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クエリ検索: "重感染"
1,798件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 中西 敏夫, 高野 広嗣, 天野 始, 北本 幹也, 渡辺 恭行, 梶山 梧朗
    1991年 103 巻 7-8 号 1039-1040
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2009/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 数種りん翅目昆虫における核多角体病ウイルスの二重感染
    石川 義文, 浅山 哲
    1967年 36 巻 2 号 83-87
    発行日: 1967/05/15
    公開日: 2010/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. シンジュサンでは家蚕およびクスサンの2種核多角体病ウイルスによる二
    2. ヒマサンでは家蚕およびクスサンの2種核多角体病ウイルスによる二
    との関係は, クスサンウィルスが先に侵入する場合よりも, 家蚕ウィルスが先に侵入する場合の方が二
    3. 家蚕では家蚕およびヒマサンの2種の核多角体病ウイルスによる二
    4. 二
    を起こした組織の多角体形成状態をみると, 1個の核内に2種の多角体を混在するような場合は認められなかった。
  • 児嶋 勝, 向坂 彰太郎, 上田 寛, 瀬戸山 浩, 佐田 通夫, 吉田 博, 前山 豊明, 安倍 弘彦, 谷川 久一
    1982年 23 巻 9 号 1043-1048
    発行日: 1982/09/25
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    32歳の男性で,発熱黄疸を初発症状として発症したA型肝炎の入院症例で,急性期のIgM-HA抗体は高値を示し,HBs抗原価は×25, HBc抗体価は×210であった.臨床経過をみると,血清トランスアミナーゼ値の再上昇をくり返し,急性期の肝組織像より,B型慢性肝炎にHAVが
    した例と考えられた.HBs抗原,HBc抗体は経過中有意の変動は示さず,HBe抗原,抗体は陰性であった.また入院時,IgM-VCA抗体40倍,IgG-EA-D抗体40倍,EBNA抗体40倍を示し,EBVのrecent infection(最近感染)が考えられたが,IgM-VCA抗体,IgG-EA-D抗体が長期間陽性値を示した.この原因としてHAVの関与が推測された.
  • 福岡 賢一, 池上 文詔, 白井 孝之, 伊藤 慎芳, 土谷 春仁, 桜井 幸弘, 多賀須 幸男, 打越 敏之, 石河 利隆
    1987年 28 巻 2 号 231-235
    発行日: 1987/02/25
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐田 通夫, Paul R. Beninger, 瀬戸山 浩, 向坂 彰太郎, 久永 孟, 安倍 弘彦, 谷川 久一
    1981年 22 巻 12 号 1654-1661
    発行日: 1981/12/25
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    HBV carrierでA型肝炎を発症した15例,およびHAVとHBVに一過性に
  • 鴻江 和洋, 渡辺 進, 山辺 博, 明石 隆吉, 荒木 淑郎, 藤山 重俊
    1983年 24 巻 9 号 1021-1025
    発行日: 1983/09/25
    公開日: 2009/07/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    患者は38歳,女性.昭和57年4月下旬に全身倦怠感,食欲不振にて発症.血清学的検査にてHBs抗原が陽性で,かつHBc抗体価も高値を示しており,HBV carrierの急性発症と診断された.1ヵ月半後急激なGoT, GPT, T.Bil.の再上昇と意識障害を伴ったため,B型肝炎の悪化と考えられた.しかし同時に測定されたIgM-HA抗体が陽性を示したためHAVの
    による劇症化と判断された.意識障害はII度の昏睡まで達したが,特殊組成アミノ酸(GO-80)とglucagon-insulin療法によって改善した.しかし著明なT. Bil.値の上昇とプロトロンビン時間の延長は改善せず,消化管出血にて入院第22病日に死亡した.死後のneedle necropsyにて著明なbridging necrosisと,変性肝細胞内に極く少数のHBs抗原陽性細胞が観察された.
  • 山崎 久雄, 岩村 伸一, 曽我 誠, 田中 肇, 宮本 敬子, 新階 礼, 上田 弘, 姫野 浩美, 中田 収作, 岩崎 信二, 冨田 昭, 前田 隆, 宮崎 正子, 大西 三朗, 山本 泰猛
    1992年 104 巻 9-10 号 977-978
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2009/03/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山本 進, 北原 経太
    1957年 12 巻 5 号 338-343
    発行日: 1957/12/01
    公開日: 2009/02/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 被検人員67,952名の内,蛔虫卵保有率は昭和28年59.5%,29年71.0%,30年51.2%,31年45.8%であり,鉤虫卵保有者率は28年4.0%,29年5.6%,30年4.1%,31年9.4%であつた。
    2) 虫卵別単独感染者54.5%,混合感染者7.5%で,このうち2
    3) 組合せ別にみると単独感染者は10群で蛔虫48.6%,鉤虫2.6%,鞭虫2.1%,蟯虫0.9%,次に東洋毛様線虫,横川吸虫,矮小条虫,縮小条虫,肝吸虫,肺吸虫の順である。2
    4) 市町村別蛔虫卵保有者率は市部45.8%,町部45.1%,村部62.5%で村部が高率である。
    5) 男女別には市部及び村部では男子の方が感染率が高く町部では女子の方が高い。
    6) 村別にみると北郷村(72.5%)が最高で東郷村(53.5%)が最低である。
    7) 濾紙培養による鉤虫仔虫出現率はヅビニ単独感染者が最多でアメリカ単独感染者は遙に少い。
    8) 1人当り孵化仔虫数はヅビニ鉤虫が多く,年令別にはヅビニ鉤虫は7歳,13歳,14歳,15歳に少く,アメリカ鉤虫は8歳,13歳,14歳が少ない.
  • 日本蚕糸学雑誌
    1974年 43 巻 4 号 344
    発行日: 1974/08/26
    公開日: 2010/07/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 須藤 春雄, 久池井 忠男, 荘保 忠三郎, 葛西 勝彌
    日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
    1948年 10 巻 1-2 号 1-19
    発行日: 1948/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 畠山 恒三
    1919年 31 巻 350 号 243-258
    発行日: 1919/03/31
    公開日: 2009/08/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 第6報 良性型鼡癩における重感染実験
    川口 陽一郎
    1962年 17 巻 3 号 218-222
    発行日: 1962/03/25
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    As reported in the previous paper, during the course of investigation on mouse leprosy, this author encountered with the fact that subcutaneous nodules in hybrid mice from crosses between C57BL/6 and CF1 developed and reached to their maximum size in a comparatively early period, being followed by a marked regression. This type of mouse leprosy is same as “benign” previously designated by the author.
    In the present experiment, these mice were infected subcutaneously with murine leprosy bacilli and. then superinfected subcutaneously at varying intervals after primary infection. When superinfection was made 2 weeks after primary infection, only a slight difference was noted in the size of leproma palpable at the challenged site between the two groups with and without the primary infection. However, in the cases of superinfection at 8 or 14 weeks, the development of leproma at the site of superinfection was markedly suppressed in the animals with the primary infection. These results therefore support the view that the regression in benign mouse leprosy is due to the developing immunity in those mice.
    A similar tendency was observed in the subcutaneously challenged mice which had been previously infected intraperitoneally, although most of them died of severe visceral lesions caused by primary infection.
  • 第8報悪性型厳癩における重感染実験
    川口 陽一郎
    1962年 17 巻 5 号 355-359
    発行日: 1962/05/25
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper deals with the property of immunity induced by primary infection in malignant mouse leprosy, In a preliminary experiment of susceptibility of mice to subcutaneous inoculation with murine leprosy bacilli, it was found that hybrid mice between C3H and ddD responded with typical malignant leproma at the site of inoculation. Therefore, these mice were infected subcutaneously with murine leprosy bacilli and then subjected to subcutaneous superinfection with INAH-resistant bacilli 6 weeks later.
    In almost all cases, some delay in leproma onset was observed at the superinfected site, but the once appeared nodules showed gradual increase in size and reached to a large malignant leproma. In the later period, therefore, there was no significant difference in the leproma development of challenge infection between the two groups with and without primary infection. These findings show that this immunity manifests itself only by delayed development of leproma due to superinfection at the early period. However, an interesting observation was that exceptional one case showed a benign type leproma in the superinfected site, whereas malignant leproma was developing at the site of primary infection.
    Similar tendencies were observed in the subcutaneously challenged mice which had been previously infected intraperitoneally. But, as in the experiment of benign mouse leprosy, this experiment was inadequate to investigate sufficiently the immunity elicited by primary infection, because the severe visceral lesions of primary infection caused the hosts die within the observation period.
  • 第7報良性型鼡癩において初感染に対する化学療法の重感染病変進展に及ぼす影響
    川口 陽一郎
    1962年 17 巻 4 号 250-254
    発行日: 1962/04/25
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    As the representative strain capable of showing the benign type leprosy, brown mice of (C57BL/6×CF1) F10 were used for this experiment. These mice were infected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally with murine leprosy bacilli and then superinfected subcutaneously with INAH-resistant bacilli 6 weeks later. To examine the influence of primary infection on the leproma development of superinfection, the drug (INAH) administration was started on the 2nd day of superinfection and continued for 10 weeks. The results were judged by palpation of positive lesions at the challenged site.
    A remarkable suppression of the leproma development of superinfection was observed in treated mice. This observation appears to indicate that the benign type lepromas of primary infection, though inhibited in their progress by INAH, conferred immunity to the superinfection.
    On the other hand, it seemed that immunity did not develop when the mice were treated with INAH before establishment of the characteristic lesions of mouse leprosy.
  • 静間 徹, 小幡 裕, 橋本 悦子, 谷合 麻紀子, 林 直諒
    2000年 41 巻 11 号 764-768
    発行日: 2000/11/25
    公開日: 2010/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    症例は24歳男性で, 肝機能障害にて当科に入院. 入院時T-bil 5.8mg/dl, AST 1262 IU/l, ALT1877IU/lで, IgM-HA抗体5.9, HBs抗原37.9, HBe抗原96.2, IgM-HBc抗体7.6, HBc抗体 (200倍希釈) 68.5%であり, HAVとHBVの重複感染による急性肝炎と考えられた. 入院8週後の肝生検では急性肝炎に一致した所見であり, HBs抗原は発症から6カ月後に陰性化した. またT-bilの正常化には発症から12週以上, ALTの正常化・HBe抗原のseroconversionには17週以上を要し, HAVあるいはHBVの単独感染による急性肝炎に比べると, 経過は遷延傾向にあると考えられた. HAVとHBVの同時重複感染による急性肝炎は稀であり, ウイルスの相互作用については不明な点も多いが, 本症例ではHAVとHBVの重複感染による相乗作用を示唆するものと思われた.
  • (第7報) BALB⁄c系マウスにおけるHawaiian株重感染実験
    川口 陽一郎
    1984年 53 巻 3 号 81-89
    発行日: 1984/09/30
    公開日: 2008/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this superinfection experiment, male mice of BALB⁄c strain were used. It is very characteristic in susceptibility to M. lepraemurium, strains Hawaiian-M (HM) and Hawaiian-B (HB), that HM bacilli inoculation of male BALB⁄c mice produced benign type leproma, while HB bacilli inoculation produced large malignant leproma at the subcutaneous infection site.
    These mice were subcutaneously inoculated with HM bacilli (2.8×106) and⁄or with HB bacilli (5.0×106) on their abdomen. Ten weeks after primary infection, these mice were superinfected subcutaneously with HM bacilli (1.0×106) and⁄or with HB bacilli (5.0×106) on their thorax, respectively. Age-matched male mice of BALB⁄c strain were used as controls for the superinfection.
    Some delay was clearly observed in onset and development of leproma at the superinfection site, compared with those of control mice, in almost all the cases. Leproma develpment was weakly suppressed in the mice primarily infected with HB bacilli and superinfected with HB bacilli. In contrast, higher suppression was found in the mice primarily infected with HM bacilli and superinfected with HM bacilli. Particularly, it is of interest that HB bacilli inoculation of the mice primarily infected with HM bacilli produced benign type leproma, whereas HB bacilli inoculation of control mice produced large malignant leproma. Hereupon, in this due combination of primary infection with HM bacilli and superinfection with HB bacilli, conversion of disease type from malignant to benign or intermediate∗ was recognized.
    The results suggest that HM bacilli infection induced higher level of cell-mediated immune reaction to M. lepraemurium than HB bacilli infection in the hosts.
  • 第9報C3H系とddY系間の初代雑種マウスにおける鼡癩重感染実験
    川口 陽一郎
    1962年 17 巻 6 号 398-401
    発行日: 1962/06/25
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    As stated in the preceding report, agouti mice of (C3H×ddY) Fl were characteristic in their response to subcutaneous inoculation with murine leprosy bacilli, roughly half of them being of malignant type and the rest being of benign type of mouse leprosy. However, when these Fl hybrids had been vaccinated with BCG, challenge lesions took the feature of benign type in all cases. This observation led us further to the study on the influence of primary infection with murine leprosy bacilli, instead of BCG, upon the leproma development of superinfection in these F1 hybrids.
    Mice of (C3H×ddY) F1 were infected subcutaneously with murine leprosy bacilli. Superinfection was made by subcutaneous inoculation 16 weeks later only in the mice of these F1 hybrids, showing malignant leproma at the site of primary infection.
    About half of superinfected mice showed intermediate but rather benign leproma at the challenged site. In the remaining mice, however, the lesions of superinfection were malignant or intermediate but nearer to malignant type. Thereupon, the typical benign leproma could not be observed in all experimental animals.
    It may be stated as a conclusion from the result of this experiment that murine leprosy primary infection can not convert the superinfection from the malignant type to the benign type unlike BCG vaccination.
  • 第37報 R因子およびF因子の重感染免疫の機序
    新井 俊彦, 渡辺 力
    1967年 22 巻 3 号 157-161
    発行日: 1967/03/25
    公開日: 2009/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The mechanisms of superinfection immunity of R and F factors were studied in Escherichia coli K-12. Zygotic induction of phage γ and F-duction of gal+ were studied with an F'-gal+ in recipients carrying F and R factors and found useful in elucidating the mechanisms of superinfection immunity of these episomes. The results obtained may be summarized as follows:
    1) The superinfection immunity of R and F factors occurs chiefly due to the inhibition of acceptance of these episomes on the cell surface and partly due to the mutual exclusion between homologous episomes inside the recipient bacteria. Thus, the superinfection immunity of these episomes is due to mechanisms fundamentally different from that of the immunity observed in temperate phages, which are caused by repressors.
    2) The superinfection immunity on the cell surface in these episomes can be reasonably accounted for by postulating specific receptors on the surface of recipient bacteria, to which the mating substances of donor bacteria are bound to form conjugation tubes.
  • 坂岡 博, 松井 克彦, 山田 守英
    1971年 21 巻 1 号 6-11
    発行日: 1971/04/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Synthesis of interferon (IF) was induced in chick embryo fibroblast (CE) cells by inoculations of Sindbis virus (SDV), and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) on SDV after irradiation of UV (UV-NDV or UV-SDV). However, CE cells infected with live NDV failed to produce IF. The IF production by these agents was found to be strongly inhibited by the superinfection of some live viruses. Following results were obtained.
    1. The IF production in CE cells primed with SDV, UV-NDV and UV-SDV was suppressed by 1/8-1/64 fold by superinfection of NDV. Suppression of IF production was also observed in CE cells infected with doubly SDV and UV-NDV.
    2. These inhibition were also observed in CE cells infected with UV-NDV or SDV by the superinfection with polio-virus and HVJ, but were not observed when influenza type A virus was employed as superinfecting virus.
    3. The higher m. o. i. of superinfecting virus, the stronger the inhibition of the IF productions. However, the inhibition was not observed in CE cells inoculated doubly with UV-NDV, UV-SDV.
    4. When superinfecting virus, NDV was introduced within 2 hours after inoculation of UV-NDV, IF synthesis was completely inhibited, however, the addition of NDV at 5 hours after the inoculation of UV-NDV was without effect.
    5. The adsorption of UV-NDV to CE cells was not inhibited by the preinfection of SDV, and the synthesis of SDV was enhanced by the addition of UV-NDV to CE cells.
  • 寺山 和夫
    1958年 12 巻 4 号 287-298
    発行日: 1958年
    公開日: 2011/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Double infection or mixed infection with SM sensitive or SM highly resistant bacilli was evoked in mice and the time course of the growth of the bacilli in the organs was investigated.
    Experiments: 1. Experiment of crossed reinfection with H37Rv and SM 1, 000γ bacilli and treatment with SM and INH. 2. Experiment of single infection evoked with either H37Rv or SM 1, 000γ bacilli (20 weeks) and treatment with SM. 3. Experiment of reinfection evoked with H37Rv and SM 1, 000γ bacilli (20 weeks) and treatment with SM. 4. Experiment of mixed infection evoked with H37Rv and SM 1, 000γ bacilli (20 weeks) and treatment with SM.
    Results: 1. No appreciable change was observed between time course of change of number of bacilli found in the organs of mice infected with SM 1, 000γ bacilli and that with H37Rv except the difference in time of appearance of bacilli in the lungs and that of the manifestation of the effects of SM. 2. In reinfection, SM 1, 000γ bacilli appeared in the organs in the same manner as was observed in case of single infection except the difference in time of appearance in the lungs. 3. In mixed infection, time of appearance of SM 1, 000γ bacilli to the lung was different according to the quantity of injected bacilli. However, time course of change in number of bacilli in the organs was similar to that observed in single infection. 4. In double infection with SM 1, 000γ bacilli, body weight of the animals decreased and then increased except in animals infected with a large quantity of bacilli. In mixed infection, body weight decreased independently on SM treatment in the same manner as was observed in single infection with SM 1, 000γ bacilli. 5. The ratio of the number of SM 1, 000γ bacilli to that of the bacilli found in the organs of mice in this experiment greatly fluctuated. However, it more or less depended on the quantity of bacilli injected and gradually increased after 10 weeks, 6. The heavier the weight of the organ, the larger was the number of bacilli. However, no decisive relation was observed to the extent of lesion in organ. 7. In double or mixed infection, SM 1, 000γ bacilli were not interfered with coexisting H37Rv. They proliferated in the organs in the same manner as was observed in single infection except in case of mixed infection. Then the time course of the fluctuation of body weight was different from those observed in case of SM 1, 000γ bacilli of single infection or mixed infection.