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384件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Dae-hyok Youn
    2007年 20 巻 2 号 185-201
    発行日: 2007/06/30
    公開日: 2011/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This studyaims at developing and empirically testing a comprehensive model of organizationaljustice derived from prior empirical studies on organizational justice. The study seeksto understand its antecedents to and its consequences are addressed. The first question is whatcharacteristics of a human resource management (HRM) system determine the levels of perceiveddistributive and procedural justice. Hypotheses are derived from the two prominenttheoretical models, the self-interests model (SIM) and the group value model (
    ). Thosefactors include neutrality, consistency, accuracy, ethicality, credibility, and reciprocity in theprocesses of making HRM decisions. All nine factors suggested by the two models areadopted for this study as major determinants of both distributive and procedural justice. Thesecond question of this study is related to the moderating effects of individual differences onthe relationship between the SIM and
    variables and perceived distributive and proceduraljustice in organizational contexts. The fmal research question deals with the consequencesof perceived organizational justice, specifically job-related attitudes and organizationalclimate. Job-related attitudes in this study refer to job satisfaction, job motivation, andorganizational climate, i.e., the willingness to make contributions, identification with organization, and intent to stay, In examining the consequence of perceived organizational justice, the study focuses on the interaction effects of procedural and distributive justice on the abovenine outcome variables. The results show that both SIM and
    variables significantly influencedistributive and procedural justice. However, hierarchical regression analyses that revealedthat the
    variables exert more influence have been focused on the consequencesof perceived distributive justice with regard to outcomes provided by the organization.
  • ―第四報 短期間における胸郭と脊柱間のねじれの変化―
    大須田 祐亮, 堀本 佳誉, 高田 千春, 須鎌 康介, 小玉 武志, 高橋 奈津美, 佐藤 匠, 前田 美穂, 山田 貴子, 竹内 孝子, 津川 敏, 小塚 直樹
    2009年 2008 巻 P1-293
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/04/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    【背景】重症心身障害児・者(以下,重症児・者)にみられる非対称変形のひとつに胸郭の変形がある.第34回重症心身障害学会学術集会にて,堀本らはCT画像と一般的な画像処理ソフトを用いて,胸郭と脊柱間のねじれの定量的計測法(Green Village Method-angle;
    -aとし,画像処理ソフト(Microsoft Power Point,Image J)を用いて算出した.異なる撮影日間における
    の変動について級内相関係数(以下,ICC)を用いて統計処理を行った.なお,統計処理にはSPSS for Win. Ver. 15.0を使用した.
  • *松田 信幸, Bergeot Antoine, 柏崎 貴大
    2018年 2018.1 巻 18a-B303-6
    発行日: 2018/03/05
    公開日: 2022/10/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 高橋 旦征, 吉岡 孝之, 中村 佳右, 大河内 春乃
    1985年 49 巻 6 号 463-468
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2008/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The direct analysis of solid metal samples by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry has been investigated. An aerosol generator (AG) by low voltage spark discharge was used for vaporization of metal samples, and the aerosol was introduced into plasma through an aerosol cyclone. The effect of the length of a transporting tube (stainless steel) was examined. The lengths investigated were 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 m. The spectral intensities lowered, the amounts of aerosol transferred into plasma decreased, and the relative standard deviation of spectral intensities became worse with the increase of the length. In the determination of Co, Cr and V, no phenomenon of selective adhesion to the inner surface of a transporting tube was observed. In the case of tungsten, there were a selective adhesion to the inner surface of the tube and a selective removal in the aerosol cyclone. However, in the practical analysis there was no problem, since the standard samples for calibration were affected in a similar way as the samples for analysis. This method was compared with the vacuum quantometer analysis. In the present method, there was no interfering elements, while in the latter several major elements showed spectral interferences, and in the calibration curves for V and W, there were some standard samples which did not fit the calibration curves. The direct ICP emission spectral method gave excellent straight calibration lines for all the elements such as Mo, W, Co, Si, Mn, Cr, V and Cu under investigation, and showed better accuracy and precision.
  • 永澤 恵理子, 安部 康信, 松島 孝充, 崔 日承, 立川 義倫, 西村 純二, 稲葉 頌一, 名和田 新, 牟田 耕一郎
    2002年 43 巻 11 号 1014-1019
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2009/07/28
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    症例は51歳,女性。47歳時に濾胞性リンパ腫(stage IV A)と診断された。化学療法・放射線療法を繰り返すも腫瘍が再増大したため,fludarabineと低線量全身放射線照射(2 Gy)という骨髄非破壊的前処置を用い,同種末梢血幹細胞移植を施行した。移植後の血球減少は軽度であり輸血を必要としなかった。末梢血キメリズム解析の結果,12カ月間という長期にわたり,T細胞混合キメラ(20%前後がレシピエント由来)が持続しているが,CT上有意なリンパ節腫大は消失し,II度の急性GVHD (graft versus host disease)がみられた。通常,移植後はドナー型完全キメラを達成することにより
    (graft versus malignancy)効果やGVHDが得られると考えられているが,本症例はT細胞混合キメラが長期持続している状態でGVHDや
  • 名和 由一郎, 野口 寿行, 小島 研介, 原 雅道
    2001年 42 巻 6 号 481-487
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2009/07/28
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    非寛解期多発性骨髄腫3例に対して同胞間同種骨髄移植を施行し,graft-versus-myeloma (
    )効果について検討した。2例が急性GVHDを発症し,移植後4カ月,5カ月でM蛋白消失が認められた。そのうち1例は慢性GVHDを合併し,移植後22カ月以上完全寛解を維持している。移植後再発例と移植後進行例に対してdonor lymphocyte infusion (DLI)を施行した。前者は効果なかったが,後者は4週後に急性GVHDが発症し,75%のM蛋白減少が認められた。副作用として重篤な急性GVHDや骨髄抑制は認められなかった。これらの所見は
  • Katsuyuki Takahashi, Takayuki Yoshioka, Yoshisuke Nakamura, Haruno Okochi
    Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals
    1985年 26 巻 12 号 901-909
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2007/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The direct analysis of solid metal samples by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry has been investigated. An aerosol generator (AG) by a low voltage spark discharge was used for vaporization of metal samples, and the aerosol was introduced into the plasma through an aerosol cyclone. The effect of the length of a transporting tube (stainless steel) was examined. The lengths investigated were 1, 3, 5, 7.5 and 10 m. The spectral intensities lowered, the amounts of aerosol transferred into plasma decreased, and the relative standard deviation of spectral intensities became worse with the increase of the length. In the determination of Co, Cr and V, no phenomenon of selective adhesion to the inner surface of a transporting tube was observed. In the case of tungsten, there was selective adhesion to the inner surface of the tube and selective removal in the aerosol cyclone. However, in the practical analysis there was no problem, since the standard reference materials for calibration were affected in the same way as the samples for analysis were. This method was compared with the low voltage spark emission spectrometric analysis. In the present method, there were no interfering elements, while in the latter several major elements showed spectral interferences, and in the case of preparation of calibration curves for V and W, there were some standard reference materials which were not fit for making the calibration curves. The direct ICP emission spectral method gave excellent straight calibration lines for all the elements such as Mo, W, Co, Si, Mn, Cr, V and Cu under investigation, and showed better accuracy and precision.
  • 杉本 由香, 西井 一浩, 宮田 恵里, 藤枝 敦史, 山口 素子, 桝屋 正浩, 片山 直之
    2009年 50 巻 4 号 289-294
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/04/29
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    若年初発多発性骨髄腫(MM)の治療として,自己末梢血幹細胞移植(auto-PBSCT)が第一選択とされることが多いが,自家移植では生存曲線はプラトーにならず,graft versus myeloma (
  • Zijian GUO, Xiangqun SONG, Jian YE
    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies
    2005年 6 巻 881-891
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2008/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The grey theory mainly works on systems analysis with poor, incomplete or uncertain messages. The popular grey model, GM(1,1) is efficient for long-term port throughput forecasting. However, it is imperfect when the throughput increases in the curve with S type or the increment of throughput is in the saturation stage. In this case, the throughput forecasting error of grey system model will become larger and the result is unaccepted in the real world. To solve this problem, we propose the grey Verhulst model on time series error corrected for the port throughput forecasting. By applying this Verhulst model to the port throughput forecasting, it shows that the grey Verhulst model on time series error corrected is applicable, especially, when the throughput increases according to the curve with S type, not only higher forecasting accuracy can be obtained, but also the superiority and the features of grey system model can be reserved.
  • Sadahiro OHMOMO, Ikuko AOSHIMA, Yukiko TOZAWA, Kiyomoto UEDA
    Agricultural and Biological Chemistry
    1985年 49 巻 9 号 2767-2768
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2006/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 仁部 晴美, 金子 裕一, 奥山 祐治, 浅沼 吉郎
    1990年 76 巻 12 号 2198-2205
    発行日: 1990/12/01
    公開日: 2009/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Interference effects of carbon, silicon and manganese on optical emission spectrochemical analysis for sulfur in steel were investigated using binaly (Fe-S) and ternary (Fe-S-X) samples.
    Multiplicative interference was observed between S and C, and S and Si. The effect of Mn on S determination is due to combination of neighbouring line and multiplicative interference.
    Multiplicative interference is diminished by the improvement of the source condition, extending pre-burn time, or using high energy pre-burn, or using special combined spark and dividing measurement, and to apply the Pulse Distribution Analysis (PDA) method.
    The accuracy of determination for S is improved using dj·ljcorrection method.
  • 針生 健一, 角田 博明, 川上 用一, 乙津 祐一, 磯 彰夫
    1998年 46 巻 528 号 63-70
    発行日: 1998/01/05
    公開日: 2010/12/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, focus has been placed on the development of mobile communications and broadcasting systems using GEO satellites. To realize these systems, a development of a beam synthesis technology for the satellite antennas is a matter of great importance, so that several design methods such as antenna gain optimization have been reported. However, no design considering the radiation characteristics of the mobile antenna has been reported. This paper describes a beam synthesis method which can compensate for the radiation characteristics in the elevation angles of the mobile antenna. The shaped beam by using this method makes it possible to provide uniform service quality throughout coverage area of the systems, because the beam shape on the satellite and mobile antenna are just the opposite. We will first present this method, and its shaped beams with an offset parabolic antenna which uses a 13-element feed. These shaped beams designed for a switching planer array antenna composed of 12 circular microstrip antenna elements which are arranged to form a cross so that we could obtain a simple tracking mechanism. We will then present a new feed system using a Hybrid Matrix Amplifier.
  • 角南 一貴
    2015年 4 巻 1 号 1-8
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/01/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     多発性骨髄腫に対する同種造血幹細胞移植(allogeneic stem cell transplantation,allo SCT)は腫瘍細胞の混入がなく,移植片対骨髄腫効果(graft versus myeloma effect,
    )が期待でき,唯一治癒をもたらす可能性のある治療法として,古くから用いられてきた。しかし,allo SCTは自家造血幹細胞移植(autologous stem cell transplantation,auto SCT)との比較試験において,治療関連死亡が多いため,予後の改善に結びついておらず,未だ研究的治療の域を出ていない。近年,プロテアソーム阻害剤や免疫調節薬の導入により,多発性骨髄腫(multiple myeloma,MM)の治療成績はさらに向上してきており,allo SCTにおいてもこれらの薬剤を組み合わせた新しい治療戦略が期待される。
  • Takashi FURUSAWA, Satoru YAMAMOTO
    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology
    2017年 12 巻 1 号 JFST0002
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/01/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    Wet-steam flows under high-pressure conditions are numerically investigated using a newly derived condensation model that assumes a real gas and uses a real gas Equation of State (EOS). Under high-pressure conditions, the present condensation model calculates the critical radius of a water droplet that is larger than that of the conventional model. The results indicate that nucleation is initiated farther downstream in the nozzle and the nucleation rate is smaller. Wet-steam nozzle flows under high-pressure conditions are simulated and the results are compared with experimental results. The present model simulates the pressure increase due to the release of latent heat of condensation more accurately than the conventional method based on the ideal gas assumption. The results obtained are also in good agreement with the experimental results.

  • 北脇 知己, 清水 優史
    日本機械学会論文集 B編
    2007年 73 巻 726 号 581-587
    発行日: 2007/02/25
    公開日: 2011/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Numerical flow simulations are useful for understanding pressure wave propagation in circulatory systems. Our one-dimensional numerical model, which encompasses the effect of unsteady viscosity and the generalized viscoelasticity of tubes, has previously indicated that the tube's viscoelasticity plays an important role in the wave propagation. In the present study, in order to investigate the relationship between changes in the viscoelastic properties of the tube and periodic blood pressure wave propagation. A one-dimensional numerical model of wave propagation in a silicone tube was validated quantitatively and the approximation error of the model was estimated. By analyzing the calculated results using these models with the parameter change of a viscoelastic property of the tube, we can make the following conclusions. The pulse wave velocity and the pulse pressure increase from increasing of the viscoelasticity of the tube. The tube viscoelasticity also plays an important role in the periodic blood pressure wave propagation, and the arterial stiffness index affect by the blood vessel viscoelasticity.
  • *Ruibo Jin, Ryosuke Shimizu, Isao Morohashi, Kentaro Wakui, Masahiro Takeoka, Shuro Izumi, Takahide Sakamoto, Mikio Fujiwara, Taro Yamashita, Shigehito Miki
    2014年 2014.2 巻 18p-C2-11
    発行日: 2014/09/01
    公開日: 2023/06/10
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • 北関東医学
    2005年 55 巻 2 号 187-189
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2006/07/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Yutaka FUKUCHI, Kouji HIRATA, Joji MAEDA
    IEICE Transactions on Electronics
    2015年 E98.C 巻 12 号 1143-1149
    発行日: 2015/12/01
    公開日: 2015/12/01
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    In all-optical switches using the cascade of second harmonic generation and difference frequency mixing in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide devices, walk-off between the fundamental and second harmonic pulses causes crosstalk between neighboring symbols, and limits the switching performance. In this paper, we numerically study retiming characteristics of all-optical switches that employ the PPLN waveguide devices with consideration for the effects of the crosstalk and for the input timing of the data and clock pulses. We find that the time offset between the data and clock pulses can control the timing jitter of the switched output; an appropriate offset can reduce the jitter while improving the switching efficiency.
  • 高橋 旦征, 吉岡 孝之, 中村 佳右, 大河内 春乃
    1984年 48 巻 4 号 418-423
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/04/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The direct analysis of solid metal samples by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry has been investigated. The aerosol generator (AG) by a low voltage spark discharge was used for vaporization of metal samples, and the aerosole was introduced into plasma through the aerosole cyclone, in which fine metal particles were selected from larger particles or gathering ones, in order to make aerosole uniform. An optimum electrode gap of AG was 5.0 mm, taking into account of the electrode durability and the reproducibility of spectral intensities and spectral intensity ratios. As for the argon flow rate, when the flow rate of carrier gas and that of acceralating gas were in total 11×103 cm3/60 s (111/min), good analytical results were obtained, and when the ratio of the both was 2.5×103 cm3/60 s: 8.5×103 cm3/60 s, the reproducibility of spectral intensity ratios was best. The optimum observation height of plasma was 12 mm from the coil. The low alloy steels were analysed. The calibration curves (NBS 1161∼1168) for P, S, As, Mo, Co, Ni, Si, Mn, Cr, V, Nb, Cu, Ti, Zr and Al were all straight, while those obtained by the quantovac spectrometer were curved except for P, S, Co, Nb, Zr and Al. The precision and the accuracy were satisfactory for the routine analysis of alloy steels.
  • 谷田 真人, 岡本 亮, Jianhong Shi, 栗村 直, 竹内 繁樹
    2009年 64.2.2 巻 25aZF-12
    発行日: 2009/08/18
    公開日: 2018/02/15
    会議録・要旨集 フリー