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クエリ検索: "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously"
10件中 1-10の結果を表示しています
  • 原 誠
    1971年 1971 巻 59 号 85-86
    発行日: 1971/03/30
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    2012年 29 巻 2 号 557-566
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2015/09/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伝 康晴, 黒橋 禎夫
    2012年 19 巻 4 号 407-411
    発行日: 2012/12/01
    公開日: 2014/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中田 清一
    1969年 4 巻 23-34
    発行日: 1969/09/01
    公開日: 2017/09/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 金子 亨
    1972年 48 巻 78-89
    発行日: 1972/03/31
    公開日: 2008/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Zur Förderung richtiger Zusammenarbeit zwischen Linguisten und Literaturwissenschaftlern wird hiermit ein Analysemodell eines poetischen Textes zunächst in sehr abgekürzter Form vorgeschlagen. Die Analyse gilt an und für sich zwar bloß für den konkreten Text (2), aber die Prozeduren scheinen mir doch prinzipiell auch auf die anderen Texte anwendbar zu sein. Da dies Modell vor allen anderen japanische Germanisten in der literaturwissenschaftlichen Abteilung über einige wichtige linguistische Problematiken orientieren soll, so bitte ich die Kollegen, denen japanische Sprachkenntnis noch nicht ganz hinreichend zur Verfügung steht, sich mit Geduld hauptsächlich auf die numerierten Formalismen aufmerksam zu machen. Die in den Klammern stehende Übersetzung der Terminologie verhilft ihnen hoffe ich zum besseren Verständnis. Das Modell ist selbstverständlich noch im Provisorium und muß in der künftigen Zusammenarbeit in breiterem Umfang weitererforscht und eventuell umformuliert werden.
  • 原 誠
    1989年 1989 巻 33 号 34-51
    発行日: 1989/12/31
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. La elisión de preposición ante que
    1. 1. La elisión de la preposición en
    En la frase‘cada vez que subo al autobús’, si fuera‘cada vez en (la) que subo al autobús’, sería lógico, pero es poco corriente, aunque sea gramatical.
    1. 2. La elisión de la preposición a
    En la frase‘Porque, claro, nosotros tenemos la Congregación de Antiguas Alumnas, que yo pertenezco’, si fuese‘la Congregacion de Antiguas Alumnas, a la que yo pertenezco’, sería lógico, pero es poco coloquial, aunque sea gramatical.
    1. 3. La elision de la preposicion de
    En la frase‘del mismo modo que se gramaticalizan otras construcciones de nuestra lengua’, si‘modo que’fuera‘modo del que’, sería lógico, pero es poco coloquial.
    2. La elisión de conjunción (no de preposición) ante que relativo en construcciones verbales que indican tiempo
    En la oración‘Hace ties anos que no to ve’, creemos que‘Hace’no tiene sujeto y entre‘años’y‘que’va elidida la conjunción (no la preposición) ‘desde’, de to cual‘que’resulta ser conjunción también.
    3. Anteposición de preposición (prolepsis)
    La oración‘No sabes de to que soy capaz’es cien por cien gramatical, pero es ilógico porque para ser lógico, debe ser‘*No sabe s lo de que soy capaz’.
    4. Concordancia extraña
    4. 1. ‘Pagina veintiuna’nos parece ilogico. Ya que‘pagina’y el número‘veintiuno’se encuentran en aposición, ¿no debería ser 'página veintinuno'¿
    4. 2. En México se decia‘Decima Novena Olimpíada’, pero es absurdo. Basta con decír‘Décimono (ve) na Olimpíade’, como se suele decir en España.
    4. 3. En España se dice‘trescientas sesenta y cinco mil cuatrocientas sesenta y siete pesetas’, pero ¿no bastaría con decir‘trescientos sesenta y cinco mil cuatrocientas sesenta y siete pesetas’ ¿, porque to que suma trescientos sesenta y cinco no son‘pesetas’sino‘mil’.
    4. 4 En la oración‘Juana tiene muchos más libros que Carmen’, nos parece que es mejor y más lógico decir‘mucho más’sin concordar‘mucho’con‘libros’, porque es un adverbio que modifica a‘más’, no a‘libros’, pero esa expresión no es gramatical.
    4. 5. En México se dice ‘Son medios mensos (=tontos) ’. Pero basta con decir‘medio mensos’, como se dice así en España.
    5. Latencia del significado pasivo
    En la frase‘un problema dificil de resolver’, creemos que es más lógico decir‘de ser resuelto’, pero nunca se dice así. Z
    6. Conclusión
    Hasta aquí hemos enumerado bastantes ejemplos para poder concluir que a veces la expresión del lenguaje es ilógica, aunque es gramatical.
  • 特に“context of situation”と“prosodic analysis”について
    大束 百合子
    1962年 1962 巻 41 号 14-27
    発行日: 1962/03/30
    公開日: 2010/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    As R. H. Robins aptly says in his obituary article, the death of J. R. Firth, which occurred on 14 December, 1960, marks the end of an era in the study oflinguistics in Britain.
    J. R. Firth, M. A., LL. D.(Edin.), O. B. E., (1980-1960), was Professor of General Linguistics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University ofLondon, from 1944 to 1956, and was President of the Philological Society from 1954 to 1957.
    Firth, while regarding himself as a traditionalist, paying a high tribute to the scholars of the past and demanding full recognitions of their contributionsto linguistic science, developed a very original outlook on language and linguisticscience, and thus came to be known as the leader of the London group of linguists.
    The contributions he made to linguistic science are many, but the twodevelopments particularly associated with his name are the theory of ‘context of situation’ and prosodic analysis.
    Firth insisted that the statement of meaning was the greatest concern of descriptive linguistics. He rejected the dichotomy which splits language into‘content’ and ‘expression, ’ and proposed that a linguistic event should be takenin its entirety and analyzed at a number of different levels, situational, collocational, syntactical, phonological and phonetic, the meaning of the event beingthus stated at each level. He insisted that what is conventionally regarded asmeaning would be best dealt with when analyzed in terms of ‘context of situation’in which the linguistic event in question is embedded. Thus he emphasizedthe necessity of the study of persons and personalities as part of the situation.
    He took over the notion of ‘context of situation’ first proposed by thenoted anthropologist, Malinowski, with whom he co-operated, and developed itas a schematic construct imposed by the linguist upon the material in makingstatements of meaning.
    True to the tradition of the British school of linguists, he was also an excellentphonetician. He was particularly concerned with the phonological featuresaffecting stretches larger than ‘segments, ’ and treated them as belonging to anorder different from that of ‘phonematic' units which are conventionally calledconsonants and vowels. He called these features ‘prosodies.’ Pitch, stress, length, aspiration, etc. may fall under the category of prosody, ’ but prosodies vary fromlanguage to language according to the structural patterning of languages. Hebelieved that the phonic data presented before the analyst is most exhaustivelyand aptly dealt with by prosodic analysis.
    His proposals and suggestions, though most stimulating and illuminating, were not always worked out in detail, so that his writings are not always easto follow for those who never came in close contact with him. But the numerousworks of his colleagues and followers will elucidate the main points of his theory.
  • - 生成文法による言語の普遍と多様の解読 -
    藤田 耕司
    Viva Origino
    2007年 35 巻 4 号 136-147
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2022/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー

      In sharp contrast to the highly modular theory of grammar advanced by Generative Grammar in the past, current Minimalist Program seeks to minimize the genetic component of the human language faculty, known as Universal Grammar. This radical shift of research strategy has the effect of placing the topic of the origins and evolution of language in the proper domain of evolutionary biology, by reducing the domain-specific, and therefore evolutionarily inexplicable part of the language faculty to the bare minimum. Through a detailed review of the development of phrase structure theory, this paper illustrates the tight connection between grammatical theorizing and evolutionary studies. The emerging picture is that language evolution is a good example of what Charles Darwin once called “descent with modification.”

  • 宮良 信詳
    2002年 2002 巻 122 号 79-113
    発行日: 2002/09/25
    公開日: 2007/10/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present investigation, it is claimed that, in the group of dialects spoken in the central and southern parts of the Okinawan mainisland, there is a position of modality signaled by inflectional forms of verbs. The modality involves the notion of certainty, and occupies its own morphological position in the ordering of Verb Root (+ Aspect [durative]) (+Negative) (+Style [{honorific, polite}]) (+Modal) (+Tense)+Mood. Modal distinctions are made by the morpheme /+yi/ ‘to be certain, ’ conveying information about a past, event directly acquired through observation, and the other /+tee/‘to be less certain, ’conveying information about the preceding event inferred from observation at the time of the utterance. In the case of the absence of such distinctions, information about the past is taken to be through hearsay. As expected, the two modal forms neither co-occur with the first person subject in the declarative sentence nor with the second person subject in the interrogative, because neither the speaker nor the hearer can observe his/her own act. It is shown that the modal form /+yi/ neither co-occurs with the non-past tense nor with the negative, because only the past event can be subjectively observed and the negated event itself cannot be observed. However, it is argued that, if the speaker's act is in his/her dream or in the subjunctive world, it can be the object of direct observation.
  • 藤村 靖
    1967年 87 巻 951 号 2291-2305
    発行日: 1967/12/01
    公開日: 2008/04/17
    ジャーナル フリー