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クエリ検索: "石山永一郎"
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 天皇の「慰霊の旅」とマニラ市街戦の想起を事例として
    佐藤 信吾
    2022年 100 巻 181-199
    発行日: 2022/01/31
    公開日: 2022/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー

    This paper clarifies the interaction between journalism and social authorities through commemoration to construct the war memory, focusing on the “memorial visit” conducted by Heisei Tennō and the social remembrance of the Battle of Manila. Heisei Tennō visited the Philippines in January 2016 as a final overseas destination in his lifelong journey to console the spirits of war victims.

    In conventional journalism theory, social authorities are perceived as powers enforcing the dominant memory frameworks through commemoration, while “forgotten” memories are invisible. Journalism stands on the same side as social authority and either reinforces these frameworks or opposes the authority’s stance and criticizes them.

    During the “memorial visit,” however, Heisei Tennō attempted to unearth the “forgotten” memory (the Battle of Manila), and his trip triggered a debate about Asian-Pacific war memory in Japanese society. Journalists also noticed the importance of this memory and reported it on a much larger extent than before. This situation shows that social authorities and journalism can interact with each other, and these interactions can excavate “forgotten” memories.

    In this paper, I analyze articles from the Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, and Manila Shimbun (local newspaper in Manila), and clarify the structure in which Japanese journalism became aware of the memory of the Battle of Manila through reports on the “memorial visit.” It becomes clear that the three Japanese newspapers had hardly reported on the Battle of Manila before the “memorial visit.” Moreover, the number of reports increased dramatically during the journey. In addition, I discuss the difficulty of the continuous recall of memories led by a one-time event (“memorial visit”) from the viewpoint of journalism routine theory (news value theory and August journalism in Japan).

  • 経済の国際化と民族集団に着目して
    成家 克徳
    1991年 41 巻 4 号 392-405
    発行日: 1991/03/31
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    本論文の課題は、現代の国際労働力移動を理解するための基礎的な概念枠組みを設定することにある。第二次世界大戦後、アジア、ラテンアメリカ等の第三世界から多数のヒトが先進国、産油国へ移民労働者として出国している。従来の枠組み (プッシュ=プル理論) では、第三世界と先進国との間にある格差 (賃金、就業機会等) が過大評価されてきた。この理論を批判し、(1)世界経済の無国境化 (borderless economy) という “構造” 転換モデル、 (2) トランスナショナル・アクターとしての民族集団 (ethnic groups) という “主体” モデルを提示する。前者において、先進国の直接投資は、第三世界の輸出向け工業化 (あるいは農業化) を促進したが、同時に潜在的な移民候補者をも生み出したと述べる。また国際労働力移動は世界的規模での労働市場の一体化であると指摘する。後者においては、前者のモデルの問題点 (i・eシステム決定論) を指摘し、相互補完的観点を導入する。とりわけ第三世界側のダイナミズムを強調する。それに加えて (1) と (2) の観点を総合し、国境横断的な民族の発展という視点をうちだす。
  • 名古屋市栄ウォーク街を事例に
    阿部 亮吾
    2003年 55 巻 4 号 307-329
    発行日: 2003/08/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper argues the issue of female migrant workers who have been remarkable under the globalization, particularly paying attention to the condition of Filipino women, because the Republic of Philippines has been systematizing and promoting the exportation of manpower, and sending many Filipino female domestic workers to developed areas in Asia, the Middle East, and other western countries. However, Japan excludes domestic workers selectively through its strict immigration policy. As result, a great number of Filipino females who come to Japan are only entertainers like dancers and singers. In this context, Japan is unique compared with other countries. Most entertainers work at Philippine Pubs in different cities all over Japan. Therefore, the unique urban nightscapes of Philippine Pubs are built in local urban spaces.
    I explored the politics of space of Philippine Pubs, which is an important component of local urban space, and the politics of positioning Filipino female entertainers who work there, through a case study of Sakae Walk Street where many Philippine Pubs are located in Nagoya City.
    First, my study showed that the present location of Philippine Pubs in Sakae Walk Street used to be an entertainment area (Snack town) in the outskirt of downtown Sakae District. With the decline of this area, Philippine Pubs, where cheaper and younger entertainers are a main character, started to mushroom and eventually replaced the old entertainment town.
    Second, my study revealed that two agents concerning the formation of this space of Philippine Pubs in Sakae Walk Street have respectively constructed each representations of 'ethnicity' of the entertainers. Employers and talent agencies have constructed this 'ethnicity' showing imaginative geographies of exotic, sexual and southern countries, through the formation of space, particularly aspects of landscape-appearance, standing signboards, advertising boards-. Immigration/police have doubly constructed 'ethnicity' as 'victims' or 'wrongdoers' through the formation of space of control against this space of Philippine Pubs by executing the surveillance and exposure activities around Ikeda Park. Local inhabitants in Sakae Walk Street also support these activities.
    In conclusion, I hope to suggest that the politics of the formation of local space of Philippine Pubs, being mutually compositional with the politics of the social construction of representations about 'ethnicity', is one of the processes of othering entertainer. And also, the spaces, which two above-mentioned agents have formed, are mutually negotiative rather than parallel. This makes the politics of the formation of this space of Philippine Pubs and also the process of othering entertainers multidimensional.