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538件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Akihiro Wada, Hiroki Sakaguchi, Masanobu Itoh, Kenji Yukuhiro, Yasuko Kato
    Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology
    2019年 88 巻 3 号 3_049-3_054
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2019/12/16
    ジャーナル フリー

     Current populations of the wild mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mandarina Moore (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), inhabiting Japan were previously shown to be divided in four groups by a genetic variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. According to the geographic divisions, their phylogeographic natures were suggested to be involved in those of the mulberry trees. This hypothesis was based on a data set of many samples collected from 2008 to 2016, although it is not obvious whether such a compilation is appropriate to depict a snapshot of genetic variation of B. mandarina populations in a wide range. For understanding spatial and temporal stability of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes in those populations, we examined the frequencies of COI haplotypes in current populations. The geographic boundary between the genetic groups 1 and 2 was similarly detected in Kansai as previously found. In addition, the frequency of COI haplotypes were shown to be inherited stably for at least seven generations in a population, despite of neighbor populations carrying quite different haplotypes. These results support the previous picture of the geographic distribution pattern of COI haplotypes in B. mandarina in Japan.

  • 斎藤 豊, 竹下 寿, 立木 省治, 金箱 好雄, 仁科 良夫, 百瀬 善水, 北原 勇, 水上 寿英, 福島 宏
    1960年 1960 巻 46 号 19-29
    発行日: 1960/01/25
    公開日: 2017/07/24
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Cenozoic sediments characterized by pyroclastics are developed extensively in the northeastern area of Nagano city. Since 1956, the writers have engaged in the stratigraphical researches of these strata. The results are as follows: 1) The Cenozoic strata, divided into the Ogawa, the Shigarami and the
    formations in ascending order, were deposited from late Miocene to early Pleistocene. Most of the sediments, however, are considered to be of Pliocene age. 2) Two partial unconformities are recognized in these sediments. A part of the uppermost member of the Shigarami formation is underlain unconformably by a part of a member of the Ogawa formation, while another unconformity may be observed between the
    and the Shigarami or the Ogawa formation. Of both unconformities, the writers consider that the former was originated from marine transgression during the later Shigarami stage, and the latter. on the other hand, is refered to the regression in the late Shigarami stage. 3) It is considered that the marine basin was isolated from the open sea after the transgression during the later Shigarami stage, and it was changed into a lacustrine basin to which the writers attended the name "Paleo-
    lake". 4) On the basis of various geological evidences obtained in this area the writers believe that the tectonic movements in the late Shigarami stage continued to the post-
  • Fuko NAKAI, Shinichiro NAKAMURA, Kensuke TAKENOUCHI
    Journal of JSCE
    2022年 10 巻 1 号 56-69
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2022/01/20
    ジャーナル フリー

     This study examined the evacuation behavior of two communities—Naganuma and

    —in Nagano City, Japan, during typhoon Hagibis. Only two casualties were reported, despite the large size of the inundated area and significant building damage. We analyzed the relationship between (1) the numerical statement of aggregated evacuation behavior, (2) social and hazard circumstances, and (3) the social background, including disaster preparedness plans formulated by the community. The study focused on “the details” of evacuation promotion factors revealed by previous research, rather than “the existence or absence” of such factors. Data were collected from newspaper articles, a post-interview survey conducted by Kansai Television Co. Ltd., minutes from the flood control meetings in the flooded area, and district disaster management plans. The results revealed that the main factors promoting evacuation action differed for the two communities due to their disaster preparedness styles. While Naganuma established a specific (a particular measurement of the water level of the Chikuma River) and socially agreed-upon criterion for evacuation,
    had experienced several inland flooding events. It was found that both communities participated in the flood control meetings, formed organizations for voluntary disaster mitigation action, and cultivated common awareness regarding “the sign of a dangerous situation” and “what information is important for evacuation.”

  • III.トウキョウダルマガエルの性成熟と産卵
    芹沢 孝子, 芹沢 俊介
    1990年 13 巻 3 号 70-79
    発行日: 1990/06/30
    公開日: 2009/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Age of sexual maturation and clutch frequency of Rana porosa porosa were estimated from the seasonal changes of SVL distribution, ovary weight, and ovum size distribution. SVL of the smallest adult female was 52mm in
    of Nagano Prefecture, and 49mm in Ebina of Kanagawa Prefecture. A few females in Ebina laid eggs after their first hibernation. In
    , where the rice fields were irrigated in late May, at least some adult females laid eggs three times in a breeding season. The egg-laying pattern of R. porosa porosa was essentially similar to that of R. porosa brevipoda, though the former prepared second and third clutches more rapidly.
  • 谷本 忠芳
    2007年 76 巻 1 号 47-53
    発行日: 2007年
    公開日: 2007/03/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    10,100および1000 ppm のジベレリン酸 (GA) 水溶液の葉面散布によって Sagittaria latifolia の雄系統は雌花を着生し,三性株系統は対照区に比べて多くの雌花を着生した.雌花の着生は処理後 2 週間から始まった.GA 濃度のより高いレベルでより多くの雌花が見られ,処理によって総状花序の数は増加した.他方,同種に100および1000 ppm のパクロブトラゾール (PBZ) 水溶液を葉面散布すると,2 週間後から雄系統には雄花に加えて両性花が着生し,三性株系統には対照区よりも多くの雄花および両性花が着生した.その効果は100 ppm でよりも1000 ppm で高かった.総状花序の数は PBZ 処理によって減少した.GA は花序の中軸および花茎の節間伸長を促進し,PBZ には節間の短縮効果があった.PBZ は内生の GA の生産を抑制するので,本実験の結果から,内生の GA が本種の性表現,花序の生産および節間長をコントロールしていることが示唆された.GA 処理によって雄系統に着生した雌花が正常な種子をもった痩果に発達し,PBZ 処理によって雌系統に着生した雄花の花粉を授粉された雌系統の雌花が正常な種子をもった痩果に発達した.これらの結果は S. latifolia の育種および性発現の遺伝様式の解明に有用と考えられる.
  • Masamichi Tamura, Kenji Harada, Yasushi Takahashi, Tadahiko Ito, Manatomo
    , Akira Ishida, Goro Takada
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1997年 182 巻 4 号 337-346
    発行日: 1997年
    公開日: 2006/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    To evaluate serial changes in left ventricular diastolic filling patterns in preterm infants, we performed echocardiographic examinations in 18 very-low-birth weight infants and 20 fullterm infants before and after the closure of the ductus arteriosus. In the fullterm infants, the ductal closure induced significant decreases in the peak velocity and flow velocity integral of early diastole, first third filling fraction, and mitral stroke volume. In the preterm infants, by contrast, there were significant increases in the flow velocity integral of early diastole, first third filling fraction, and mitral stroke volume after the ductal closure. No differences following the ductal closure were found in the atrial phase of filling and peak filling rate normalized to stroke volume in either group. When the ductus arteriosus was open, essentially the same left-to-right shunting of the ductus arteriosus was detected in both preterm and fullterm infants, but the Doppler flow patterns of the patent foramen ovale were different: the fullterm infants had a single flow peak mainly during ventricular late systole and early diastole, but the preterm infants had two or three flow peaks with nearly equal amplitudes lasting from ventricular systole to diastole, which resembled the Doppler flow pattern of atrial septal defect. Only a faint Doppler flow signal of the foramen ovale was observed after the ductus arteriosus closed. Our results obtained from the preterms suggest that the left-to-right shunt through the foramen ovale may be one important factor to alter the Doppler transmitral filling patterns during the fetal to neonatal cardiovascular changes.
  • 豊野 学朋
    2018年 45 巻 5 号 481-490
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/09/18
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2018/07/12
    ジャーナル 認証あり
  • Tsutomu TAKATA
    Industrial Health
    2003年 41 巻 3 号 189-196
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2007/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In September 1998 the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that high concentrations of dioxins were detected in the samples of soil near the incinerator and ash, drainage, sludge and others remained in the furnace and air pollution control devices of municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) in rural part of Osaka Prefecture. According to the results the Ministry of Labor immediately organized the “Research and investigation committee on the dioxin problem of
    -gun Clean
    Center” under Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association to investigate the health effects of chronic exposure to dioxins and its accumulation on workers of the incinerator plant. The investigation was carried out in Sept 1998 and from the results, the committee concluded that the concentrations of dioxin among the blood of the workers who had engaged in maintenance of the furnace, the electric dust collector, and the wet scrubber of the incinerator were higher compared with those of residents in surrounding areas. However, there were no signs or findings correlating to blood level of dioxns, and the level was not high enough to induce sufficient health effects from the review of published papers. According to the results of this survey the committee understood that the follow-up study of blood dioxins level of group III and IV workers was inevitable and concerned about the other MSWI workers in Japan who might also be exposed to similar level of dioxins. The Ministry of Labor decided to expand the survey to other MSWI workers in Japan as 3-year project from 1999. The summarized report on the project is appended in this paper.
  • Manatomo
    , Tadahiko Ito, Kenji Harada, Masamichi Tamura, Goro Takada
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    1999年 188 巻 4 号 299-309
    発行日: 1999年
    公開日: 2005/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological changes of the cardiovascular system in fetal rats during late gestation. We used the rapid whole-body freezing technique for rats of day 17 through 21 of gestation. The right and left ventricular volumes increased markedly and significantly during this period by about 11- and 24-fold, respectively. Although the right ventricular volume was 108% larger with statistical significance than the left ventricular volume on day 17, they were almost equal after day 19. The length of the primum septum of the atrium significantly increased by 92% within 4 days, but the opening distance of foramen ovale significantly decreased by 14%. The ratio of the inner diameter (the sum of right and left pulmonary arteries to ductus arteriosus) significantly increased from 0.72±0.03 on day 17 to 1.17±0.07 on day 21. There was also a significant increase in the ratio of the inner diameters of the ascending to descending aorta. These observations suggest that the reduction of the opening distance of foramen ovale reflect the growth of pulmonary arteries.
  • Shinji KUMAGAI, Shigeki KODA, Hajime ODA
    Industrial Health
    2003年 41 巻 3 号 167-174
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2007/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Japan, the largest source of dioxin is solid waste incineration plants. Because workers employed at these plants handle fly ash and slag contaminated by dioxins, they can take dioxins into the body during work and their health may be adversely effected. This paper describes the dioxin exposure concentration, daily dioxin intake and blood dioxin level in workers employed at municipal incineration plants. The estimated dioxin exposure concentrations were 0.5 to 7.2 pg TEQ/m3 in the daily operation and 0.2 to 92, 000 pg TEQ/m3 in the periodic maintenance. It was also expected that the daily dioxin intake can exceed the tolerable daily intake (TDI) in incineration plants with fly ash of high dioxin concentration. The mean of blood dioxin concentration was 346 pg TEQ/g lipid in the highest exposed worker group of the
    -gun incineration plant and those were 11 to 40 pg TEQ/g lipid in the other incineration plants.
  • 小澤 宜史, 菅原 誠, 岡村 聡, 古山 勝彦
    2003年 57 巻 6 号 375-389
    発行日: 2003/11/25
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Takashi
    , Yuji SETA, Shinji KATAOKA, Hidemitsu HARADA, Takahiko MOROTOMI, Shintaro KAWANO, Ryuichi SHIGEMOTO, Kuniaki TOYOSHIMA
    Archives of Histology and Cytology
    2002年 65 巻 1 号 91-96
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2005/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Taste-mGluR4, cloned from taste tissues, is a truncated variant of brain-expressed mGluR4a (brain-mGluR4), and is known to be a candidate for the receptor involved in the umami taste sense. Although the expression patterns of taste- and brain-mGluR4 mRNAs have been demonstrated, no mention has so far been made of the expression of these two mGluR4 proteins in taste tissues. The present study examined the expression of taste-mGluR4 and brain-mGluR4 proteins in rat taste tissues by using a specific antibody for mGluR4a which shared a C-terminus of both taste- and brain-mGluR4, for immunoblot analysis and immunohistochemistry.
      Immunoblot analysis showed that both brain-mGluR4 and taste-mGluR4 were expressed in the taste tissues. Taste-mGluR4 was not detected in the cerebellum. The immunoreactive band for brain-mGluR4 protein was much stronger than that for taste-mGluR4 protein. In the cryosections of fungiform, foliate and circumvallate papillae, the antibody against taste-mGluR4 exhibited intense labeling of the taste pores and taste hairs in all the taste buds of gustatory papillae examined; the immunoreaction to the antibody against brain-mGluR4 was more intense at the same sites of the taste buds. The portions of the taste bud cells below the taste pore and surrounding keratinocytes did not show any immunoreactivities.
      The results of the present study strongly suggest that, in addition to taste-mGluR4, brain-mGluR4 may function even more importantly than the former as a receptor for glutamate, i.e. the umami taste sensation.
  • Toru ISHII
    2021年 21 巻 3 号 3_55-3_71
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study investigated the frequent near-fault strong motions recorded during active series of inland crustal earthquakes using sorted and ranked pseudo-velocity response spectra and ranked response spectral ratios to realize performance-based design consideration for buildings. The impact of repeating strong motions on building responses could be determined by multiplying the response spectra of the design-standard earthquake motions or the target spectra by the proposed ranked response spectral ratios.

  • Yasuyuki
    , Junzo NABESHIMA
    The Journal of Toxicological Sciences
    1983年 8 巻 2 号 133-140
    発行日: 1983/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    The recovery period of the taste responses of rat chorda tympani after application of toothpaste was examined. The response observations of four kinds of essential taste stimuli, 0.1 M sodium chloride, 0.005 M quinine hydrochloride, 1.0 M sucrose, and 0.05 M tartaric acid, were repeated every 2 or 5 minutes. After five observations of summated responses of the chorda tympani with each taste stimulus, a toothpaste solution diluted 3 to 1 was applied to rat tongues for 3 minutes and then they were washed with distilled water for 1.5 minutes. Thereafter, observations of the responses to each taste stimulus were repeated at 2 or 5 minute intervals for 30 or 60 minutes. The responses caused by four kinds of essential taste stimuli became smaller immediately after application of toothpaste, and then gradually returned to normal. The same experimental procedure was also applied using an application of distilled water instead of an application of toothpaste to rat tongues. A t-test was performed between the response ratios after application of toothpaste and those after application of distilled water. Significant differences disappeared at 18 minutes after application on the 0.1 M sodium chloride stimulus, at 23 minutes on the 0.005 M quinine hydrocbloride stimulus, at 15 minutes on the 1.0 M sucrose stimulus, and at 15 minutes on the 0, 05 M tartaric acid stimulus. The authors estimated that all kinds of taste responses recovered within at least 50 minutes.
  • 豊野 孝, 瀬田 祐司, 片岡 真司, 豊島 邦昭
    2008年 62 巻 5 号 143-146
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 杉本 温美, 白井 裕紀子, 山中 麻理子, 谷本 忠芳, 井ノ内 直良, 小西 洋太郎, 不破 英次
    Journal of Applied Glycoscience
    2001年 48 巻 2 号 115-122
    発行日: 2001/04/01
    公開日: 2011/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    ‘白くわい’,‘青くわい’および‘吹田くわい’の3品種と‘白くわい’ב青くわい’,‘ 白くわい’ב吹田くわい’,‘青くわい’ב白くわい’,‘青くわい’ב吹田くわい’,‘青くわい’ב青くわい’,‘吹田くわい’ב吹田くわい’の組合せで交配して得られた6系統の球茎から澱粉を調製し,その性質を検討した. 電流滴定による見かけのアミロース含量は28.2-29.9%,イソアミラーゼで枝切りした澱粉のゲル濾過分析よりアミロースに相当するFr.1は26.6-31.3%であった.HPAEC-PDA法によって,くわい澱粉・のアミロペクチンはモチトウモロコシ澱粉のアミロペクチンと比較して,重合度6および7の鎖長画分が増加し,重合度9の鎖長画分が減少するという特徴ある短鎖の鎖長分布を示した.X線回折図はいずれもA図形であった.‘ 白くわい’,‘ 青くわい’,‘ 吹田くわい’の3品種間では,澱粉の平均粒径およびDSCによる糊化温度は‘白くわい’>‘青くわい’>‘吹田くわい’,酵素分解性,70℃ における溶解度ならびに膨潤度は‘白くわい’<‘青くわい’<‘吹田くわい’の順であった.酵素による澱粉粒の分解性と60℃,70℃ における溶解度,膨潤度との間に正の相関が,酵素による澱粉粒の分解性とDSCによる糊化温度(ToおよびTp)との間に負の相関がみられた.
  • Kenshi MAKI, Yoshihisa ISHIZAKA, Tadao NISHIYAMA
    Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences
    2004年 99 巻 1 号 1-18
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2004/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes the finding of staurolite-bearing gneiss from the Higo metamorphic terrane and proposes new mineral zones in the Kosa area, Kumamoto Prefecture. Previous mineral zones of the Higo metamorphic terrane proposed by Obata et al. (1994) consist of five zones: Zone A characterized by Chl + Ms, Zone B by Bt + Ms + And, Zone C by Kfs + Sil + Bt, Zone D by Grt + Crd + Bt, and Zone E by Opx in metapelites. They identified three zones from B to D in the Kosa area. However, we found that sillimanite appears together with Grt + Crd, hence this paper shows that Zone C is absent in the Kosa area. New finding of Opx in the southern-most part of the area made it possible to define three mineral zones; Bt zone, Grt-Crd zone, and Opx zone, in the order of increasing grade from north to south in the Kosa area. Analysis of staurolite-bearing assemblage in a KFMASH system together with textural evidence reveals that the following reactions occurred in the staurolite-bearing gneiss in the excess of Kfs, Qtz and H2O:
    [Sil] Str + Bt = Grt + Crd
    [Bt] Str = Grt + Crd + Sil
        Chemographic analysis of these reactions together with Grt-Bt geothermometers shows the metamorphic condition of P = 200 MPa and T = 600-620°C, which is much lower in pressure than that estimated by Osanai et al. (1996) in the
    area, about 10 km west of Kosa.
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    2002年 197 巻 3 号 151-158
    発行日: 2002年
    公開日: 2004/04/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    To examine the effects of ductal closure on left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic function during the early neonatal periods, 45 normal term neonates delivered after uncomplicated pregnancies (mean 39 weeks) were studied using two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography. We measured ductus arteriosus size, arterial blood pressures, ascending aortic size, LV dimensions, and transmitral flow velocity patterns and calculated LV output and rate-corrected fiber shortening fraction (mVcfc) at 2, 12, 24, and 120 hours after birth. The inner diameter of the ductus arteriosus was 4.3±0.7 mm at 2 hours, 2.1±0.6 mm at 12 hours, and had closed in 42 of 45 neonates at 24 hours. LV output and LV end-diastolic dimension showed the highest level at 2 hours of age. However, the mVcfc did not change from 2 to 120 hours of age. The peak velocity during early diastole (peak E) was significantly greater at 2 hours than at 12 hours. The peak velocity during atrial contraction (peak A) remained unchanged during this period. The normalized peak filling rate at isovolumic relaxation time did not change over 120 hours. The present study demonstrated changes in LV systolic function and LV diastolic filling during the early neonatal period. LV systolic and diastolic function was preserved under the hemodynamic changes associated with the early neonatal period.
    1970年 24 巻 3 号 79-92b
    発行日: 1970/05/25
    公開日: 2017/07/26
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Kenji Yasuoka, Kenji Harada, Masamichi Tamura, Manatomo
    , Mieko Aoki, Goro Takada
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
    2001年 195 巻 3 号 171-179
    発行日: 2001年
    公開日: 2004/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of low-dose dobutamine on left ventricular (LV) functional and coronary flow reserves using transthoracic echocardiography. The study group consisted of 30 children aged from 5 months to 16 years (mean 4.8±4.4 years). Echocardiographic studies were repeated before and during dobutamine infusion (5 μg/kg per minute). The peak diastolic velocity in the left descending coronary artery (LAD) was recorded by pulsed-Doppler under the guidance of color Doppler flow mapping. The coronary flow velocity (CFV) response was calculated as the ratio of LAD peak flow velocity at dobutamine infusion to basal LAD peak flow velocity. Left ventricular contractility was calculated by two-dimensionally directed M-mode echocardiography. The rate-corrected mean velocity of circumferential fiber shortening (mVcfc) and LV end-systolic wall stress (ESS) were used as indices of contractility. Adequate spectral Doppler recordings of the LAD peak flow velocity for the assessment of CFV response were obtained in 26 of 30 patients (87%). The LAD peak flow velocity at dobutamine infusion increased significantly compared with the basal values. The CFV response in the younger children was low and increased significantly with age. The CFV response did not show significant correlations with the changes in heart rate, systolic blood pressure, rate-pressure product, nor ESS during dobutamine infusion. However, a significant relationship between the CFV response and the percent change of mVcfc was observed. In the present study using high frequency transthoracic echocardiography, we demonstrated the age-related changes in CFV response and LV functional reserve by dobutamine infusion. Responses of LV contractility and coronary flow to dobutamine are less sensitive in younger children and increased with increasing age.