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9,185件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 杉本 智俊
    1989年 32 巻 2 号 61-75
    発行日: 1989年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Book of Chronicles has three aspects: the interpretation of
    -Kings, the history of Israel, and the Chronicler's own theology. To define its literary genre, it is essential to clarify how they relate to one another. Exegetical literature may deal with historical events or theological issues, but it must be in the end constrained by the sacred text. Historiography may reflect exegesis of the text or the author's theological view, but it must finally be controled by historical events. Theological literature may make use of exegesis or historical report, but it is free from both in expressing the author's theology. In this article we discuss the first point: whether Chronicles is dependent on the text of
    -Kings, and if it is exegetical literature.
    Firstly, we will deal with 1Chr 18-20, where large portions of
    material (David's treatment of Mephibosheth, his sin with Bath Sheba, and rebellions against him by Abshalom and Sheba) are omitted. It is often explained that, though the Chronicler basically follows the text of
    -Kings, he attempts to conceal unfavourable parts of David. However, the Chronicler does include such accounts elsewhere (1Chr 13, 21), and their absence can be better understood by his own thematic presentation of Saul-David and David-Solomon relationship. Moreover, in 1Chr 18-20, David's victories are consciously collected from various parts of
    in order to constitute a literary unit. It is placed immediately after the Davidic Promise (1Chr 17) to show the beginning of its fulfillment and God's blessing upon David.
    Secondly, we will discuss additional materials in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2Chr 17-20). They cannot be regarded as theological interpretation or expansion of Kings' text, because they are totally unrelated to it and the Chronicler's evaluation of Jehoshaphat is opposite. Rather these additions form the Chronicler's own retributional pattern, and the Chronicler's control over the material is evident.
    These analyses lead to a conclusion that Chronicles is essentially independent from the text of
    -Kings. Although the Chronicler uses the interpretation of the sacred text, he does so only as far as it is relevant to his theme. Therefore, Chronicles should not be seen as exegetical literature.
  • 永野 弘
    1984年 19 巻 6 号 367-368
    発行日: 1984/12/25
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 戸田 淨
    1989年 51 巻 2 号 359-360
    発行日: 1989/04/01
    公開日: 2012/03/03
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • Barry M. Brenner
    1988年 30 巻 5 号 445-447
    発行日: 1988/05/25
    公開日: 2010/07/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 寺林進
    1988年 63 巻 4 号 152
    発行日: 1988/04/20
    公開日: 2022/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 門馬 法明, Peter Simandi, 宍戸 雅宏
    2005年 59 巻 2 号 146-
    発行日: 2005/10/01
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 王位継承闘争において決定的要因となった武装民に関する考察をめぐり
    石田 友雄
    1986年 29 巻 2 号 1-14
    発行日: 1986年
    公開日: 2010/03/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    As to the dynastic changes in the kingdom of Israel, the historiographers in the Books of
    and Kings differentiate the two types of seizure one from the other by the two different formulary expressions. The first type carried out by the people who helped their war-leader to the throne is expressed by the formula wayyamlîkû 'otô, with either kol-ha'am or kol-yisra'el as the subject. The second type executed by usurpers who conspired against their lords is expressed by the formula wayyiqšor 'alâw. The dynastic founders of the first type were made kings by the people under arms, but the usurpers of the second type could not win broad support from the people. At irregular successions in the kingdom of Judah, the people called 'am yehûdah or 'am ha'ares intervened four times in determining the royal successor. They were also the people under arms whose action is formulated by the same expression wayyamlîkû 'otô. We may conclude that this formulary expression is used as a definite technical term for king-making as a political action in the historiographical sources in the Books of
    and Kings. At the same time, it becomes clear that there was a contrasting development between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah concerning the people under arms as a determining factor at the establishment of the royal throne.
  • -ラファエル・サミュエルによる男女に開かれた労働者教育の視点-
    冨永 貴公
    2007年 43 巻 41-50
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2021/01/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

      This paper focuses on the History Workshop Movement and its effects on the first National Women's Liberation Conference (Ruskin Conference) through examination of studies made by the founder of the movement, Raphael


      The History Workshop Movement, considered by Raphael

    as a matter of adult education both inside and outside Ruskin College, was critical of specialization in history and strove to combine the three elements of research, learning and education. The activity of the workshop led learners to understand society in terms of their own existence as combining elements of labour and common everyday life.

      Seen as the beginning of second wave feminism in the UK, the Ruskin Conference held at Ruskin College in 1970 was concerned with an understanding of the power relationships between males and females as considered from the viewpoint of working women and their experience of both labour and common everyday life. It was upon the integrated grasp of labour and life as originated from Raphael

    and the History Workshop that the women's liberation movement in the UK was founded.

  • David Toshio TSUMURA
    2003年 38 巻 36-50
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2008/03/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 井田 浩三
    2014年 52 巻 2 号 17-32
    発行日: 2014/06/30
    公開日: 2016/11/17
    ジャーナル フリー

    The China maps published in Japan during the Edo Period were the republications of the maps made in China. However, at the end of the Edo Period the China maps which reprinted the ones made in the Western countries were published in Japan.

    One of them was “Map of Daishin Itto Zu” on which German origin and Shibata's manuscripts were written in. While trying to find the origin of the map, the author reached the conclusion that the common belief of previous research was a mistake. A new fact came out. The origin of “Map of Daishin Itto Zu” was a copy of a Chinese version of “Map of the Chinese Empire” attached to the book “The Middle Kingdom”, (first edition, 1847, NY). “Map of the Chinese Empire” was the result of modern China drawings edited by

    W. Williams, an evangelist, who lived in China for 40 years.

    Ginkou Kishida who got acquainted with

    W. Williams through J.C. Hepburn, valued “Map of the Chinese Empire” and bought the printing blocks of Shibata's “Map of Daishin Itto Zu”.

    After correcting some mistakes he published “Map of Daishin Itto Zu” and then adding some place names related to Taiwan troops in 1874, he published “支那全図(Map of the Entire China)”.

    Also in 1894 when the relation of China and Japan got worse because of war, the city maps of Shanghai and Beijing were inserted and the revised “清国輿地全図(Map of Qing Dynasty)” was published.

    Map of Daishin Itto Zu” was a revolutionary one but after “亜細亜東部輿地図(Map of East Asia)” was published in 1875 and “亜細亜全図(Map of the entire Asia)” was published in 1884, its role was over. It was these ten years that “The Middle Kingdom” by

    W. Williams was revalued and in 2005 it was translated into Chinese for the first time.

    The author is looking forward to finding the Chinese version of “Map of Daishin Itto Zu” in the near future.

  • 佐藤 清
    1941年 21 巻 1 号 11-22
    発行日: 1941/03/30
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 低温工学
    1985年 20 巻 1 号 61a
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Daisuke Nakai
    2022年 63 巻 2 号 63-64
    発行日: 2022/01/25
    公開日: 2022/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 岡田 元浩
    2009年 51 巻 1 号 93-95
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2019/06/22
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 岡 照雄
    1967年 44 巻 1 号 15-24
    発行日: 1967/11/10
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    While working on Clarissa Harlowe and Sir Charles Grandison, Richardson often denounces the saying that a reformed rake makes the best husband. At the same time, he is very nervous about the doctrine of moderate rakery suggested by Lady Bradshaigh. She says in one of her letters to Richardson that is is quite all right for him to accuse an abandoned profligate, but she wonders why he cannot show some leniency toward such a man as moderate rake. For him, however, a rake is a rake, whether abandoned or moderate ; or so he gives his admirers to understand. The above saying or the doctrine of moderate rakery seems to have reminded him of his own Pamela, which, it appears, is partly based upon these ideas. Now the use of the reformed rake convention is often found, not only in the so-called Sentimental Comedy or Genteel Comedy of his days, but also in prose literature such as the Spectator or the Tatler. In this connection, it seems rather interesting to the present writer that, while defending himself against the doctrine of moderate rakery, Richardson refers to Colley Cibber, who, he says, holds this doctrine and once laughed at him for his defence of male-virgin or what Fielding calls male-chastity. This is interesting in view of the fact that Cibber is one of the representative writers of the Sentimental Comedy, where the doctrine which Richardson hates is often taken for granted, and, as is seen in Cibber's works, the happy ending is brought about by the more or less doubtful repentance of the moderate rake in the last act. Richardson cannot accept such morally ambiguous solution seen in what Allardyce Nicoll calls moral-immoral comedies. Richard Steele's The Conscious Lovers represents the new trends in drama against these moral-immoral comedies. Its strong moralizing tendency reminds us of Parson Adams' words in Fielding's Joseph Andrews that "there are some things almost solemn enough for a sermon" in this play. The present writer suspects that Richardson's words against Cibber and Lady Bradshaigh in his letter are based upon the dialogue between Mr. Sealand and Sir John Bevil on similar topic in The Conscious Lovers. This comedy of Steele's seems to have furnished Richardson with valuable hints in fighting against the moral ambiguity of the Sentimental Comedy as is seen in Cibber's works.
  • Michael Guest
    1999年 76 巻 1 号 13-31
    発行日: 1999/09/30
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐藤 清
    1939年 19 巻 3 号 339-350
    発行日: 1939/08/05
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Phyllis R. Easterling, Patricia H. Webb, Keiko Tajima
    2001年 24 巻 3 号 3_382
    発行日: 2001/06/27
    公開日: 2020/08/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―17世紀イングランドにおける近代保険生成の一齣―
    永井 治郎
    2018年 80 巻 1 号 165-189
    発行日: 2018/05/25
    公開日: 2020/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー

    イギリス最初の火災保険会社The Fire Officeは,1680年,ロンドンに設立された。

    この保険会社の誕生については,サムエル・ハートリブ(1600―1662)とそのサークルが与えた影響を看過できない。まずそこでは,「1枚の紙片(支払約束証)も,支払履行を裏付ける十分な保障があれば,金銀貨幣と同じものとなる」という近代信用思想が生まれたが,この見識はThe Fire Office に継承され,ここに保険が信用論の上に構成されたのである。また,そこからは,漁業近代化策の1つとして,漁業者の収益安定を目的とする保険会社(an Office of Insurance)の計画(1645年)が提案されたが,この保険構想は,The Fire Officeが会社形態で保険引受けを開始するための示唆となった。おしなべてこの系譜の保険会社は,貨幣の役割を社会的成長の促進(成長的貨幣観)の中に求めた。



  • 竹本 洋
    2001年 39 巻 39 号 1-2
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2010/08/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Annals of the Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought has been issued annually since 1963, but with the first year of the 21st century it has changed to a biannual bulletin. Furthermore, we newly constituted the international advisory board for the editorial committee, and appointed Mark Blaug, A. W. Coats,
    Hollander, Laurence S. Moss, Bertram Schefold, Warren Samuels, and John Vint as our advisers. With these changes, our society will continue its efforts towards furthering the study of the history of economic thought.