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クエリ検索: "Playing With Fire"
13件中 1-13の結果を表示しています
  • 鈴木 恵子, 北後 明彦
    2009年 59 巻 2 号 34-41
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2010/06/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堀川 龍一
    1954年 4 巻 1 号 32-33
    発行日: 1954/10/25
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author experienced recently a rare case of a burn death in a patient suffering from Perthes' disease, treated with celluloid appliance. the patient, five years old boy, ran all the way for about fifty metres to home in a blaze after having caught fire in
    , and he died in fifty hours.
    Although the cause of his death is his playing with wood fire, there is no gainsaying for the celluloid appliance. Therefore, it would be necessary not only for the patients with celluloid appliauce to take care of themselves, but also to make the orthopedic appeiance with the incombustible materials.
  • *中野 孝雄
    2012年 48spl 巻 S3-3
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/10/27
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
  • Hiroki Tanaka, Makoto Tsujimoto
    Fire Science and Technology
    2011年 30 巻 2 号 55-68
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/12/23
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Hideto Suzuki, Wakako Hikiji, Takanobu Tanifuji, Nobuyuki Abe, Tatsushige Fukunaga
    Journal of Epidemiology
    2014年 24 巻 3 号 178-182
    発行日: 2014/05/05
    公開日: 2014/05/05
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2014/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Background: There has been increasing interest in the formal review of child deaths in Japan. In this study we examined the causes and scene information regarding child deaths from injury in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, as preparation for implementation of a full-scale review of child deaths.
    Methods: Documents on deaths from injury (excluding homicides) investigated by the Tokyo Medical Examiner’s Office during the period from 2006 through 2010 were reviewed. Deaths of children younger than 18 years (N = 217) were selected as the study sample. We examined the cause of and information on the death and were particularly interested in whether a case had preventable factors.
    Results: Overall, 67% of the cases were deaths from unintentional injury. The main cause of death among children younger than 1 year was asphyxia, and the proportions of deaths from traffic accidents were higher in older age groups. Thirty percent of deaths from injury were due to suicide, and all cases of suicide were among children older than 10 years. Although analysis of preventable factors was difficult in some cases, owing to limited information on the death scene, 87% of deaths from unintentional injury, excluding those involving traffic accidents, had preventable factors.
    Conclusions: Most unintentional child deaths from injury appear to be preventable. Development of a system to collect detailed information on the scene at the time of death will help decrease child deaths in Japan.
  • 山本 博幸, 鈴木 拓, 足立 靖, 篠村 恭久
    2011年 108 巻 1 号 1-10
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/01/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    消化器癌の分野においても,医療につながる基礎研究成果を臨床に実用化させるトランスレーショナルリサーチ(橋渡し研究)が盛んである.大規模な医薬品開発などをともなわなくとも,消化器癌の分子解析の結果を臨床にトランスレートすることが可能となってきた.本稿では,ゲノムワイドな低メチル化,CpG island methylator phenotype(CIMP),microRNA(miRNA),microsatellite instability(MSI),insulin-like growth factor-I receptor(IGF-IR)に関して最近のデータを中心に紹介し,近未来的な展望についても概説する.
  • C. R. Dmpsey, T. Oppelt, 石川 義紀, 西田 耕之助, 樋口 能士
    1993年 22 巻 9 号 546-552
    発行日: 1993/09/30
    公開日: 2010/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    過去15年間の連邦と州の有害廃棄物除去措置と調査の法制度化の経過から, 過去の不適切な処分が関心事になっており, 廃棄物の管理に大きな変革があった.直接投棄, 貯池での貯蔵, 深井戸への注入法は, 発生源での廃棄物の減量化や再利用, 物理的/化学的/生物的処理, 焼却, 化学的安定化/固形化などに変わった。“永久”処分技術の中で, 適切な焼却法は有害廃棄物の制御が可能で, 実質的な設計と運用の経験があり, 焼却およびその他の熱的な分解方法の進歩が期待される.このレビューの目的は, これらの技術と環境上の論点を正しく位置づけ, 有害廃棄物焼却法について吟味する.
  • 鈴木 恵子
    2007年 57 巻 2 号 29-38
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2009/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Tomoko TAMURA
    2019年 19 巻 23-44
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2021/03/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    One of the growing concerns in police interpreting is the use of “bilingual” law-enforcement officers as interpreters for interviews. While such countries as the U.K. and Australia refrain from this practice, their use is increasing in other parts of the world, including the U.S. and Japan. Despite the often claimed advantages of this practice, such as response to urgency, confidentiality, technical knowledge, interrogation efficiency, and costs, the fundamental issues continue to be their qualifications and translation accuracy. This paper looked into these issues, using the data originally collected for the “hearsay” issue research of police interpreters (a total of 228 federal and state cases from 1850 to 2018, by 242 interpreters, 70 of whom officer interpreters). The result shows that for all the gravity of their interpretation tasks, most of them were barely qualified for the job from a technical standpoint, with no formal training or sufficient experience, not to speak of certifications. Also, potentially serious translation issues were identified, with a significant difference between their performance and that of non-officer interpreters, though many of the non-officer interpreters were also untrained, ad-hoc bilinguals.
  • ―「イスラーム国」の動員の特徴と限界―
    髙岡 豊
    2020年 48 巻 1 号 9-26
    発行日: 2020/06/30
    公開日: 2022/03/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • C. R. Dmpsey, T. Oppelt, 石川 義紀, 西田 耕之助, 樋口 能士
    1994年 23 巻 11 号 670-680
    発行日: 1994/11/30
    公開日: 2010/03/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――ティーンエージャーの冒険物語――
    横山 孝一
    2020年 39 巻 13-24
    発行日: 2021/03/30
    公開日: 2022/03/17
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    This is a summary guide to 51 books of Richmond Robin Readers, which seem to be targeted at teenage learners of English, judging from the ages of the protagonists: 12 or 13 to 19 years old in accordance with the levels from 1 (300 headwords) to 6 (1800 headwords). The characteristics of this series are as follows: 1) A fifth of the stories are set in Australia whose indigenous animals such as crocodiles and kangaroos are effectively used in Jane Bowring's Cousins and Crocodiles and James Roy's Broken Wing. 2) Half of the books are about the teen protagonists fighting against adult criminals, mainly robbers. Although some of them are quite humorous like Denise Kirby's Black Night, others are unexpectedly serious like Pauline O'Carolan's Ride for Your Life and Deadly Holiday. A unique writer, Ms. O'Carolan prefers describing evil doings of abnormal people like an arsonist, a stalker and even a serial killer. 3) Many of the stories are based on the protagonists' newly found leisure activities such as skiing, scuba diving, horse riding, orienteering, ballooning, yachting, and rafting, out of which powerful stories like Ms. Kirby's Hot Air and Sue Murray's Wild Water were born. Since those recreational experiences are not so hard to be accessible to teenagers, they will probably enjoy reading such rather approachable adventures.
    Other recommended books you cannot miss in this series are Sue Murray's CHOIR Boy (a good-looking boy robot causes a lot of trouble at school), Sam Bowring's In Sarah's Dreams (a girl fights back the bully in her dreams), Philip Voysey's The Rainbow Girl (an outcast, hunchback girl kills a monster for her village), and Denise Kirby's What Happened at Seacliffe (through the visit to her rich cousins in England, an Australian female student gets to know that her ancestor was robbed of his inheritance and forcibly sent to the faraway land as a criminal most probably by his own brother).
  • ――現代のリベラル介入主義におけるウィルソン主義の展開――
    草野 大希
    2020年 2020 巻 198 号 198_127-198_142
    発行日: 2020/01/25
    公開日: 2020/04/16
    ジャーナル フリー

    The end of the Cold War, taken as the “victory of liberal values and the United States,” led to the revival of scholarly and practical interest in Woodrow Wilson, who symbolized the liberal tradition of American foreign policy based on democracy, free trade, multilateralism. This article focuses on the liberal interventionism–policies and ideas of protecting or promoting human rights and democracy in other countries by military interventions—that (re-)emerged, along with Wilsonianism, after the Cold War ended.

    It is common to call the post-Cold War liberal interventions “humanitarian intervention (HI)” or “responsibility to protect (R2P),” because they seem to have the protection of human rights, rather than democratization, as their mission. This is the reason why very few contemporary scholars and proponents of HI and R2P have paid attention to Wilsonianism or Wilson’s liberal interventionism. On the other hand, one of the components of Wilsonianism is the spread of democracy or liberal democratic internationalization by intervention, rather than the protection of human rights by intervention. However, Wilsonianism was often alluded to, especially in the debates on American foreign policy, when the United States, having become the sole superpower in the world after winning the cold war, began to engage in liberal interventions (mainly called HI or R2P). The characterization of these interventions as Wilsonian was not necessarily misguided, because it was very rare that these interventions pursued only human rights or civilian protection, and overlooked democratization in the target country. Above all, the Iraq war, which was started in 2003 by George W. Bush and justified in terms of promoting democracy and human rights, as well as addressing threats emanating from Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and its support of terrorism, represented the complex nature of contemporary liberal interventionism; thus, its justification generated much controversy among not only HI/R2P supporters, but also Wilsonian scholars.

    The purpose of this article is to reexamine Wilson’s (original) liberal interventionism—his interventionist policies in Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic in the 1910s—by considering its association with HI/R2P in the post-Cold War era, and its significance and implications for contemporary liberal interventionism. First, I will highlight the similarities and differences between Wilson’s liberal interventionism and HI/R2P in terms of the forms of intervention (unilateral or multilateral) and their main purpose. Second, I will demonstrate how proponents of HI/R2P and Wilsonian scholars, who believed that Bush’s wrong justification for the Iraq war tainted HI/R2P and Wilsonianism and wanted to revive their liberal interventionist projects, respectively, attempted to decouple their genuine and legitimate liberal interventionism from Bush’s illegitimate intervention. Finally, I will indicate what we should really have learned from Wilson’s liberal interventionism by considering the aftermath of the Libyan intervention—so eagerly promoted by supporters of HI/R2P and Wilsonianism—in 2011.
