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クエリ検索: "高間町"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • 南 和男
    1986年 52 巻 3 号 416-419
    発行日: 1986/08/25
    公開日: 2017/11/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 住友家『勤方帳』の解説 (昭和六十年六月十一日提出)
    宮本 又次
    1986年 41 巻 2 号 91-111
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2007/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Irie Tomotoshi (1718-99), a younger brother of Sumitomo Tomomasa who was the fifth head of the Sumitomo, was the founder of the Izumiya Rihei house as a branch family of the Sumitomo which run money exchange business. He studied in his youth at the Kaitokudo school, a famous private school of the teaching of Confucius, and learned from Goi Ranshu there. Irie Tomotoshi functioned as the manager of the Sumitomo main house for his brother, Tomomasa, who was weakend by illness, and made many reforms in the house management. Among the reforms, codification of the Sumitomo house laws was of special importance.
    Tutomekata-cho was one of the house laws written in 1760 by Tomotoshi and was concerned with the labor management practice in the Sumitomo. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and to interpret Tutomekata-cho, aiming at clarifying Tomotoshi's personality and his achievements in the history of the Sumitomo.
  • 吉田 高子, 松口 輝久
    1994年 59 巻 464 号 171-179
    発行日: 1994/10/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the pattern of the block size and clarify the distinction of the three districts, zoned by the difference of the development times, through the "Mizucho Ezu" in the Edo era. In the north Simanouchi, the inside measurement of the block was 40. 5ken from south to north. On the centers, it was 44. 5ken. In the south Simanouchi, the inside measurement was 42 ken. On the senters, it was 45ken. However, in the old Mittera village area, the inside measurement of the block and the wide of the front road were different from other districts.
  • 吉田 高子, 松口 輝久
    1993年 454 巻 165-172
    発行日: 1993/12/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to clarify the formative period and the process of Osaka Castle town, through the analysis of the "Mizucho Ezu" (land register map) in the Edo era. This article concentrates on the Simanouchi area. The Nagahori Canal was divided the Simanouchi area from the Senba area. The north Simanouchi area was likened to the Senba, on the town planning and subdivision. Before the excavation of the Nagahori Canal, the Unagidani and the Kunosuke-cho street were the limits of the old,Senba area.
  • 谷 直樹, 伊東 宗裕, 内田 九州男, 鎌田 道隆, 多治見 左近, 増井 正哉
    1990年 16 巻 67-78
    発行日: 1990年
    公開日: 2018/05/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス