 4 coastal terraces arranged in step. on the southeastern coast of Kyûsyû. And he points out that the dips of strata and the inclinations of the terraces are the older, the steeper they incline towards E. or EES., and the crustal movements of the similar tendency have been continued or repeated in these districts since the early Pliocene age. And he inclines to conclude that the recent structural features of the lower Pliocene deposits in the outer zone of southwest Japan may represent the total result of the crust deformations accumulated slowly since the early Pliocene age.
  • 曹 華龍
    1978年 30 巻 3 号 152-160
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pohang coastal plain, located along the Yeongil Bay, southeast coast of Korea Peninsula (Fig. 1), has marine and fluvial terraces, beach ridges, natural levee and back marsh. The writer tried to clarify the geomorphic development of this area.
    Marine terraces along the coast of Yonghan-Ri are classified into three levels according to their altitude and continuity, namely surfaces I, II, and III in deceding order. These surfaces are originally abrasion benches cut into Tertiary bedrock, and covered with terrace veneers of gravel and sand bed of marine origin. Surface I is dissected by shallow channels and its surface soil is a little reddishly weathered. But surfaces II and III are scarcely dissected.
    Fluvial terraces along the Neng-Cheon River are classified into three levels according to their relative height above river bed and continuity, namely surfaces I, II and III in desending order. Surfaces II and III are submerged by alluvium near the coast.
    Two rows of beach ridges are recognized along the shore line. The outer one is continuous and relatively higher and the inner one is uncontinous.
    Three groups of the natural levees are recognized along the Hyungsan River. The first group is scattered at the north side of river. The second group is well continued at the south side of river. The third one has been formed by the present course of Hyungsan River.
    The writer measured radiocarbon dates of 7 samples from boring core and alluvium outcrops (Fig. 5), and analyzed grain side distribution of deposit from boring core No. 13 (Fig. 6). Based on the radiocarbon dates and grain size distribution, the writer drew the transition curve of sedimental environment in Pohang area (Fig. 7).
    On the consideration of land classification and transition curve of sedimental environment, experienced the geomorphic development this coastal plain as follows:
    1) The marine terrace surface I was formed at the high sea level during Last Interglacial. Surfaces II and III were formed at any stable period of lowering sea level to Würm or at the relatively high sea level in Würm Glacial.
    2) The fluvial terrace surface I was formed at the same period of marine surface III formatioon. Surfaces II and III were formed at Würm maximun or at any stable period of rising sea level of Post Glacial.
    3) Concerned with the Post Glacial word wide transgression, the sedimental environment in Pohang coastal plain changed as follow:
    There was a stabe period about 10, 000 y. B. P. in rising sea lfvel of Post Glacial transgression, when the old valley of Neng-Cheon River was submerged and deposited by lower gravel bed (MG) shown at 20m below sea level in boring column.
    The sea level about 6, 000 y. B. P. was fairly close to the present sea level, and since then it has been relatively stable with slight oscillation until the present, and natural levee and beach ridge have been formed during that time.
  • 長谷 浩明
    1965年 17 巻 3 号 158-163
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Based on about 170 boring data, the author found the following points.
    1) The base of the deposits underlying the coastal plain have valley forms under the Nanakita, the Umeda, the Hirose and the Natori Rivers. The depth of these valleys is -60m below the present sea level. The author assumes that these valleys were formed by fluvial erosion at the time of low sea level during the Würm ice age.
    2) There are three flat surfaces ranging -10m to -20m, -30m to -40m and -50m to -60m respectively, below the present sea level. The first surface can be correlated with the Sendai Shitamachi river terrace (IV Surface). All the three surfaces are cut by the -60m valleys and their tributaries.
    3) From such a form and the depositional features (Fig. 2), it is concluded that the gravel beds and other sediments were deposited after the maximum retreat of the Würm sea. This conclusion differs from the assumption of H. Okutsu (1964) who correlated the whole gravel beds underlying the coastal plain to the early Pleistocene Aobayama Formation which is distributed widely on the hilly part in Sendai.
    4) It is presumed that the swelling of the flat surfaces have a causal relationship with the Nagamachi-Rifu tectonic line and that the movement along the tectonic line was not so influential on the formation of valleys during the Würm regression.
  • 辻村 太郎
    1919年 31 巻 10 号 546-553
    発行日: 1919/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 古川 久雄
    1979年 17 巻 3 号 409-424
    発行日: 1979年
    公開日: 2018/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー