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230件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • *松平 和也
    情報システム学会 全国大会論文集
    2013年 9 巻 E2-1
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2020/05/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    会社の行動を善悪,賢愚の 2軸で評価して自社の現状を知ることは有効 である。 しかし成熟社会における会社のあり方には,さらに徳性の高い品格を持つことが求められる。 そこで, この第3軸品格の高低を加えて,これを会社の格 即ち
    と言う総合的言葉で表現し,経営者が自社を自己評価することを勧める 。 会社の品格が高いか低いか,善悪の判断が深いか浅いか,さらに賢愚の知識幅が広いか狭いかを論じて 3次元的に会社の評価を行うことで,経営者が 総体としての自社の
    を知り,徳の高い企業行動を持続するように経営管理するのである 。
  • *松平 和也
    情報システム学会 全国大会論文集
    2014年 10 巻 D22
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2020/01/13
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    巨大企業で,黒字の企業は高額の税金を支払っているというのが常識である.もし,支払っていなければそれは税 金を脱税しているか,納税を回避しているのであろう.日本においては,租税は,戦国時代の苛斂誅求な率はとも あれ,徳川時 代になると,四公六民という相場になった.即ち,農民は田畑の上がりの 6 割は自分のものになった のである.現代においては,法人の税率は 35.64 %になっており,徳川時代の租税より低い.この税率は 2015 年 以降,さらに引き下げられる予定である.ところが,この低いと想定される法人税を支払っていない巨大企業があ る.巨大企業の実効税率を参照し,低い税率であるとされた企業の
    を判定してみた.結果,実効税負担率 25% 以下の企業の
    は低位置にあることが判明した.その殆どの企業が租税回避行動をとっているのである.日本国 の法 人として,国家への貢献の重要な部分である税金を払わない企業はやはり
    が低いと断じざるを得ない.企 業の経営者は,株主への利益貢献だけでなく,国家への納税貢献の実行を肝に銘じて経営に当たるべきである.
  • 近代の国幣中社大物忌神社に注目して
    *筒井 裕
    2007年 2007s 巻 P809
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/04/29
    会議録・要旨集 フリー

  • 白井 裕泰
    2009年 74 巻 645 号 2521-2527
    発行日: 2009/11/30
    公開日: 2010/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The results of analysis on the shrines that have living “sanken-sya” in old Tama county are as follows.
    These shrines were the village shrine of the dominion that was ruled by powerful family as like Nishi-party, Yokoyama-party, and Chichibu-party in Kamakura era. And these powerful family built, repaired and conserved these shrines.
    We think that the style of the main shrine as “sanken-sya-nagare-tsukuri” of these shrines was imitated the style of the main shrine of Tsuruoka-hachimangu shrine that was protected by Kamakura Shogunate, in the Middle Ages.
  • 明治東京の氏子域に関する復元的考察(その2)
    小南 弘季
    2018年 83 巻 743 号 129-135
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper is continued from 'The establishment of 'Ujiko-iki' in the early Meiji period-A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 1)-'. A term 'Ujiko-iki' means a territory where Ujiko, which means a worshiper to a specific Shinto shrine, live around the Shinto shrine. Ujiko-iki area is very important for research of urban history in comprising the most basically part of the city. The purpose of this paper is clarifying how Ujiko-iki area was changed after Ujiko shirabe, which was enacted as a law to assist the Family Registration Law of 1871, and indicated that the whole nation became Ujiko of any shrines based on ‘Gosha precepts’, was abolished in 1973.
     Firstly, Ujiko-iki areas of Tokyo in 1872 and 1877-79 are restored on the map from historical records which describes town names of Ujiko of each shrine. By comparing them, several changes, which included change of boundaries of Ujiko-iki, increase or decrease of vacant area and detached Ujiko-iki, are described. Among these changes most important is that many small-scale Ujiko-iki areas were revised. These small-scale Ujiko-iki areas were Ujiko of small shrine there before enacting Gosha precepts and were revised after the abolition to be approved by submission of Ujiko-negai which was a petition to have Ujiko. Finally, Sugimori shrine is taken up as a concrete example of the shrine having a small-scale Ujiko-iki revised after the abolition of Ujiko shirabe. By interpreting the diary written by the priest of this shrine, the relationship between priests and Ujiko is revealed. It is described to rest with not priests or Kocho but townsmen to be Ujiko of any shrines.
     Secondly, it is defined how the meaning of 'Rekkaku' which is classifying into shrine rank and 'Ujiko-iki' after the abolition of Ujiko shirabe by analyzing details of laws issued in 1873. In 1873 two important statutes were abolished. One was Ujiko shirabe and the other was paying for Shinto priests of Shosha which was comprised of prefectural shrines, regional shrines, village shrines. These abolitions changed Rekkaku as relationship to the family register district into as just grading system among shrines. But Ujiko system formed by Gosha precepts, which divided whole land into Ujiko-iki of any shrines, was not abolished. After the abolition of Ujiko shirabe Ujiko-iki was not abolished perfectly but revised partially.
     In the chapter 3, it is clarified that local shrines were classified in four times by taking statistics of the date of Rekkaku in the city of Tokyo on the official records of Shinto shrines and that ranking has different means in each time by interpreting historical records of Tokyo prefecture. 1st Rekkaku was held on May 1872 by Tokyo prefecture directly as a principle. 2nd Rekkaku was held on October and November 1872 in following survey by Kocho which were officers in charge of the family register. 3rd Rekkaku was held on July 1873 to add shrines which were not selected in 2nd Rekkaku despite old shrine having small-scale Ujiko-iki. After 3rd Rekkaku, Rekkaku were held each time Rekkaku-regai, which was a petition for Rekkaku, was submitted. Therefore, it is described that the relation between Rekkaku and Ujiko was changed after 3rd Rekkaku and shrines could be classified into four types; Rekkaku and having Ujiko, Rekkaku but not having Ujiko, not Rekkaku and not having Ujiko, not Rekkaku but having Ujiko.
     The following is a summary of the above. After the abolition of Ujiko shirabe, Ujiko-iki was revised partially to restore religion before Gosha precepts and was completed as the modern religious district.
  • 藤原 惠洋
    1992年 1992 巻 91 号 53-60
    発行日: 1992/05/01
    公開日: 2017/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹内 雅之
    2012年 85 巻 4 号 1238-1239
    発行日: 2012/03/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小南 弘季
    2020年 85 巻 772 号 1347-1353
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Japan has many small shrines located at street corners, near farms and fields, and in the mountains. This paper discusses how small shrines in Tokyo brought about changes in the early “Meiji period (1868-1912)” that drastically reformed the Shinto shrine system from the urban history perspective. An inspection of the actual situation of these shrines, especially “unranked shrines” is possible by analyzing the administrative documents of Tokyo Prefecture during this period.

     Firstly, there is a clarification of several legal characteristics of “unranked shrines” in the early Meiji period. Shrines, which were called “unranked shrines, ” were not shrine ranked in the modern shrine ranking system but were officially recognized by the government as Shinto shrines. “Unranked shrine” was the customary shrine ranking in order to distinguish these official shrines from unofficial ones. There were some differences between ranked and unranked shrines regarding money and administration.

     Chapter 3 reveals the situation relating to the administration of unranked shrines in Tokyo by interpreting historical documents sent by Shinto priests to the Tokyo Prefectural Government. All unranked shrines were assigned to ranked shines and a Shinto priest of the ranked shrine perform administrative and ritual duties of unranked shrines. Many unranked shrines hired shrine keepers to carry out daily work to avoid the difficulty of administration. Unranked shrines needed to bear the expense for hiring shrine keepers, holding festivals, and repairing the shrine temple.

     The first half of chapter 4 see the restoration of the process of officially regulating unranked shrines in Tokyo. Unranked shrines were regulated in stages as the ranked shrines were graded on a massive scale (four times in Tokyo). There seems to be no regularity regarding the number of unranked shrines assigned to each ranked shrine. It could be inferred that this was not decided by the shrine’s ranking or its number of Shinto priests, especially since some shrines that were graded higher ranks were not assigned any unranked shrines.

     The latter half of chapter 4 defines the relation between the administrative system of unranked shrines and the Ujiko system through analyzing the logic of the formation of the administrative relationships between ranked and unranked shrines by relating them to Ujiko-iki areas. The administrative relationships between ranked and unranked shrines did not vary in stages like the associations of shrines organized according to the shrine ranking system. Furthermore, promotion and demotion of unranked shrines were managed in each Ujiko-iki area. This shows that the administrative relationships between ranked and unranked shrines were formed based on each Ujiko-iki area. The government attempted to unify the administration of all shrines based on the Ujiko system. Believers of unranked shrines were also the Ujiko of the ranked shrines that the shrine was assigned to.

     Therefore, in Tokyo during the Meiji period, the administration of “unranked shrines” was constructed based on the dual logic of the modern Ujiko system and the actual belief of unranked shrines.

  • 山田 雄司
    2015年 89 巻 3 号 569-572
    発行日: 2015/12/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 明治東京の氏子域に関する復元的考察(その1)
    小南 弘季
    2017年 82 巻 735 号 1359-1365
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     The purpose of this paper is laying the foundation of a study for Ujiko-iki area in the city which has been hardly researched. A term 'Ujiko-iki' means a territory where Ujiko, which means a worshiper to a specific Shinto shrine, live around the Shinto shrine. Ujiko-iki area is very important for research of urban history in comprising the most basically part of the city. In 2005 Hirohisa Ito restored Ujiko-iki area in the Edo and described the change of distribution of town of Ujiko. However, the definition of Ujiko-iki area and the process setting boundaries of Ujiko-iki area was not revealed. In this paper Ujiko-iki area in Tokyo in 1872 is restored to grasp the whole image of Ujiko-iki area in the beginning of the Meiji period.
     In the chapter 2, it is described that Ujiko-iki area had drastically changed by constructing a new shrine system of the Meiji period. Especially two proclamations, ‘Gosha precepts’ and ‘Ujiko shirabe system’ mainly regulate Ujiko-iki area after the Meiji Restoration. With ‘Gosha precepts’ shrines and priests nationwide graded in accordance and all land distributed to each Ujiko-iki area belonging to any Shinto shrine. On the other hand, ‘Ujiko shirabe system’ was enacted as a law to assist the Family Registration Law of 1871, and indicated that the whole nation became Ujiko of any shrines based on ‘Gosha precepts’ As a result, Ujiko-iki area of the Meiji period, which was mostly different from it in the Edo period, was as a territory deeply related to the administration.
     In the chapter 3, the Ujiko-iki area in Tokyo in the beginning Meiji period 1872 is restored by identifying town names of Ujiko in historical materials on a map of the day. To compare Ujiko-iki area of the Edo period with Ujiko-iki area of the Meiji period, it is found out that there were two significant differences between two ages. Firstly, in the Edo period Ujiko-iki spread in a mosaic pattern along the townsmen district (Not all town of townsmen district became Ujiko). However, in the Meiji period it was reorganized to suitably divide the rest land in the each part. It was reason that territories of samurai, temples and shrines were abolish by Agechi-rei issued in the beginning of the Meiji period. Secondly, in the Edo period many towns were responsible for festival as Ujiko of two or three shrines, mostly towns corresponded to just one shrine in the Meiji period.
     Therefore, it is revealed how ‘Gosha precepts’ adopted Ujiko-iki area in Tokyo which was largest city in Japan in the beginning of the Meiji period. Most Ujiko-iki area in Tokyo were divided regardless of the family register district. The change of the number of shrines of each shrine ranking in each Daiku indicated that shrines were arbitrarily classified as each shrine ranking according to administrative necessities. Therefore, there were words 'Kizoku', which meant belonging, in the shrine register of 1872. This word indicated the relationships between village shrines and township shrines or unranked shrines, or township shrines and unranked shrines. But, this word 'Kizoku' was not used to prefectural shrines. On the other hand, the organization called 'Kumiai' was established in 1873. This was a pyramided organization laying prefectural shrines on the top in order to improve efficiency in delivering administrative orders. It can be pointed out that the territories of 'Kumiai' were similar to the areas of Daiku.
     The following is a summary of the above. After the Meiji Restoration, Ujiko-iki area drastically varied its form. Then it was gradually transformed for the shrine administration while leaving the former locality.
  • 市田 雅崇
    2014年 87 巻 Suppl 号 56-57
    発行日: 2014/03/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 青木 祐介
    2001年 66 巻 548 号 251-256
    発行日: 2001/10/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the early Meiji (before the Shinto system revised in 1871) ,the new government had no clear vision for the building and repairs of shrines. When the new hierarchy of shrines had been established, the government had to make guidelines regarding building and repairing expenditure for the shrines directly controlled by the government. Meanwhile, Izumo-Shrine requested from the government again and again, funds not for repairs but for the whole reconstruction. Thus based on the financial state of the government, the area restrictions of shrines was suggested in 1872 by the Ministry of Finance.
  • 明治東京の氏子域に関する復元的考察(その3)
    小南 弘季
    2019年 84 巻 762 号 1827-1833
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper is continued from ‘The establishment of ‘Ujiko-iki’ in the early Meiji period-A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 1)’ and ‘Revising small-scale ‘Ujiko-iki’ after the abolition of Ujiko shirabe- A study for restoration of Ujiko-iki area of Tokyo in the Meiji period (Part 2)’. A term ‘Ujiko-iki’ means a territory where Ujiko, which means a worshiper to a specific Shinto shrine, live around the Shinto shrine. Ujiko-iki area is very important for research of urban history in comprising the most basically part of the city. The purpose of this paper is classifying Ujiko-iki in Tokyo in patterns especially from the side of spatial characteristics and discussing about peculiarity of the metropolitan Tokyo in the modern transition period.

     Firstly, specific characteristics of ‘Ujigami’ shrines in Tokyo is described by analyzing an investigation ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ which was made to determine Ujiko-iki and shrine ranking in 1872. In chapter 2, ‘Ujiko chomei do jinnin shirabecho’ is analyzed to comprehend a situation of Ujiko-iki before the abolishment of Ujiko shirabe. As a result, it is defined that there have been four phases until Ujiko-iki were formed and only shrine which was over certain criteria established by Shajigakari of Tokyo Prefecture was authorized to possess Ujiko as a ‘Ujigami’ shrine.

     In chapter 3, the reality of ‘Ujigami’ shrines and rekkaku, which means gaining any of shrine rankings to a shrine, in the city area of Tokyo is described by comparing ‘Ujigami’ shrines with the shrines which possessed some Ujiko in the Edo period. First point is that there were many shrines which possessed a small number of Ujiko towns as an ‘Ujigami’ shrine. Especially it is noteworthy fact that Shajigakari suspended the determination of Ujiko of shrines which have not been gained any ranking with an exceptional flame ‘Sonsha-gai’ against the principle of Gosha precepts. Second point is that large-scale shrines that possessed adequate Ujiko, which was basically over 10 hundred houses, to be ranked as Gosha equally existed around the city area of Tokyo.

     Then, in chapter 4, spatial characteristics of Ujiko-iki in Tokyo are described by analyzing how to divide previous samurai residential area into each Ujiko-iki in the point of view of the scale of Ujiko-iki while comparing to the distribution of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo in Meiji period generally divided to success the territory of Ujiko towns in the Edo period. From the viewpoint of specific character of territory gained to each shrine, Ujiko-iki in the city area of Tokyo, which were established in the early Meiji period, are classified into three types. Type A is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a traditional widely region. Type B is Ujiko-iki which corresponded a small-scale region from the old time and an area of only a town. Type C is Ujiko-iki which owns bigness and political symbolism only for Hie-Jinja Shrine and Kanda-Jinja Shrine. Shrines with Ujiko-iki of Type A have been called ‘Sochinju’ traditionally, which has been worshiped as a shrine to guard a territory larger than a village or a town and are generally most old in that region with some legends concerned about the creation of the region. In Tokyo, Kanda-Jinja Shrine and Hie-Jinja Shrine (Type C) are in the center of the city and Type A are scattered equally around two cores and Type C lie beside and in Type A.

     The following is a summary of the above. Shajigakari formed Ujiko-iki and organized a modern administrative system of shrine by reevaluating the traditional spatial characteristic.

  • *府和 正一郎
    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
    2023年 2023 巻 110
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/01/24
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
  • 浦崎 真一
    2009年 72 巻 5 号 787-792
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2010/06/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to analyze the space composition and line of flow of Shinto shrines, particularly the ‘Kyu-Kampeitaisha' shrines in Nara Prefecture, which are large and important shrines of the old hierarchy. The analysis is based on a comparison with small and medium size shrines. Eight shrines were investigated considering their location, surroundings, composition elements and their composition. The results show that the large shrines have remarkable geomorphic characteristics. The locations were mainly chosen by geomorphic characteristics. This as a cause, the relations of the shrines and surrounding elements declined. Moreover, most of the ‘Kyu-Kampeitaisha' shrines comprise the inner shrines, the outer shrines, open spaces and approaches, and the scale of shrines depends on the length of approaches. The compositions that met the geomorphic characteristics and intentional compositions, which were modeled on the geomorphic characteristics, were seen in the line of flow. However, a few compositions irrelevant to the geomorphic characteristics were also seen. Approaches give rise to asymmetrical space compositions, which, in general, can find a commonality with the Japanese sense.
  • 森 悟朗
    2014年 87 巻 Suppl 号 55-56
    発行日: 2014/03/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小南 弘季
    2020年 85 巻 778 号 2829-2837
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper discusses the logic that leads small shrines, which were enshrined in the cities through premodern times, to continue to exist or be abolished in the early Meiji period in which the system of the Shinto shrines was reformed drastically from the perspective of urban history. The actual situation of shrine disposal in Tokyo is inspected diachronically and comprehensively by analyzing the administrative documents of Tokyo Prefecture during this time.

     Firstly, the legal characteristics of ordinance No. 37 of the Ministry of Religion in 1876 are clarified by referring to previous studies. This ordinance has been investigated in relation to the shrine merger at the end of the Meiji period as the law that was the basis for shrine disposal. Takishima (2000) revealed that a few shrines were newly registered as unranked shrines in Jinja Meisai-cho—an official register of the government in Tokyo—after this ordinance; most of the shrines were merged with other shrines or were relocated to the precinct of other shrines. The actual situation was that many shrines were already registered as unranked shrines until the ordinance was elected.

     In Chapter 3, the process of shrine disposal in Tokyo during the early Meiji period is discussed by interpreting historical administrative documents and referring to several systems concerned with shrine disposal. A total of 105 shrines (45 shrines in the urban area) were disposed of in Tokyo Prefecture from 1873 to 1888. Some of the shrines disposed were ranked as shrines, but most were unranked. These shrines or small shrines by the streets and in private estates were not registered in Jjinja Meisai-cho after 1873, during which time there was wholesale grading of the shrine-ranking system in Tokyo Prefecture.

     In Chapter 4, the maintenance and survival of Shinto shrines in the early Meiji period are considered by analyzing the person concerned, the manners and factors of individual cases, and disclosure of the logics and the facts of shrine disposal in Tokyo. The first half of this chapter discloses that shrine disposal in Tokyo was executed in three ways: merge the deity with other shrines, relocate the temple to other places, and change the registration from official to private. The union of shrines by merging the deity or moving the temple into other shrine precincts as subordinate shrines was frequently chosen as a passive method for economic reasons. However, this method was not necessarily equivalent to the physical elimination of shrines, which was recommended by the administration.

     In the last half of Chapter 4, it was found that shrine disposal in Tokyo in the early Meiji period had four causes: serious damage to the temple, absence of permanence, loss of the precinct, and improvement of the conditions; by analyzing actual situations, the combination of these multiple reasons led to the disposal of many shrines. Many shrines that were disposed of had serious damage from fires and typhoons, and the loss of the precincts provided the momentum. Fundamentally, Ujiko and believers assessed the permanence of the shrine temple and precinct and selected the method of disposal that was required in special cases of disposal by the administration.

  • 浦崎 真一
    2008年 71 巻 5 号 779-784
    発行日: 2008/03/31
    公開日: 2009/05/08
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to analyze the space composition and approach of Shinto shrines, particularly the Kyu-Kensha shrines in Nara Prefecture, which are middle-grade shrines of the old hierarchy. Twenty-eight shrines were investigated with regard to their location,surroundings, and composition elements. The characteristics of the space composition of the shrines were argued in brief in terms of (1) their relation with geomorphic characteristics, (2) asymmetry and diagonal characteristics in their arrangement, (3) non-geometric but curvilinear features, and (4) partially view approach. It was observed that shrines with designs unrelated to their geomorphic conditions, such as those located over flat land, also had an asymmetric layout with a gap between the axes or with a winding approach. The asymmetrical space composition, usually seen in the lower-grade, small-sized shrines restricted to topography, was also found among the Kyu-Kensha shrines.
  • ―民俗と社会教育の関係性について―
    *大城 直樹
    人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
    2023年 2023 巻 SP11
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/01/24
    会議録・要旨集 オープンアクセス
  • *井上 友子, 青木 幹太, 佐藤 慈, 星野 浩司, 佐藤 佳代, 進藤 環
    2019年 66 巻 C4-01
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/06/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


