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クエリ検索: "生田輝"
20件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 瀬川 二郎
    1952年 27 巻 6 号 309-313
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2011/05/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野坂 洋一郎, 横須賀 均, 大沢 得二, 伊藤 一三
    1978年 3 巻 2 号 172-178
    発行日: 1978/07/30
    公開日: 2018/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    29才男性の口腔診査時に,上顎第2小臼歯の頬面に2結節性の臼労結節を認めた。 上顎第1大臼歯にCarabem結節が, 下顎第1大臼歯には protoslylid が出現していた。 この過剰結節の出現は cingulum 由来と考えたい症例である。

  • 仁瓶 誠五
    1958年 51 巻 4 号 419-450
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2011/10/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 齋藤 隆行
    1997年 11 巻 5 号 19-25
    発行日: 1997/05/10
    公開日: 2011/09/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岩崎 太郎
    1950年 41 巻 3 号 62-71
    発行日: 1950年
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 近藤 哲理, 菊地 喜博, 小川 浩正, 岡田 泰昌, 小林 秀一, 五十嵐 毅
    1994年 32 巻 Supplement 号 164-165
    発行日: 1994/03/20
    公開日: 2010/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 戸塚 盛雄, 福田 容子, 小川 光一, 武田 泰典, 大西 正俊
    1986年 11 巻 1 号 37-41
    発行日: 1986/03/15
    公開日: 2017/11/18
    ジャーナル フリー

    26歳女性の左側下顎第3大日歯と第4大臼歯の融合の症例を経験した。 第3大臼歯と第4大臼歯を一塊として摘出, 組織学的所見でエナメル質, 象牙質およびセメント質の結合がみられ, 共通の歯髄腔を有していた。

  • 第2編 実験的細網症並びに細網肉腫の病理組織学的研究
    松山 研二
    1957年 7 巻 2 号 171-184
    発行日: 1957年
    公開日: 2009/10/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 多田 逸, 椿井 孝芳, 東 義景, 石川 雅一, 西嶋 寛, 西嶋 克巳
    1995年 44 巻 4 号 639-643
    発行日: 1995/10/10
    公開日: 2011/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    Most abnormal tubercles observed in the anterior portion generally occur in the lingual surface. Those tubercles, however, rarely appear in the labial surface.
    Here is a case of a 15-year-old male with an abnormal tubercle in the labial surface of maxillary lateral incisor tooth.
    His abnormal tubercle appearing at the left second lateral incisor tooth had a conic shape and it was 9.3 mm in length and 5.7 mm in width. As for the aspect of the proximal surface of the abnormal tubercle, the curvature of the labial surface was nearly constant from the cervical part to the top, which was about 2 mm from the labial surface of the tooth.
    X-ray radiography revealed that the basement of the abnormal tubercle was positioned around the cervical neck of the lateral second incisor tooth. Further, a broad zone with an increased density, which indicated a composition of enamel, was noted around the abnormal tubercle. Although the morphology of the root canal of this case was similar to that of a normal one for the radicular pulp cavity, the coronal cavity was unclear because of the presence of an abnormal tubercle.
    From these results, it was assumed that the occurrence of the abnormal tubercle might be caused by morphological alteration in the basel membrane, constructing a part of tooth germ which would form the border between the enamel and the dentin, in an early stage of the development of tooth germ.
  • 木林 瑛, 飯田 肇, 利部 輝雄
    1974年 13 巻 2 号 198-208
    発行日: 1974年
    公開日: 2010/10/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The following observations were made by imprint smear cytology of pelvic lymph nodes in patient with cervical cancer after lymphography and irra diation.
    1. Influences of lymphography
    a) As regards size distribution of retictlum cells, a bimodial distribution was observed. A tendency to enlargement of reticulum cells was also observed.
    b) Appearance of multinuclear histiocytes.
    2. Cytological changes due to Linac X-ray irra diation
    a) Nuclei of reticulum cells decreased in size after 2, 000 rad of Linac X-ray irradiation.
    b) Decrease in cell size was seen in multinu clear histiocytes.
    c) Enlargement and wide variation of the size of cells and nuclei were observed in plasma cells after 2, 000 rad of radiation (in those cases lymphography was performed and positive metastasis revealed).
    d) Many of metastatic squamous cell carcinoma cells showed the typical radiation changes.
  • 米田 尚生, 竹内 敏視, 長谷 行洋, 武田 明久, 兼松 稔, 栗山 学, 坂 義人, 西浦 常雄
    1985年 21 巻 7 号 1158-1165
    発行日: 1985/12/20
    公開日: 2017/01/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 2-year-old boy with rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate, extended to the urinary bladder, was represented. The patient presented with dysuria. He received combination chemotherapy of vincristine, actinomycin-D, cyclophosphamide and adriamycin, and Linac irradiation following by total retropubic prostatectomy with segmental resection of the bladder. There was no residual sarcomatous cell in the surgical specimen. However, he returned to hospital suffering from vomiting and lower abdominal mass 4 months after surgery. The relapsing decreased 95% in size by PVP therapy involving cis-platinum, vinblastine and pepleomycin. He is alive with small calcificated shadow on CT 4 months after the chemotherapy. Progresses on the treatment for this type of sarcoma were also discussed.
  • 日本腎臓学会誌
    1994年 36 巻 5 号 655-658
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2010/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大越 正秋, 生亀 芳雄, 栗原 克康, 近藤 昌敏
    1961年 52 巻 7 号 663-675
    発行日: 1961/07/20
    公開日: 2010/07/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宋 文霞
    2001年 21 巻 1 号 186-197
    発行日: 2001/03/31
    公開日: 2012/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    中国人 (山東省) の成人より採取した上顎歯列模型を用いて, 歯列弓の形態計測を行うとともにモアレトポグラフィー法を用いて口蓋の形態計測を行った.その結果, 歯列弓においては肉眼的観察において男女とも帯円方型が最も多いことが示された.計測においても日本人, フィリピン人の過去の報告に比して臼歯部の歯列長ならびに歯列幅が大きく, 山東省の集団は日本人, フィリピン人とは歯列弓の形態が異なることが示された.また, 歯列弓の大きさにおいても山東省の集団は日本人, フィリピン人に比して大きいことが示された.また, 男性は女性に比して歯列弓の長径, 幅径ともに大きいことが示され, 特に幅径においてその差が大きかった.口蓋の形態では, 男性は女性に比して口蓋が大きいことが示された.また, 幅高指数は女性で高く, 長幅指数は男性で高いことが示され, 女性の口蓋は男性に比して幅に対する高さが高いことが示された.さらに, 前頭断面における形態においては犬歯部, 第二小臼歯部では高さに男女差が認められなかったが, 第一小臼歯部においては女性の口蓋が男性に比して深く, 大臼歯部においては男性の口蓋が深いことが示され, 男性の口蓋は女性の口蓋に比して起伏に富んだ形態を呈していることが示された.
  • 関口 幸治
    1990年 34 巻 5 号 1015-1025
    発行日: 1990/10/01
    公開日: 2010/08/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the shape of palate and the viscosity of intervening liquid (saliva) on the denture base retention.
    16 healthy subject, 14 males and 2 females (23 to 28), was selected for this study. The shape of palate were divided into three types, using 3-dimension measure analyzer.
    Additional subjects who have palatine torus took part in this study. Palatal base for experiment was fabricated on the working cast. The retention of the palatal base was measured by retention measure device. The viscosity of the intervening liquid was also take.
    The results were as follows:
    1. There was a positive relationship between the viscosity of glycerine liquid and the retention of palatal base.
    2. There was a positive relationship between the viscosity of mixed saliva and the retention of palatal base.
    3. In case of the deep shape of palate, the retention per unit showed small value.
    4. If the viscosity of the intervening liquid were same, the retention per unit showed constant value.
    5. In case of the palatine torus, the retention showed small value.
  • 小原 幸信
    1968年 17 巻 3 号 153-163,233
    発行日: 1968/03/28
    公開日: 2017/02/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The morphological changes of single cells on a cover slide previously inserted into subcutaneous tissue of rabbits or guinea pigs pretreated with tubercle bacilli or other antigens were observed under a supravital condition by adding antigens from tubercle bacilli or corresponding antigens. Old tuberculin or tuberculo-protein provoked "cellular shocking" on cells from tuberculo-sensitized animals, but not from non-sensitized. The "shocking" represented cellular constriction forming cilliary projections at first and many blisters lately on the surface of the cells. The time course of the shocking was about 6 to 8 hours and this corresponded to the delayed type of allergic reaction. Protein antigens such as egg albumin or allogenic sera caused minimal morphological changes because of the acute death after anaphylactic reactions of the sensitized cells. Reactions on cells after immersing in their antisera from allogenic animals were intensive enough to occur prompt plasmolysis and cell explosion. These morphological changes on a single cell corresponded to the immediate type of allergic reaction.
  • 柴垣 博一, 若月 英三
    2000年 20 巻 4 号 449-465
    発行日: 2000/12/30
    公開日: 2012/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    モンゴロイド集団というのは, 大きく分けて2つのグループに分けられるという.1つはSinodont (中国型歯形質) とよばれるもの, もう1つはSundadont (スンダ型歯形質) である.日本では, このSundadontをもつ縄文人が1万年ほど前に渡来した.しかし, その後, 約2000年前にSinodontをもつ弥生人が朝鮮半島経由で渡来し, 混血して現在のようなSinodontが優性な日本人が形成されたといわれている.そこで著者らは, モンゴロイドの基盤となる集団と近縁であると考えられるSundadontに属する南方系のフィリピン人とSinodontに属する日本人と日本人の起源と関係の深い北方系の中国人の各々の上顎口腔内石膏模型を作製した.これらの上顎口腔内石膏模型をレーザー計測装置SURFLACER VMS-150R-D (UNISN社) を用いて三次元的に計測し, パソコン上で画像解析ソフトSURFACER (米国IMAGEWARE, INC) で, 歯列弓の大きさと口蓋の深さ (前頭断面, 矢状断面) について解析し, これらを統計学的に検討した.その結果, 日本人が中国人に近い項目は歯列弓の大きさの項目が多く, 日本人がフィリピン人に近い項目は口蓋の前頭断面の中央部と口蓋の矢状断面の後方部で, 日本人が両者の中間の項目は第二大臼歯の歯列弓幅で, 日本人が大きい項目は, 前歯列弓長, 犬歯弦であった.以上を要約すると, 現在の日本人の歯列弓の大きさと口蓋の深さは北方系の中国人と南方系のフィリピン人の要素が複雑に混血しているが, 歯列弓の大きさは中国人に近く, 北方系弥生人の要素が強く, 口蓋の深さ (前頭断面の中央部, 矢状断面の後方部) はフィリピン人に近く, 南方系縄文人の要素が強い.さらに, 日本人の口元は出っ張り気味で北方系弥生人の要素が強いことが示唆された.
  • 嘉村 壽人
    1989年 43 巻 1 号 263-282
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2017/12/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is difficult to identify the race between Japanese and Taiwanese because Taiwanese are thought to be one of the origins of Japanese. The purpose of this study was to investigate the racial differences of the facial morphology between Japanese and Taiwanese females. Material consisted of 104 standardized Moire photographs. Fifty-three were of Japanese females and 51 of Taiwanese females. The width and the height of each facial part were measured. Forty-four measurements obtained from each standardized Moire photograph were used to evaluate the interracial differences by multivariate analyses. The results were as follows : 1) R-mode cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to the data to make clear the correlations between 44 variables. Ten clusters were constructed at the level of seventy-five similarities in R-mode cluster analysis and eight factors were obtained in principal component analysis. 2) The data were subjected to a stepwise discriminant function analysis using the original 44 variables. Six variables (X5, X6, Z1, Y3, Y28, Z7) were selected as the best discriminators. The incidence of correctly classified cases was 95.19%. 3) The selected variables showed significant differences at the level of 0.1% in Student's t-test. X5, X6 and Z1 in Taiwanese females were larger than ones in Japanese females. On the other hand Y3, Y28 and Z7 in Japanese females were larger than ones in Taiwanese females. 4) Fourier coefficients were caluculated from each cross section at the level of the buccal, nose, and lower lip and the sagittal section at the midline. The comparison of the mean patterns between Japanese and Taiwanese females supported the results of the linear measurements.
  • 顎顔面頭蓋形態との関連において
    阪 勉
    1988年 34 巻 3 号 451-469
    発行日: 1988/03/20
    公開日: 2011/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the morphological variation of the palate, particularly the etiology of high vault formation with reference to the maxillo-facial-cranial pattern and dental arch. The materials for the study are dental cast models from 204 subjects, 103 males, and 101 females, each with individual normal occlusion. Frontal and lateral cephalograms of each subject were also included.
    Method: From each dental model, the palatal height (PH 3-PH 4), palatal width, palatal length were measured between 31-13 and 7-7. The palatal volume was measured by moire topography method to calculate the mean palatal height (MPH). In order to simulate the maxillary dental arch with a quadratic function, each point of measurement of 14 teeth was put into coordinates by using a digitizer. The determinant coefficients for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola (R2) were then obtained. Optimum curve was selected by using maximum R values. On the frontal and lateral cephalograms, on the other hand, the maxillo-facial-cranial pattern were analyzed on 59 items by the Down, Northwestern and Coben method.
    Results:(1) From the analysis of the relationship between PH 3-PH 7 and values of measurement from the cephalogram, an environmental factor was found to predominate on the anterior part of the palatal height, whereas a hereditary factor was apparently dominant on the posterior part.(2) The maximum R value was obtained for ellipse in 169 subjects (82. 8%), parabola in 35 subjects (17. 2%) and hyperbola in O, indicating the highest adaptability to ellipse.(3) After the palate height was classified, using±S. D. of MPH as the criteria for grouping, the HV group occupied 27 of 204 subjects (13. 2%).(4) The correlation coefficient between MPH and RLS, r=0. 486 and the relationship between the HV group and those with a constricted dental arch was objectively demonstrated.(5) The characteristics of the profile of HV group were shown to consist of high N-Me, and Ans-Me.(6) Based on the result of factor analysis of the maxillo-facial-cranial pattern, 10 factors were found to have a cumulative rate of participation of 96. 2%. Factor I was the mandibular protrusion and rotation factor including RLS, Factor II was identified as the mandibular clockwise rotation factor accompanied by a horizontal jaw and facial growth inhibition factor antagonizing Factor I. Factor III was superior facial height related to the discrepancy between the upper and lower jaw. Factor IV was relative protrusion factor. Factors II, III and IV extraeted the chararteristics of adenoid profile, representing the main cause of mouth-breathing.
  • 浦野 和雄
    1985年 39 巻 2 号 257-280
    発行日: 1985/04/25
    公開日: 2017/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    To assess the form of the upper anterior teeth of normal dental arch and crowded dental arch, a three-dimensional study on the frontal view of the gnathostatic model was made by Moire topography. Standard Moire photographs of the upper anterior teeth in 137 students' (adults) gnathostatic models were taken, and the three-dimensional coordinate values of 6 points in each tooth were measured. Of the subjects, 31 students whose over-bite and over-jet relationships appeared to be normal and the crowding scores less than 3 were regarded as the normal group and morphological investigations were made in that group. Using all the subjects, correlations among the three-dimensional coordinate values, the crowding score, and the dento-alveolar discrepancy in the anterior teeth were examined. The subjects were classified into 3 groups according to the crowding score, group A (32 students, crowding score : less than 3), group B (61 students, crowding score : 4∿7), and group C (44 students, crowding score : more than 8), and a comparision was made by the three-dimensional coordinate values of each point. The following results were obtained. 1. In the lateral inclination of the labial surface of the crown in the normal group, the central and lateral incisors showed a slight mesial inclination to the perpendicular position and the canine showed a steep mesial inclination of 80 degree, while in the anteroposterior inclination of the labial surface of the crown, they showed a slight posterior inclination (central incisor : 87.5°, lateral incisor : 87°, and canine : 85°). 2. The position of incisal edge and the anteroposterior inclination of the labial surface of the crown of the lateral incisor and canine were highly correlated with those of the central incisor in normal group. 3. Central incisor and canine tended to locate anteriorly in a crowded dental arch, and lateral incisor tended to locate posteriorly in the group C : however, its degree was slight from the point of the apical base. 4. The deepest point of gingival margine of central incisor and canine tended to locate upward as the degree of crowding increased and this tendency was significant in group C. 5. No correlation was found between inter-canine width and the degree of crowding. However, a significant correlation was found between inter-canine width and the combined width of six anterior teeth in normal group. 6. When viewed in the anteroposterior inclination of the teeth from the superiorinferior position of the most protruded point of the crown, a great difference between groups A and B was found in the central incisor and a steep labial inclination was found in the group B. In the lateral incisor, there was a great difference between groups B and C and a steep lingual inclination was found in the group C. 7. The coordinate value of the Z of each measuring point was highly correlated with U-1 to FH on the standard cephalogram, showing a higher coefficient of correlation than with the index for the degree of crowding.