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クエリ検索: "甲府市遊亀公園"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • サイエンスウィンドウ編集部
    2012年 5 巻 6 号 1-36
    発行日: 2012/02/01
    公開日: 2019/03/07
    解説誌・一般情報誌 オープンアクセス


    【特集】 震災1年 出会いと再生へ

    p.06 日本社会は科学技術とどう向き合うか

    p.08 科学の不確かさとリスクの考え方

    p.10 “ 伝える” から“ つなげる” へ

    p.12 あらためて「科学」って?「コミュニケーション」って? 何だろう

    p.13 被災地に見えた輝き「 教育の本質」ではないの?

    p.14 地震・津波の防災教育から何を学ぶ?

    p.15 今こそ科学で笑わせたい!

    p.16 これからの科学コミュニケーション


    p.25 子どもの俳句、連句でつなげる被災地と世界


    p.02 似姿違質:ウミガラス VS アデリーペンギン

    p.18 人と大地:ブータン/ジョモラリ地方

    p.20 いにしえの心:春一番

    p.21 タイムワープ夢飛翔:火星探査/生命の仲間を求めて

    p.22 動物たちのないしょの話:ブラジルバク(


    p.24 ふるさと食の楽校:豆しとぎ(青森県十和田市)

    p.26 震災検証:放射性物質の影響は――海産生物は安全か

    p.28 かがくを伝える舞台裏:【童心社】編集部を訪ねて

    p.29 サイエンスのお仕事図鑑:古い洋服をエネルギーに変えるベンチャー起業家

    p.30 イチから伝授実験法:石を割ると葉の化石が出てくる!

    p.32 発見!暮らしのなかの科学:科学的な省エネで節電暖房術

    p.34 せんせいクラブ

    p.36 人と大地:解説

  • 福守 朗, 絹田 俊和
    2000年 16 巻 1 号 37-43
    発行日: 2000年
    公開日: 2009/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 篠田 謙一, 鵜殿 俊史, 吉原 耕一郎, 嶋田 誠, 竹中 修
    2003年 19 巻 2 号 145-155
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2005/03/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    One of the primary objectives in the captive management of chimpanzees is to preserve to the greatest extent possible the genetic diversity that still exists in wild gene pools. Furthermore, it is desirable to prevent the occurrence of intersubspecific hybrids. It is possible to sort chimpanzees into their three subspecies (Pan troglodytes verus, P. t. troglodytes, P. t. schweinfurthii) by investigating mitochondrial DNA sequences. Thus, in order to obtain the basic data necessary to establish a future-breeding protocol, we have decided to evaluate the subspecies of all captive chimpanzees living in Japan. At present, a total of 373 animals including 193 known captive-born, 152 known wild-born, and 28 known captive-born from foreign countries have been raised in Japan. Data on the location of capture of most of these apes is unknown. The 249 chimpanzee samples used in the present study were obtained from 43 zoos in Japan. DNA samples from 180 chimpanzees were extracted from follicle-shed hairs: 67 were from blood samples and 2 were from tissues. We used PCR amplification and direct sequencing of the mitochondrial D-loop region. We compared these sequences with chimpanzees of known geographic origin. Finally, the subspecies of 332 chimpanzees that belonged to 217 maternal lineages were identified. The findings clarified that 230 individuals (61.7%) were P. t. verus. Additionally, four chimpanzees were P. t. troglodytes and 15 were P. t. schweinfurthii. The present findings have also confirmed the existence of another previously unrecognized subspecies of chimpanzee in Nigeria (Pan troglodytes vellerosus). Four of the captive chimpanzees we examined are referable to this subspecies. Examination of the registration book of pedigree and DNA data indicated that 56 chimpanzees born in Japan were actually hybrids of these three subspecies. Molecular data must be carefully examined and reconciled in order to establish a viable breeding plan for chimpanzees in Japan.
  • 落合 知美, 綿貫 宏史朗, 鵜殿 俊史, 森村 成樹, 平田 聡, 友永 雅己, 伊谷 原一, 松沢 哲郎
    2015年 31 巻 1 号 19-29
    発行日: 2015/06/20
    公開日: 2015/08/07
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2015/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Great Ape Information Network has collated and archived information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since 2002. As of July 1st, 2014, a total of 323 chimpanzees were housed within 52 facilities across Japan, all registered in the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA) studbook. JAZA has recorded information on captive chimpanzees within Japan since the 1980s. However, for individuals unregistered and/or deceased prior to this period, JAZA holds scant information. There are very few surviving reports on living conditions and husbandry of such individuals, particularly for the years preceding the Second World War (WWII) (up to 1945). Here we present the first detailed history of captive chimpanzees in Japan before WWII, following a systematic investigation of disparate records. The first record of any live chimpanzee within Japan was a chimpanzee accompanying an Italian travelling circus in 1921. The history of resident captive chimpanzees in Japan began in 1927 when a chimpanzee, imported into Japan by a visitor, was exhibited in Osaka zoo. In the 1930s, many chimpanzee infants were imported to Japanese zoos until in 1941 imports were halted because of WWII. By the end of WWII, there was only one single chimpanzee still alive within Japan, “Bamboo”, housed in Nagoya. In 1951, importation of wild chimpanzees into Japan resumed. In total, we identified 28 individuals housed within Japan before 1945, none listed previously in the JAZA studbook. Of these 28 individuals: 6 entered Japan as pets and/or circus animals, 21 were imported to zoos, and one was stillborn in zoo. Of the 21 zoo-housed individuals, 7 died within one year and 9 of the remaining 14 were dead within 5 years of arriving in Japan. Four individuals are recorded to have lived 7-8 years. Only one male individual, the aforementioned “Bamboo”, lived notably longer, to about 14 years.
  • サイエンスウィンドウ編集部
    2016年 9 巻 4 号 1-40
    発行日: 2016/01/01
    公開日: 2018/07/20
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー




    【特集】 ロボットとのこれから

    p.06 さまざまな場で活躍するロボットたち

    p.08 世界が注目する医療福祉ロボット「パロ」(柴田崇徳 産業技術総合研究所)

    p.10 人に代わって役立つ ドローンが危険区域を調査

    p.12 ロボットの知能はいつか人を超える?(松尾豊 東京大学大学院)

    p.14  「人間との境界」に敏感な欧米社会(清水健 科学ジャーナリスト)

    p.16 外れても未来を皆で考え尽くす授業(長神風二 東北大学)

    p.18 未来を生きる若者たちへ 父・手塚治虫からの伝言 手塚るみ子さんインタビュー


    p.24 「何回失敗してもくじけない」 感染症の予防薬を開発した大村智さん

    p.26 神岡流物理の先頭に立つ 「自然派」支えるリーダー・梶田隆章さん


    p.02 共に生きる:ゴエモンコシオリエビと硫黄酸化細菌、メタン酸化細菌

    p.22 空からジオ:桜島・錦江湾ジオパーク/鹿児島県

    p.28 タイムワープ夢飛翔:未来予測/先を行く科学、遅れる社会

    p.29 違いのわかるカタカナ語:サイエンスとテクノロジー

    p.30 動物たちのないしょの話:テンジクネズミ(狭山市立智光山公園こども動物園)

    p.32 自然観察法のイロハのイ:雪の重さを量ろう

    p.34 文学と味わう科学写真:有機の青いひかり

    p.36 発見!くらしの中の科学:着ているだけで熱を生み出す服ってどんな仕組みなの?

    p.38 読者の広場:サイエンスウィンドウカフェ

    p.40 空からジオ:解説
