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クエリ検索: "Marathon"
2,006件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 高尾 憲司, 濱口 幹太, 上野 弘聖, 松生 香里, 伊坂 忠夫
    2018年 67 巻 3 号 227-235
    発行日: 2018/06/01
    公開日: 2018/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study is to considerate the prediction formula for

    time based on 20-m shuttle run test and training indexes in recreational runners. 100 male and 111 female recreational runners who have experienced one or more
    races were measured. Each participant was measured with regard to physical characteristics, 20-m shuttle run test, and answered questionnaires about his/her training (monthly running distance, frequency of training, and years of experience of running training). Moreover, participants self-reported their best
    time. Additionally, to examine the validity of the prediction formula, 14 male and 13 female recreational runners were measured using the 20-m shuttle run test and they answered the questionnaires about his/her training. The
    time was significantly correlated with the participant’s BMI, the times of 20-m shuttle run test, the monthly running distance, the frequency of training and the years of experience of running training for both male and female runners. Subsequently, multiple regression analysis generated the prediction model for
    time by the measurement items. Furthermore, in the examination of the validity of the prediction formula, predicted
    time was significantly highly correlated with measured
    time. This study suggested that the
    time can be predicted by the 20-m shuttle run test, the monthly running distance, and the years of experience of running training and the predicted
    time may be useful for the
    race and training in recreational runners.

  • 杉原 敏昭, 野間 春生, 宮里 勉, 中津 良平, 岸野 文郎
    2001年 6 巻 4 号 265-275
    発行日: 2001/12/31
    公開日: 2017/02/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper proposes an evaluation method for a virtual sporting environment, called the virtaul
    system. The virtual
    system is an application of our newly developed locomotion device. An aim of the virtual
    system is to achieve the novel communication environment that can tranfer the bodily sensations of an athlete in the competition to the users. To evaluate the virtual
    system, we focus on the versatile subjective impressions in the
    race. We describe the design methodology for the evaluation indices, using such impressions. And we discuss the validity of our proposed indices from the experimental result of the assessment.
  • 西尾 建, 岡本 純也, 石盛 真徳
    2013年 23 巻 1 号 1_75-1_88
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2013/05/30
    ジャーナル フリー
        Hawaii’ s Honolulu
    , first held in 1973, has become an international mega sports event. December 2011’ s Honolulu
    registered 22,615 participants from all over the world, including 12,360 Japanese runners. Hawaii is one of the most popular tourist destinations for Japanese tourists, and participants in the Honolulu
    enjoy being tourists as well as marathoners. While there is a voluminous academic literature on the motivation and constraints associated with sports events participation, only a few authors have examined participant motivation or constraints in terms of international sports events. This study examines participant motivation and constraints as both marathoner and tourist. Data were gathered from 218 participants (107 participants in 2010 and 111 participants in 2011) in the Japan Tourist Bureau’ s Honolulu
    tour, and subjected to factor analysis. Five sports motivations (running involvement, socialization, self-development, excitement, commitment to the Honolulu
    ) , five tourist motivations (escape, relaxation, culture learning, shopping & gourmet, kinship with family and friends) , and five constraints (
    event information, tourist information, companions, safety & culture differences, and financial issues) were extracted from explanatory factor analysis (EFA) . Some differences in terms of each factor were observed in relation to demographics such as gender or age category, in particular, factors related to tourist motivations. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) showed that further intention was significantly affected by the interest in the Honolulu
    as a sports motivation factor, kinship in terms of tourist motivation factor, and
    information as a constraint factor. It also demonstrated that their satisfaction was significantly influenced by
    interest, excitement and tourist information. These results not only provide an insight into the Honolulu
    ’ s event management planning, but also demonstrate the extraordinary brand value this event has among Japanese participants.
  • 磯﨑 潤, 増尾 修, 鐵尾 佳章, 高瀬 香奈
    2023年 8 巻 2 号 68-73
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/09/20
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2023/07/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス


    が有用であった症例を報告する.【症例】59歳男性は,偶発的に長径10 mmの右椎骨動脈後下小脳動脈(VA-PICA)分岐部動脈瘤を指摘された.右VAはPICA end, ネックから近位VAに高度狭窄を認め,以前の経過よりVA解離後の解離性動脈瘤と推測された.塞栓術中SL-10を瘤内に誘導すると狭窄部で血流停滞し,瘤とPICAが描出されず,SL-10を

  • 樫村 修生, 南 和広, 星 秋夫
    2016年 53 巻 4 号 139-144
    発行日: 2016/12/01
    公開日: 2016/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究では,2020 年東京オリンピック開催期間と同期間の 2015 年において,暑熱曝露がもっと過酷であると想定されるマラソン選手の立場から,走行中に曝露される WBGT の計測を試みた.期間中にロードバイクに環境温度計を設置し,スタート地点からゴールまでをマラソン競技の走行スピードに相当する時速 20 km 時の WBGT を計測し,熱中症の危険性を評価した.平均 WBGT は 7 月 26 日が 30.4℃で 30℃を超え,次いで 8 月 4 日が 29.6℃,8 月 9 日が 27.0℃であった.また,平均乾球温度は,7 月 26 日が 36.9℃,8 月 4 日が 34.5℃,8 月 9 日が 32.4℃であった.平均 WBGT は,各地点においてロードバイク走行時の方が定点観測より平均 0.2±0.1℃(0.1 から 0.3℃)とわずかに低値であった.その結果,走行時に選手が曝露される WBGT は予想以上に高く,これにマラソン運動による 2 時間以上の体温上昇の負担も加わることから,熱中症を防ぎ良い成績を残すためには暑熱下トレーニングを実施し,十分な暑熱順化が必要になると思われる.この研究において,我々は 8:30 にスタート時間を設定したが,そのスタート時間をさらに早朝にシフトすることを検討する必要がある.さらに,我々はマラソンコースに多くのミストシャワーを設置し,ランナーの身体冷却を補助することが必要であると考える.

  • 樫村 修生, 中井 誠一, 澤井 睦美, 星 秋夫
    2011年 48 巻 4 号 145-151
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/12/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究は,夏期の 77 km ウルトラマラソン時における 50 歳の男性ランナーの直腸温,心拍数,体重減少量,水分および食物摂取量を測定した.マラソン中の平均乾球温度,相対湿度および WBGT は,28.5±1.4℃, 53.8±5.2% and 28.9±2.1℃ であった.10 時間 45 分間走行時の平均心拍数および推定総エネルギー消費量は,133±17 拍/分および 6,475 kcal であった.走行中の直腸温は徐々の上昇し,マラソン完走時 2.6℃ の上昇であった.走行時において首または頭部への冷水散布は,心拍数の急激な増加と 2 分間遅れで直腸温がわずかに低下した.したがって,冷水散布は,夏期ウルトラマラソン時における深部体温の上昇を防ぐことができる.しかしながら,暑熱環境下ウルトラマラソン実施の際,冷水散布は急激な自律神経系による心拍数増加反応がみられ,選手の突然死発生の原因になる可能性がある.
  • Henry Prakash Magimairaj, Anand Viswanathan, Selvaraj Samuelkamaleshkumar, Thangavelu Senthilvelkumar
    Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine
    2021年 6 巻 論文ID: 20210042
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/10/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

    Objectives: We analyzed exercise-related changes in cardiac troponins and other physiological and metabolic parameters in amateur wheelchair racers with spinal cord injury (SCI) participating in a


    Methods: This pilot, prospective, observational study was conducted at a community

    event. Fifteen community-living individuals with SCI who had registered to participate in the
    were recruited for the study. Participants with SCI used manually propelled wheelchairs (n=5) or tricycles (n=10). The outcome measures were high-sensitivity cardiac troponin-T levels (hs-cTnT), heart rate, and metabolic parameters, including body temperature, serum electrolytes, and urine osmolality. These parameters were compared with 15 age- and race-distance-matched non-SCI runners who participated in the same

    Results: Participants with SCI had a higher median (inter-quartile range) baseline hs-cTnT level [13.7 ng/L (10.3–25)] than did runners [4.2 ng/L (3.2–8.7; P <0.001)]. Post-race values of hs-cTnT were elevated in participants with SCI [28.0 ng/L (19.0–48.2)] and in runners [41.5 ng/L (18.4–87.1, P= 0.7)]; however, there was no significant difference between the two groups. Other parameters were not significantly different between SCI participants and runners.

    Conclusion: Post-race hs-cTnT levels of amateur SCI participants were elevated but were not significantly different from those of runners. Other race-induced physiological and metabolic changes in SCI participants were comparable to those of runners. The high baseline hs-cTnT levels in participants with SCI observed in this study warrant further research.

  • C. Petibois, M. Paiva, G. Cazorla, G. Déléris
    The Japanese Journal of Physiology
    2002年 52 巻 2 号 181-190
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2004/06/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Blood chemical parameters were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (notably for determining the concentrations of glucose, lactate, urea, glycerol, triglycerides, and proteins) in 14 top-class
    runners (133.7±4.1 min at
    , 10.1% difference between extremes) who performed a 10-km run at their individual
    performance level was correlated to glycemia increase during exercise (9% difference between extremes; r=0.93; p<0.005). The best
    runners presented longer and/or less unsaturated blood fatty acids during exercise (17% difference between extremes; r=0.89; p<0.01), suggesting an improved fatty acid selectivity for muscular metabolism. The
    performance level was also found correlated to a decrease of blood triglycerides during exercise (r=20.95; p<0.003) and to a proportional glycerol concentration increase (11% difference between extremes; r=0.94; p<0.005). The best
    runners presented higher amino acid blood delivery (r=0.88; p<0.01), which was correlated to an apparent protein catabolism. These results show that the best runners have enhanced both carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolisms to improve energetic supply to skeletal muscle during exercise.
  • 胡 威, 二宮 浩彰, 備前 嘉文
    2020年 30 巻 3 号 3_315-3_323
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/07/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examines the cost-benefit of holding a sporting event by estimating the economic ripple effect brought to the hosting region through an input-output analysis using the Nara
    2018 as a case study. Data on personal consumption expenditure by the participants, visitors, and related parties of the event, and the cost of holding the event are required in order to estimate the economic ripple effect of a sporting event. A web survey was conducted to collect data on the personal consumption expenditures of runners and their companions, and 2,278 valid replies were obtained. Regarding the cost of the event, the Nara
    Organizing Committee Office provided the “Nara
    Income and Expenses 2018” document. Data on personal consumption expenditures and the cost of holding the
    were entered into the input-output analysis, and the economic ripple effect was estimated to be 1,166 million JPY in Nara Prefecture and 2,370 million JPY in Japan. In the Nara
    2018, about 314 million JPY was invested as a holding cost, but the cost-benefit was 3.9 times larger in Nara Prefecture and about 7.9 times nationwide. Accordingly, the impact on the local economy created by holding the Nara
    2018 was verified.
  • Haruhiko Date, Takuroh Imamura, Hisamitsu Onitsuka, Masakazu Maeno, Reiko Watanabe, Kensaku Nishihira, Takeshi Matsuo, Tanenao Eto
    Circulation Journal
    2003年 67 巻 8 号 691-696
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2003/07/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The echocardiographic measures and plasma concentrations of either atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) or brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) were compared in elite judo practitioners (static athletes), elite
    runners (dynamic athletes) and healthy controls to investigate the relationship between the different types of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides in athletes. The LV mass and LV wall thickness of
    runners and judo practitioners were significantly greater than those of controls. The LV end-diastolic dimension index was significantly larger in the
    group, but smaller in the judo group. The left atrial dimension (LAD) index was significantly larger only in
    runners. Plasma BNP concentrations were higher in both the judo and
    groups than in controls, and positively correlated with LV mass as well as with deceleration time. Plasma ANP concentrations were significantly higher in
    runners than in the controls and judo groups, and positively correlated with the LAD index, but negatively correlated with ejection fraction. Multivariate analyses showed that the type of athlete and LAD index were independent predictors of plasma BNP and ANP concentrations, respectively. Thus, there is an intimate link between plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides and cardiac morphology in different types of athletes. (Circ J 2003; 67: 691 - 696)
  • 醍醐 笑部, 阿部 拓真
    2022年 32 巻 1 号 1_1-1_17
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/01/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    The current research examined the successful experiences and challenges faced by charity participants in the Tokyo
    . Constraint negotiation (Jackson and Rucks, 1995) served as a theoretical framework to guide this examination. Original data collected by the Tokyo
    committee from 2013-2019 was used for data analysis to investigate medium-term changes. A web survey of the past Tokyo
    charity participants was conducted to discuss their fundraising experiences and their attitude toward charity. As a result of medium-term analysis, it was found that most of the charity runners decided on their participation because of their ‘running’ motivation for Tokyo
    , but of a charity opportunity. The chance of getting into the Tokyo
    as a general participant is one in ten or twelve and this situation assists their decision making. Also, fundraising, which is increasing in popularity in the US and Australia, was still quite low in this context. Three factors of successful experiences were revealed from the web survey; one was related to the subject and content of the fundraising, and the second was related to place and tools, and the third factor was related to the way to utilize the general fundraising skill. Four challenges were revealed; challenges for the charity runner her/himself, discomfort in asking donation for donors and potential donors, difficulties about feelings toward the Tokyo
    charity system, and the lack of a Japanese charity culture.
  • 松崎 淳, 服部 勉, 長ヶ原 誠
    2018年 81 巻 5 号 595-600
    発行日: 2018/03/30
    公開日: 2018/07/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    In 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami took many lives and caused great damage. After the earthquake, various disaster reconstruction projects were conducted in the sports realm. The purpose of this study was to clarify the role of

    events held as disaster reconstruction projects in the Tohoku area’s three prefectures (Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima). Data were collected from informational media in terms of participants’comments and as an overview of each
    event. Main results were as follows: 1) After the earthquake, the
    event’s title changed to include “disaster reconstruction,” and programs increased. Furthermore, the event proceeded with fund-raising activities and field trips to the disaster area. 2) The number of
    events increased. After the earthquake,
    events characterized by “competition of orientation,” “region PR,” and “earthquake reconstruction” were held in three prefectures. 3) Comments related to “earthquake” and “reconstruction” in the disaster environment’s context were extracted from runners. Therefore,
    events were disaster reconstruction projects with the role of transmitting, through participants and media, the afflicted area’s reconstruction situation to people inside and outside the three prefectures.

  • Kyosuke Kawano, Ryoko Oda, Atsushi Inagaki, Makoto Nakayoshi
    2020年 16 巻 192-197
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/10/29
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/09/10
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    The thermal stress along a

    course in Tokyo is evaluated using a radiation balance model. The wet-bulb globe temperatures (WBGTs) for runners and spectators are calculated based on the surrounding building and tree geometries using the Solar LongWave Environmental Irradiance Geometry model. Analysis is conducted in terms of summer days in August 2018, which was during the hottest summer in the past 5 years. The WBGT classification for runners along the outward leg (until around 14 km) reaches the “Warning” level (WBGT = 26.5°C) despite of the many shadows on the street in the early morning (until 0645 JST). The WBGT increases around the Imperial Palace because the road has a sky view factor of over 95%, and no obstacles to make shadows on the street at around 0750 JST. The WBGT classification for runners reaches the level of “Severe warning”. For spectators, the difference of average WBGT from the runners are about 0.1°C although the difference could be significant locally due to partial shading on a road side.

  • Tatsuya Usui, Takahiro Yoshikawa, Keisuke Orita, Shin-ya Ueda, Yoshihiro Katsura, Shigeo Fujimoto
    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
    2012年 1 巻 1 号 175-181
    発行日: 2012/05/25
    公開日: 2012/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between human β-defensin-2 (HBD-2), cathelicidin (LL-37) and upper respiratory tract infections (URTI). In addition, the possible association between salivary cortisol and the salivary antimicrobial peptides was also examined. We hypothesized that the saliva levels of HBD-2 and LL-37 are lower in elite
    runners; and that saliva cortisol levels might have a negative association with saliva HBD-2 and LL-37. Twenty elite male
    runners were studied, and twenty additional male subjects were used as sedentary controls. Saliva samples were collected between 12:00 and 14:00 in the afternoon. We selected the cotton swab method of saliva collection. Elite
    runners tend to have lower concentrations of salivary antimicrobial peptides (HBD-2 and LL-37) than sedentary subjects. Saliva cortisol levels in the elite
    runners were significantly higher than those in the sedentary subjects. Concentration of saliva cortisol levels showed a negative correlation with saliva HBD-2 and saliva LL-37 concentration levels. Number of URTI in the elite
    runners was significantly higher than in the sedentary subjects. Number of URTI was negatively correlated with saliva HBD-2 concentration and saliva LL-37 concentration levels. The present findings suggest the relationship between antimicrobial peptides and URTI in elite
    runners and sedentary subjects. In addition, salivary antimicrobial peptides in the elite
    runners were significantly lower than sedentary control subjects. It is possible that, while strenuous exercise in elite athletes could partly enhance oral innate immunity, the physical stress could simultaneously restrict the immunological enhancement due to HPA axis activity.
  • Wataru Shimazu, Fuminori Takayama, Fumiya Tanji, Yoshiharu Nabekura
    International Journal of Sport and Health Science
    2020年 18 巻 197-206
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2021/03/05
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2020/10/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    Heart rate (HR) monitoring, which reflects exercise intensity and environmental factors, is often used as the basis for pacing strategies in a

    race. However, it is difficult to obtain appropriate feedback for only the HR value since cardiovascular drift (CV drift) occurs during prolonged exercise. Recently, cardiac cost (CC, which is HR divided by running velocity) has been shown to be a potential index for evaluating CV drift during a
    race. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between CV drift and performance in a
    race. Fourteen male university student runners participated. Each took part in incremental tests on a treadmill and subsequently ran a
    . CV drift was evaluated using differences between CC in the 0-5 km segment of the race and every 5 km segment (ΔCC) thereafter.
    performance was examined from two viewpoints: absolute performance (average running velocity during the race, Vmar), and relative performance (Vmar against velocity corresponding to the ventilatory threshold, vVT achv). Significant correlations were found between ΔCC and vVT achv in the 25-30 km, 30-35 km and 35-40 km race segments (r = − 0.672, − 0.671 and − 0.661, respectively), suggesting that excessive CV drift had a negative impact on relative performance. Based on our results, we conclude that suppression of CV drift after 25 km is an important factor for improving relative performance in a

  • 木村 広幸, 前田 隆, 伊藤 泰宏, 古本 英二, 永末 名生之
    2002年 26.43 巻 BCS2002-17/BFO2002-3
    発行日: 2002/06/27
    公開日: 2017/06/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    NHK has been working toward HDTV live production of
    races. At present we do not have enough equipment for HDTV mobile transmission, so the first step is HDTV production using current SDTV technologies. We have been conducting HDTV live production of
    races in this way since NHK started digital broadcasting via broadcast satellite in December 2000. However, our goal is to achieve complete HDTV production of the
    race using HDTV mobile transmission system. For this purpose we have just developed an HDTV UHF digital link using QAM-OFDM modulation scheme. We have conducted many HDTV mobile transmission tests and obtained good results. And we made complete HDTV live production of
    races in 2002.
  • Takahiro Yamane, Kazuya Hirano, Kenta Hirai, Daiki Ousaka, Noriko Sakano, Mizuki Morita, Susumu Oozawa, Shingo Kasahara
    Advanced Biomedical Engineering
    2022年 11 巻 151-161
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/08/06
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    Cardiac arrest has been reported during participation in several sports. Of these sports,

    running is a particularly popular sport but imposes high cardiac load. Indeed, its popularity has been growing worldwide. Risk of cardiac arrest during
    races is also expected to increase. Several studies have recorded electrocardiographic (ECG) information during
    races to protect athletes from cardiac arrest. Although evaluable ECG data have been obtained and analyzed, cost-effectiveness of the system, data quality, and clinical significance remain inadequate. This report is the first to describe an economical electrocardiograph built into a T-shirt for use during
    race. Twenty healthy runners aged 20 to 59 years (mean 36 years) wore the ECG device while running. The ECG data were monitored and analyzed to assess the observed frequencies of specified arrhythmias and the sections of the
    in which the arrhythmias occurred. Of the ECG data obtained from 14 runners who completed the full
    , six ECG datasets were evaluable. In some runners, there was inadequate contact between the electrode and body surface or poor Bluetooth connection between the ECG wireless transmitter and smartphone. Regarding arrhythmia analysis, all evaluable data that were analyzed showed some rhythm fluctuations. In conclusion, this economical T-shirt type ECG sensor provided evaluable ECG data during
    races, although the evaluable rate was not high. The data were used to analyze specified arrhythmias, but some difficulties were encountered. The ECG sensor did not function properly because of a system error. The ECG sensor was not adequately moistened to record ECGs accurately. Moreover, some runners chose an unsuitable shirt size, which impaired the stability and strength of the electrode–skin contact. These shortcomings produced noise in the ECG data, which made it difficult to analyze arrhythmias. The next step will be to solve these problems and acquire data from a large number of runners.

  • Mitsuo MISAWA
    1973年 17 巻 6 号 431-442
    発行日: 1973/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松永 敬子, 二宮 浩彰, 長積 仁
    2014年 29 巻 2 号 119-126
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2021/06/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The purpose this study is to clarify the characteristics and volunteer motivation structure of personal registration volunteers at the 2012 Kyoto
    . An inventory survey was carried out using the distribution and collection survey method ( delivery by hand ). Out of the 697 personal registration volunteers of the
    to whom the survey was administered, 631 returned the survey ( a response rate of 90.5% ). The results of this study showed that Community Kyoto citizens accounted for 54.5% of the personal registration volunteers at the 2012
    . It was also revealed that there was a lack of experienced sports volunteers; 68.1% of New Kyoto citizen volunteers confirmed what was able to find sports volunteer of new voluntary enforcement with holding of Kyoto
    2012. In addition, the Kyoto citizen volunteer participant has the component ( Social Relationships, Ability Improvement, Community ( kyoto ) contribution, Sports (
    ), privilege ) of five participation motive, and, as for the volunteer participation motive about the participation in Community ( kyoto ) contribution the thing that was higher than volunteer participant outside Kyoto became clear for the multiple comparison of the factor score. An understanding of volunteer participation from the area' s inhabitants was necessitated from a human resource management point of view it was confirmed that the characteristics and motives of Kyoto citizens differed from those of outsiders and to plan the organization of sports volunteers.
  • 小菅 拓, 野間 春生, 宮里 勉
    1999年 23.36 巻 HIR99-47/NIM99-72
    発行日: 1999/06/07
    公開日: 2017/06/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    These days sportscast on TV has become the most popular program. In this paper, we introduce new method for realistic sportscast based on player's view that means all what sports player is feeling. Especially, we focused on the
    here. We built trial system and examined effectiveness of the method through simulation of the relay sportscast of
    . As the results, we find that the subjects felt more aggressive feeling while they tried the
    program with our method than ordinal method.