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クエリ検索: "禅定"
1,747件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 藤本 晃
    2006年 54 巻 3 号 1171-1175
    発行日: 2006/03/25
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    (jhana) に順次入定してから解脱した例に見られるように,
    は, 仏教では悟りへの道において重要な役割を果たしている. 第一
    への入定の仕方がパーリ経典に明示されるが, それは悟りに必要な信・精進・念・定 (samadhi)・慧の五力の順に沿って説かれている. 修行者は, まず如来の教法を聞き, 如来に対する信を得る. 法を聞き法に随い (随法), 如来に対する信 (saddha) を持つ (随信) ことは, 悟りに向かう者が正しく踏み出す第一歩である. 仏教において入定次第は, その始めから,
    体験自体を目的とするものではなく, 悟りに導くプログラムに組み込まれている. 修行者は次に戒律によって身業と語業を守り (精進), 仏教独自の観 (vipassana) 瞑想に基づく念 (sati) という修行法によって意業を守る. 念とは, 眼耳鼻舌身意の六根から入る刹那毎の現象を次々にただ感受したままに確認し, 思考や, それから生じるあらゆる感情・煩悩をはたらかせない行法である. 念が身に付くと, 修行者は
    に入るために結跏趺坐し上半身を垂直に保ち, 念を正面に据える. 五力の中の定 (samadhi) である. 定 (samadhi) は未だ
    (jhana) に入ってはいないが, 念を一点に集中する止 (samatha) 瞑想という行法である. 念を一点に定めていると, 智慧 (pañna) が現れるのを妨げている五蓋と呼ばれる煩悩が次々に取り除かれる. この智慧の現れが悟りの第一歩である. 智慧が現れると, 必然的に第一
    (jhana) に入定する. パーリ経典では, 止瞑想を仏道修行に取り入れることで, 集中力や
  • 前田 正治
    1957年 1957 巻 7 号 219-222
    発行日: 1957/03/30
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 竹内 良英
    1992年 5 巻 55-73
    発行日: 1992/05/30
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 井上 ウィマラ
    2011年 25 巻 25-40
    発行日: 2011/12/22
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Devatannusati (recollection of deities) is the last item of the six recollections; the others being recollection of the Enlightened One, recollection of the Dhamma, recollection of the Sangha, recollection of virtue, and recollection of generosity. In the practice of devatanussati, a meditator should recollect deities, their special qualities and one's own special qualities which are equal to those deities', making the deities stand as witnesses. The purpose of devatanussati is not to experience a mysterious union with deities but to acquire an adequate concentration for further insight meditation (vipassana) by suppressing existing mental defilements. The Buddha recommended six recollections for his noble disciples, because they are free from misrecognizing the god (a deity) as the Enlightened One (the Buddha). In both the recollection of the Enlightened One and the recollection of deities, meditators are requested to focus on very complicated objects such as the ten special qualities of the enlightened one and others. The reason of this complexity is to prevent meditators from indulging in an absorption and concentration which easily produces mystical union and mythical stories. When an unenlightened meditator experiences these mystical experiences, he/she may easily embark on creating a new religious system that is quite similar to the Buddha's teaching, mistaking one's revered god as the Buddha (or replacing the Buddha with one's respected god). In the recollection of deities, a meditator recollects three types of objects; deities, their special qualities and one's own special qualities. This alternation of objects leads the meditator to deepen his insight into the nature of duality; inside and outside or oneself and others. In this way, a meditator learns the limitation of duality and transcend co-dependent relationship with others including gods and deities. In Visuddhimagga, "a figure of the Enlightened One created by Mara" is mentioned from an old Sinhalese source. An elder monk in the story could use it skillfully so as to develop vipassana. But a meditator who is immature in vipassana may be trapped in this kind of mystical vision and start constructing pseudo buddhistic belief systems, by creating a new Buddha and Bodhisattas. It seems to me that the Buddha placed recollection of the Enlightened One and recollection of deities on the first and last of six recollections that are meant only for noble disciples, knowing the subtlety of this kind of religious contemplation.
  • 松長 有慶
    1952年 1952 巻 20 号 11-19
    発行日: 1952/12/15
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • -白山山頂遺跡の特質をめぐって-
    時枝  務
    2009年 43 巻 7-22
    発行日: 2009/03/31
    公開日: 2023/11/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 行賢
    2003年 2003 巻 12 号 49-57
    発行日: 2003/11/10
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 勝本 華蓮
    1998年 11 巻 17-29
    発行日: 1998/05/20
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 京都府宇治田原町禅定寺地区の事例
    島津 俊之
    1986年 38 巻 6 号 544-560
    発行日: 1986/12/28
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    In der Siedlungsforschung in der Geographie Japans ist die Betrachtung der räumlichen Seite der die Ortschaft bildenden Sozialgruppen eins der Fächer, für die sich Forscher bisher interessiert haben. In diesem Bericht nennt der Verfasser die räumliche, hierarchische Anordnungsform der Sozialgruppen in der ganzen Ortschaft die räumliche Sozialstruktur der Ortschaft und macht sich die Erfassung der räumlichen Sozialstruktur und ihrer Verwandlung im Zenjoji-Dorf in der Kyoto-Präfektur zur Aufgabe.
    Anschaulich sind die kleine Ortschaft, das Dozokushudan (die Gruppe der Verwandtshaft), das Miyaza (die Gruppe mit einem Vorrecht für die Feier des Gottes) und das Kinringumi (die kleinste örtliche Gruppe) als die das Zenjoji-Dorf bildenden Sozialgruppen gefunden worden. Der Verfasser hat die Zeit von 1705 bis 1984 in vier Zeitabschnitte geteilt und die räumliche Sozialstruktur am Ende jeden Zeitabschnittes und ihren Verwandlungsprozeß geklärt (Abb. 8). Die Ergebnisse werden folgenderweise zusammengefaßt:
    (1) Der erste Zeitabschnitt (von 1705 bis 1845)
    Das Zenjoji-Dorf teilte sich in zwei kleine Ortschaften (Kamimura und Shimomura) und darin wurde ein Dualsystem entdeckt. Kamimura setzte sich aus etwa sechs Kinringumis (Goningumis) zusammen und Shimomura aus etwa acht Goningumis. Es gab je drei Miyazas in Kamimura und Shimomura, und in Kamimura wurden zwei Dozokushudans gefunden und in Shimomura vier Dozokushudans. Das Tempelchen des Sainokamis, das ein Grenzgott ist, lag am Punkt der Grenze zwischen Kamimura und Shimomura.
    (2) Der zweite Zeitabschnitt (nach 1845 bis vor 1906)
    Beide, Kamimura und Shimomura, verloren das Ujigami (der die Gemeinschaft vereinigende Gott), und jede von beiden Vereinigungen wurde schwach. Das Goningumi wurde neu ins Eiseigumi umgruppiert. Daher kam es, daß sich Kamimura aus vier Eiseigumi zusammensetzte und Shimomura aus sechs Eiseigumis. Die Vereinigung des Dozokushudans wurde schwach. Das Sainokami erlosch, und daher kam es, daß der Ort, an dem das Tempelchen lag, Sainokami genannt wird.
    (3) Der dritte Zeitabschnitt (von 1906 bis vor 1945)
    Kamimura und Shimomura als Sozialgruppen hörten auf zu existieren, und daher kam es, daß die beiden Räume, an denen Kamimura und Shimomura lagen, Kamide und Shimode genannt werden. Sainokami verlor die Funktion der Grenze, und neu war, daß der Seradani-Fluß als die Grenzlinie zwischen Kamide und Shimode erkannt wird. Das Dozokushudan erlosch. Das Eiseigumi wurde ins Tonarigumi umgruppiert, und daher kam es, daß je fünf Tonarigumis in Kamide und Shimode verteilt werden.
    (4) Der vierte Zeitabschnitt (von 1945 bis 1984)
    Das Miyaza verlor das Vorrecht für die Feier des Ujigamis, und seine Vereinigung wurde schwach. Dagegen verstärkte sich die Vereinigung des Tonarigumis. Darauf wurde die Vereinigung des Zenjoji-Dorfs relativ schwach.
  • 松長 有慶
    1988年 1988 巻 162 号 1-19
    発行日: 1988/03/21
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石井 修道
    2017年 66 巻 1 号 101-107
    発行日: 2017/12/20
    公開日: 2019/01/11
    ジャーナル フリー

    A New Interpretation of Religion (which Suzuki also called The True Meaning of Religion in his introductory remarks), was published in 1896 by Baiyōshoin when Suzuki Daisetsu was 26 years old; it was Suzuki’s earliest published work. In terms of the work’s development, certain aspects are newly clarified from Suzuki’s letters to Yamamoto Ryōkichi, contained in Suzuki Daisetsu’s Unpublished Letters (Zen Bunka Kenkyūjo, 1989). Newly understood information includes the following: Suzuki initially co-authored the work with Shaku Sōen, its first title was Shūkyō Chakuhōgen (The Eye That Discerns True Religion), and the work’s publication funded Suzuki’s trip to the United States in 1897.

    Content-wise, we must pay keen attention to Suzuki’s statement, “The true marrow of religion is boundless compassion. However, the attainment of virtue lies in fulfilling duties” (Zenshū, vol. 23, p. 113); Shaku Sōen’s emphatic marks are added to this sentence. Also, Suzuki quotes from Carrying Out the Power of the Vow in the Treatise on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the [Zen] School, written by Hakuin’s dharma heir, Tōrei Enji (1721–1792):

    As for the four bodhisattva vows, these are, first, to save all sentient beings, then to clarify self-nature and eradicate the roots of afflictions, to learn all methods and means, and to awaken bodhisattva conduct and fully perfect compassion and wisdom: we call this the Buddha Way. You should know this: that the basis of realizing buddhahood is truly great compassion. (Zenshū, vol. 23, p. 80)

    Shaku Sōen was said to have given lectures on the Treatise on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the [Zen] School, but the Matsugaoka Bunko does not possess these records. Thus, the relationship between the Treatise on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the [Zen] School and the Shinshūkyōron is one issue to consider.

    Leaving that aside, I will trace the circumstances under which the Shinshūkyōron emerged―which the “Commentary” of Outlines of Māhāyana Buddhism (Iwanami Bunko, 2016) addresses―and will question how great an influence Shaku Sōen exerted on the development of Suzuki’s Shinshūkyōron. At the same time, I will suggest that the basis of Suzuki’s religiosity was stable from that point onward.

  • 福江 充
    2007年 64 巻 87-89
    発行日: 2007/12/20
    公開日: 2017/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――アンコールのプレア・カンの出入口に施された浮彫装飾を中心に
    久保 真紀子
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    2015年 2015 巻 44 号 27-44
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2017/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    In most of the Khmer temples, constructed during the reign of Jayavarman VII (1181-1218 CE), there are Dhyāna Mudrā Buddha images represented on the decorative bas-reliefs around the doorways. This paper analyzes the representations of the images, focusing on the images of the lintels in Preah Khan’s temple complex. The analysis makes it clear that the lintels with the images can be classified into two groups mainly from the viewpoints of the stylistic features and the representations, and the tendencies of their arrangement in the central part of this temple complex, and that the difference between the two groups results mainly from the construction chronology of the temple complex, in other words the difference before and after the dedication of the principal image Lokeśa to the central main shrine. Then the paper attempts to analyze the symbolic meaning of Dhyāna Mudrā Buddha images and its chronological change, making reference to some old Khmer inscriptions engraved on the doorjambs and the descriptions of the foundation stele. The attempt shows us that the change of their meaning may be related to the change of the worldview represented in this temple, that is to say, the process of religious legitimation of Jayavarman VII’s kingship before and after the foundation of Preah Khan temple.

  • 藤本 晃
    2005年 19 巻 53-63
    発行日: 2005/12/20
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 神田 千里
    1979年 88 巻 11 号 1726-1727
    発行日: 1979/11/20
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 清水 洋平, 舟橋 智哉
    2018年 32 巻 23-42
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2020/02/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    This article shows the essential role of early folded paper manuscripts which contain illustrations for chanting in order to eventually understand Contemporary Thai Buddhist funeral culture in which some of the texts in those manuscripts are utilized. Buddhist manuscripts kept in Thai temples include not only those made of palm-leaf, but also those made of folded paper (Samut Khoi). Among the latter, the large illustrated ones are especially eye-catching. They were chiefly made between the 18th to the early 20th century to be used in ritual chanting at funeral-related ceremonies, as the illustrations show. Due to their visual appeal, those illustrated manuscripts have been mainly researched in the field of Art History. Subsequent research as to the location of the manuscripts has identified which texts were inscribed in each of the manuscripts. The research has revealed the fact that the texts are basically compiled from part of the Pāli Tipiṭaka and from part of the extra-canonical texts used for chanting, e.g., the Pārājika chapter of the Vinaya, Brahmajālasutta, the texts on Mātikā and Sahassaneyya from the Abhidhamma and Mahābuddhaguṇa which is classed as an extra-canonical text. However, the exact function of each of the texts in a manuscript and the reason that they are arranged in a particular order has been yet to be examined. To better understand this phenomenon, my research focuses on one of the folded paper manuscripts which we identified it as produced in 1743. The conclusion which can be drawn from this analysis is that the chanting texts were mainly compiled in order to encourage the laity to perform wholesome deeds thereby producing positive karmic results as the Buddha emphasizes the idea of non-self (anatta).
  • 海恵 宏樹
    1964年 1 巻 3 号 11-23
    発行日: 1964/03/31
    公開日: 2019/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 武田 龍
    1995年 8 巻 109-121
    発行日: 1995/05/27
    公開日: 2018/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野村 誠
    2016年 89 巻 Suppl 号 359-360
    発行日: 2016/03/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田村 宗英
    2021年 70 巻 0023-0036
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2022/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー

     本稿では、筆者が研究を続けているVajravidāraṇa-dhāraṇīのBuddhaguhya注とイェーシェードルジェー注に出てくる「六種本尊(lha drug)」と「音声に住する

    [の念誦](sgra la gnas paʼi bsan gtan[gyi sngags bzlos pa])」を中心に考察を進めた。「六種本尊」とは、所作タントラにおける親近行のうち我生起にあたるものである。念誦の正行(正念誦)に先立って行われるもので、ツォンカパやケートゥップジェは「五相成身観」の代替であるとし、重要視している。六種本尊との関連で登場する語としては「音声に住する
