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クエリ検索: "美旗駅"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 中平 恭之, 松尾 幸二郎
    2017年 47 巻 2 号 207-224
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2018/06/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり

    In recent years, travel behavior by car has increased with popularization of private cars. Public transport users have decreased, especially in local areas. Companies providing public transportation have ceased operating in unprofitable areas.

    In such situations, the community bus has been introduced in many areas. The purpose of the community bus is to ensure citizen mobility. Generally, inconvenient areas for public transportation are defined as the areas outside the bus stop territories. However, bus stop territories cannot be represented in the circle of constant radius. Bus users go to a bus stop taking into account their physical ability and the road conditions. Therefore, bus stop territories that have been used are not on accessible road networks, and do not accurately represent the inconvenient areas for public transportation.

    In this study, we estimated the bus stop territories with consideration of physical ability and road conditions using a Geographic Information System. In addition, we estimated the inhabitant coverage by the public bus.

    JEL Classification: R49

  • 谷岡 武雄, 福永 正三
    1964年 16 巻 6 号 561-578
    発行日: 1964/12/20
    公開日: 2009/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are many subjects to make clear the agrarian system of the ancient Japan. It is still the first problem to reconstitute this old system called Jori in detail. Encouraged by such a motive, the authors have researched into the Jori system of the Iga province which was adjacent to Yamato as the cultural and political center of the ancient Japan. The results obtained are as follows:
    1) One can find the agrarian landscape of the ancient Jori system in the Iga and Nabari basins which constituted the Iga province. This system was executed in the paddy field of the alluvial plain more than 135 meters above the sea level, avoiding the very marshy land. However, it was not continuous by reason of the undulating landform and the direction of the Jori typed land division was not fixed.
    2) In the district where the Jori landscape can be seen, the paddy field is very dominant, usually can raise two crops a year and its productivity is very higher than any other districts.
    3) The authors reconstituted the method of allotment of “Tsubo” according to the Jori system, which belonged to the serial pattern as well as the township in United States. But it is to be regretted that they could not succeed in the complete reconstitution for every case of the ancient counties.
    4) The Jori system of the Iga province is divided into four blocks: the Tsuge valley (ancient Abe-gun), the Hattori valley (ancient Yamada-gun), the Nagata valley (ancient Iga-gun), the Nabari valley (ancient Nabari-gun). The authors consider that the “Jo” in the Jori system was numbered in the same directions as the rivers flowed and the “Ri” in the directions at right angles to the rivers.
    5) In the ancient Iga, the “Kokufu” was also established as the administrative center of the province. It was situated to the eastern quarter of the Ijiro village and its plan followed the Jori system.
    6) There were two castle towns in the feudal times. The plan of the Nabari town followed the ancient Jori, but in the case of Ueno town, one can not find the same fact.