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クエリ検索: "熊本市立白川小学校"
1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • 桑畑 美沙子, 宮瀬 美津子
    2017年 60 巻 2 号 53-64
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/08/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dietary habits described in ten high school textbooks were analyzed from four perspectives based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The ten textbooks - Comprehensive Home Economics – are authorized by the Ministry of Education and are based on the Government Curriculum Guidelines compiled in 1999. The following points were noted: 1. When focus was placed on sections dealing with how to realize sustainable dietary habits, a total of 43 keywords were identified. These keywords were grouped into 4 major categories: 20 keywords regarding production and distribution, 9 for food preparation, 7 for waste disposal, and 7 for dietary habits in general. 2. The frequency of each keyword was examined through an ESD perspective, and the most frequently mentioned keywords fell into the 2nd Perspective: Individual Problem Solving. These were followed by the 1st Perspective keywords regarding Pointing out Challenges, and the 3rd Perspective keywords regarding Society-based Problem Solving. The 4th Perspective keywords regarding Self-initiated Participation were particularly few in comparison to the other perspectives, and should be seen as an issue in future research. 3. When the major categories were examined, the following ESD perspectives were found to predominate: 1st Perspective - Pointing out Challenges when dealing with production and distribution; 2nd Perspective - Individual Problem Solving in food preparation; 3rd Perspective - Society-based Problem Solving regarding waste disposal, and; 2nd Perspective (again) - Individual Problem Solving regarding dietary habits in general. 4. Although the Government Curriculum Guidelines did not specifically include a perspective regarding the “realization of a sustainable society”, it was found that all textbooks, regardless of frequency and/or amount of exposition devoted to the idea, did deal with “realizing sustainable dietary habits”.