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クエリ検索: "Vietnam War"
461件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 学生・知識人が果たした役割を中心に
    高橋 勝幸
    東南アジア -歴史と文化-
    2001年 2001 巻 30 号 98-128
    発行日: 2001/06/01
    公開日: 2010/03/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    During the
    , there arose social movements throughout the world. The Thai people rose up and toppled their military government, but civilians were able to take control for only three years; October 1973-October 1976. The democratic process was important, even though it only lasted a short while.
    had an impact on Thai politics, economy, society, and culture. Vietnamese communism was a threat to Thailand. The national interest centered on this issue of American military bases and facilities being built in Thailand. The American military stationed itself there, and many American soldiers arrived. Collaterally, the Thai military government received aid and support from the US. The Americans constructed the infrastructure from Bangkok to the rural areas to support their military strategies. The special demands of the
    enriched the Thai economy. American culture thoroughly invaded Thailand. Americanization destroyed Thai culture and tradition. Many nightclubs and bars were opened in places where there had been nothing of that sort before, and the resulting prostitution aroused anti-American sentiment among Thai people.
    The anti-
    movement prevailed all over the world, but it was difficult for the Thai to organize a similar movement. Thailand had been under the military dictatorship for a long time. There was no freedom of expression, and Thai intellectuals, including students, could not criticize the establishment.
    Much anti-war sentiment however existed, stemming from anti-American nationalism. The anti-war movement for the Thai involved writing, talking and discussing. This movement criticized the US for supporting the Thai military government for its own benefit. The Thai military government could not have lasted without American support, and Thai intellectuals and students accused the Americans of propping up that government. The anti-
    movement was connected to the anti-government movement.
    My essay will show four major factors which led to the anti-
    movement in Thailand. First, there was magazine journalism. The role of Seven Inslitutes and Social Science Review were important. They opposed the
    at the beginning. Second, Thai people living abroad played important roles. Some of them watched the anti-
    movement, and some joined. They sent information on the war to Thailand, some writing essays opposing the
    in Thai magazines. Third, the rise of student activism promoted the anti-
    movement. Students formed small political groups on their campuses, providing books on the
    , holding discussions and demonstrations against American policy toward Vietnam. Fourth, the counter culture reflected anti-war sentiment. It used art for the improvement of society under the military dictatorship, and this art raised the political and social consciousness of the Thai people. There were poems, novels, non-fiction and plays dealing with the
    , and they were accepted by people from every walk of life. These four factors shared anti-American nationalist sentiment against the American bases and soldiers in Thailand that supported the Thai military government. It was Thai nationalism, influenced by the anti-
    movement in the US, that helped the movement in Thailand.
  • ――米韓同盟と自主国防との狭間で――
    劉 仙姫
    2019年 2019 巻 196 号 196_81-196_96
    発行日: 2019/03/30
    公開日: 2020/04/16
    ジャーナル フリー

    The U.S. withdrew the troops from South Vietnam and the ROK on the basis of the Nixon Doctrine, implemented détente that supported relaxing international tension by U.S.-China reconciliation, and pursued peaceful coexistence on the premise of the status quo in Asia. This is the reason why I focus on the

    which had been the background that caused structural changes of the Cold War in East Asia. And, the
    was the first test case that the U.S. and South Korea cooperated in the actual combat since the formation of the alliance. The experience in Vietnam was the opportunity for the ROK government to know the possibility and the degree of the support from the U. S. in times of emergency.

    However, few previous studies have ever been done on the

    from South Korean viewpoints of the U.S.-ROK alliance. In that sense, the questions caused by the foreign policy of the U.S. must be demonstrated as follows; first, as a divided country like South Vietnam, what did the ROK government think about the U.S. support in combat? Secondly, while peace negotiations went on, what was considered necessary by the South Koreans? Thirdly, after Paris Peace Accords, what were South Korean views on it and how did the ROK government respond to the problem by its policy? Lastly, how did Koreans feel about the fall of Saigon and what was the difference between the U.S. and South Korea on the Korean Peninsula issues of post-

    The purpose of this paper is to explore further into the

    , associated with the ROK and the U.S.-ROK alliance, based on the diplomatic archives. Especially, I would like to focus attention on the question of how the ROK government dealt with Vietnam’s situation in the process of US withdrawal and what happened to its way between self-defense and the alliance since then.

    Through the whole analysis, the following conclusions were obtained; the first is South Korea became aware of partnership from the patron-client relationship and the transferring of operational control of South Korean forces because of the

    . The second is unilateral US withdrawal plan and the end of the war by negotiations decreased reliability of US military commitment in ROK. Nevertheless, South Korea also reconfirmed that the alliance was indispensable to the national security. The third is the U. S. reduced the possibility of direct intervention in conflict on the Korean peninsula after the
    . One final point is the
    was a factor to accelerate self-defense policy in Seoul.

  • 田中 亮輔, 冨岡 健一, 中村 和男, 筒井 勝治
    2020年 76 巻 1 号 113-123
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/20
    ジャーナル フリー


  • Quan Manh Ha
    Southeast Asian Studies
    2016年 5 巻 3 号 463-489
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/12/23
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article offers a brief overview of the problems in representations of the

    and the Vietnamese people, in Vietnamese, American, and Vietnamese American literatures. Each literary corpus ideologically politicizes collective and individual memory about the war to serve a certain political agenda. Bao Ninh’s The Sorrow of War and Dang Thuy Tram’s Last Night I Dreamed of Peace—two narratives written from the perspective of the Vietnamese victims of the war—which are selected for textual analysis in this article, with an emphasis on traumatic memories and suffering, debunk the myth of the just cause of the war claimed by the United States and decenter the Euro-Americacentric view on trauma and human suffering, thus challenging the common, one-dimensional perceptions about the Vietnamese and the
    in American cultural politics and memory.

  • Kiyohisa Shibai
    2015年 42 巻 2 号 167-189
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/11/11
    ジャーナル 認証あり
    This article explores the characteristics of Vietnamese social values identified in the Asia Pacific Values Survey's 2013 Vietnam survey data. The questions used in this article fall into three categories: politics, international relations, and economics. I analyze the characteristics of Vietnamese with respect to three aspects. The first aspect is Vietnamese characteristics at the national level by comparing Vietnam with other nations. The second aspect is differences between the North and South areas. The third aspect is differences between the generation that experienced and remembers the
    and the young generation of the post-
    era. The most interesting group is the older generation of the South because they grew up in a democratic and capitalist society and now live in a communist society, and they experienced the
    . I mainly elucidate how their characteristics are different from or similar to those of other Vietnamese groups.
  • Trieu Huy Ha
    Southeast Asian Studies
    2023年 12 巻 3 号 499-527
    発行日: 2023/12/26
    公開日: 2023/12/26
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article aims to review the evolution of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN)’s involvement in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which was founded in 1967 by Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia. South Vietnamese leaders and diplomats designed a new foreign policy under the administration of Nguyen Van Thieu (1967–75) that shifted focus to Southeast Asia alongside the RVN’s long-standing camaraderie with the United States. This demonstrated Thieu’s keenness to engage with regional states for the purpose of nation-building and an anti-Communist future. The RVN’s engagement with ASEAN reflected its efforts to foster a regionalization process along with peace, stability, and development in Southeast Asia, particularly after the withdrawal of the US and its allies. This study uses a qualitative approach, employing a wide range of archival collections housed at the National Archives Center II, Ho Chi Minh City and a handful of desk-research papers. The relationship is periodized into two phases. During the first phase (1967–72), the RVN embraced ASEAN’s values and, despite its observer status, expected help in achieving its security and economic goals. After the 1973 Paris Peace Accords, ASEAN increasingly distanced itself from the RVN as members changed their stances, particularly as attacks by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam escalated in RVN territories. This paper aims to bridge a gap in scholarship by examining the positioning of the RVN in international and regional relations during the Cold War.

  • 大島 京子
    2009年 68 巻 226-227
    発行日: 2009/08/12
    公開日: 2018/04/20
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • Porphant Ouyyanont
    2001年 39 巻 2 号 157-187
    発行日: 2001/09/30
    公開日: 2017/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper explores the reasons behind Bangkok's rapid growth in the 1960s, concentrating on two particular influences: the
    and its related developments, and the first significant upsurge in tourism. It is suggested that US military involvement in the
    had a significant impact on the development of Bangkok's service and construction industries. Particularly important was a major burst of construction activity in the 1960s: new suburbs developed and hotels and other commercial building sprang up. The financial, commercial and tourist industries experienced rapid growth, and construction followed in their wake. The presence of the US military in Vietnam indirectly induced an influx of foreign direct investment boosting the growth of industry in Bangkok. Tourism added to the expansion of services and construction. Among the reasons for the increase in tourism were the stable political atmosphere and the development of Bangkok as a crossroads of international air transportation. The hotel industry and retail industry both expanded rapidly due to tourist demand.
  • Hyoung-Ah KIM, Eun-Mi KIM, Yeong-Chul PARK, Ji-Yeon YU, Seung-Kwon HONG, Seong-Hoon JEON, Kui-Lea PARK, Sook-Jin HUR, Yong HEO
    Industrial Health
    2003年 41 巻 3 号 158-166
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2007/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Immunomodulatory effects of 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) demonstrated using animals are thymic atrophy, downregulation of cytotoxic T or B lymphocyte differentiation or activation, whereas human immunotoxicities have not been investigated well. This study was undertaken to evaluate overall immunologic spectrum of the
    Korean veterans exposed to Agent Orange contaminated with TCDD. Quantity of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit in the veterans suffered from chronic diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure (Veteranspatient group) were decreased in comparison with those of the veterans without the diseases and the age-matched healthy controls, but no differences in leukocyte populations. Plasma IgG levels were lowered in the veterans than the controls, owing to significant decrease in the IgG1 levels. Increase in the IgE levels was observed in the plasma from the veterans. Alteration of T cell-mediated immunity was also resulted from activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with polyclonal T cell activators. Production of IFNγ, a major cytokine mediating host resistance against infection or tumoregenesis, was lowered in the veterans-patient group. However, production of IL-4 and IL-10, representative cytokines involved with hypersensitivity induction, was enhanced in the patient group. Overall, this study suggests that military service in Vietnam and/or Agent Orange exposure disturbs immune-homeostasis resulting in dysregulation of B and T cell activities.
  • Jaeun YUN
    2021年 55 巻 132
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2023/11/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    In world politics, South Korea is generally perceived as a victim. Due to its experiences during the colonial era, one of the identities that Korea claims is as a victim of Japan. However, a massacre committed by Korean soldiers during the

    calls this position of victimhood into question.

    This paper illustrates and analyzes the process of Korean foreign policy-making with regard to Vietnam, following the revelation of the massacre in a magazine story in 1999. It is of importance that the government administration that had to deal with this issue was that Kim Dae Jung. Prior to becoming president of the Republic of Korea in 1998, Kim was a politician who fought for democracy and human rights, and his was the first peaceful power shift after a long era of dictatorship.

    The slogan of the Kim administration was ‘Human rights and peace’. At a 2001 Korea-Vietnam summit, Kim admitted to and apologized for atrocities committed against Vietnamese civilians by Korean soldiers. He promised to promote economic cooperation, including overseas development aid. This repentant attitude, accompanied by a focus on economic cooperation, continued with the next administration, despite its different political position.

    Kim’s successor, Roh Moo Hyun, improved his predecessor’s foreign policies, by paying respect to Ho Chi Minh and reforming economic policies. The next two (conservative) administrations, led by Lee Myung Bak and Park Geun Hye, also followed Kim’s policies toward Vietnam. Such actions do not reflect fundamental changes in views on the

    , but emerge from a concern for Korea’s economic interests and its relationship with Vietnam. This pattern has grown more significant since Moon Jae In was elected president, resulting in Korea now perceiving itself as a perpetrator.

  • Sean Fear
    Southeast Asian Studies
    2016年 5 巻 2 号 343-346
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Mimaki Shiina
    英文学研究 支部統合号
    2018年 11 巻 333-342
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2019/02/07
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 古田 元夫
    2018年 31 巻 111-120
    発行日: 2018/03/05
    公開日: 2023/02/10
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

    In this article, of the

    , we will look at a
    Research Book published in Vietnam in 2015 as commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the end of War and examine its characteristics. This research book is Nguyen Thi Viet Nga edited Vietnam’s Resistance War against America; A Historical Choice. The basic stance to the
    of this book inherited the orthodox talk about this war which was done in the official publications of Vietnam so far, no change is seen in this respect. However, in some respects this book has a “fresh” aspect. First of all, in this book we call the Saigon regime with its official name, that is the government of Vietnam Republic. Secondly, although this book evaluates that the Soviet Union and China continued to support the Democratic Republic of Vietnam as a socialist country, but for them, the power politics as a major power had greater significance than “the cause of socialism.” Third, in this book the difficulties faced by the revolutionary side have been mentioned much more concretely and clearly in such cases like period after the signing of the Geneva Convention in 1954, battle of Ia Drang in 1965 and the Tet offensive in 1968. Fourth, this book has greatly appreciated the role of Vo Nguyen Giap, and it is quite diferent from the Vietnamese research publication published in foreign countries recently that there is a strong tendency to emphasize the role of “hardliners” such as Le Duan.

  • Brandon Kirk Williams
    Southeast Asian Studies
    2018年 7 巻 3 号 509-512
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Koji Baba, Naoki Onishi, Reiko Maekawa, Junko Kuninobu, Eikou Ikui, Atsushi Kusano, Kikuyo Tanaka, Hatsumi Takemata, Fumihiko Sugawara
    1990年 1990 巻 24 号 205-217
    発行日: 1990/03/25
    公開日: 2010/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Tadao Okamura
    1970年 1970 巻 4 号 43-70
    発行日: 1970/03/31
    公開日: 2010/06/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小澤 健志
    1997年 30 巻 163-170
    発行日: 1997年
    公開日: 2023/04/27
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    There are many Vietnam Veterans who have suffered from the war, though more than 20 years have passed since the end of the war. And many organizations have been established to support the veterans.This paper, based on the information obtained through the Internet, makes the present condition of veterans organizations clear.
  • Gerard Sasges
    Southeast Asian Studies
    2016年 5 巻 1 号 163-166
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2016/05/20
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 冷戦変容期の国際政治
    菅 英輝
    1994年 1994 巻 107 号 11-29,L6
    発行日: 1994/09/30
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The article deals with the impact of the
    on the major trends of international relations in the mid-1960s as well as the influence of interactions among the major countries on the war. Charles de Gaulle of France, in his attempt to pursue a more independent policy, played a sigificant role in setting in motion those forces that promoted polycentrism in the Western world. France's recognition of China in January 1964 as well as its efforts to improve relations with the Soviet Union in the mid-1960s was part of de Gaulle's desire to play a more assertive and important role in world politics. The
    provided him with a unique opportunity to achieve such a goal by acting as a mediator between the United States and the Communist countries. However, France's mediating role was increasingly regarded by Washington policy makers as an obstacle to the U. S. objectives in Vietnam and the free world. Thus de Gaulle's assertion of more independence within the free world. France was not alone in criticizing the expansion of U. S. war efforts as the other Western allies did not consider Vietnam as crucial to their national interests. In this sense, the war contributed to further decentralization within the Western world.
    Communist China played the role in the Communist world that France did in the Western world. China's challenge to the Soviet leadership in the international Communist movement contributed to the decentralization of power in the structure of world politics. The
    contributed to such a trend as the war exacerbated the rivalry between Moscow and Peking. The U. S. escalation of the war ran counter to Washington's expectations as both China and the Soviet Union intensified their assistance to Hanoi but it also wided the conflict between the two communist countries because both of them wanted to increase their influence on Hanoi in their increasingly bitter struggle for leadership in the international Communist movement at the expense of the other. The intensification of the Sino-Soviet conflict put Norht Vietnam's leadership in a very difficult position as they needed their material and political support in winning the war against the United States and South Vietnam. The way out of the difficulty was to maintain an equidistance from Moscow and Peking. Thus the war, the Sino-Soviet conflict, and the subsequent polarization of the Communist world are all closely interrelated.
    The war in Vietnam and the U. S. escalation of the war efforts also contributed to ‘freezing’ the U. S. -Soviet detente that had been explored by Nikita Krushchev after the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. It was ironic for the United States that, on the one hand, the escalation of the war left no choice for Moscow and Peking but to increase their support to Hanoi and made the U. S. war efforts increasingly costly but, on the other hand, it aggravated the Sino-Soviet conflict to the point where by late 1966 both China and the Soviet Union began to look upon each other as more threatening than the United States. Even though China and the United States considered each other as the major enemy and the U. S. -Soviet relations remained frozen as long as the
    continued, there emerged signs by late 1966 that began to move Moscow and Peking toward improving relations with Washington. It was the ongoing
    that kept Moscow and Peking from moving away from assistance to Hanoi as well as from improving relations between Washington, on the one hand, and Peking and Moscow, on the other, throughout the 1960s. The war also contributed to the erosion of the Cold War bipolar structure.
  • Huu Ngu NGUYEN, Doo-Chul KIM
    Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society
    2011年 4 巻 13-24
    発行日: 2011年
    公開日: 2011/06/30
    ジャーナル フリー
       This paper clarifies the role of traditional fishermen communities and related changes in natural resource management of the Tam Giang Lagoon. The results of this study show that the “Van”, a traditional community of fishermen, was organized based on geographical closeness, and kinships sharing common experiences of fishing in the Tam Giang Lagoon. The “Van” were self-adjusted, its members able to manage and exploit the fisheries resources of the lagoon. Since resource management has always been associated with the “Van” communities, the government has since come to rely on the “Van” as a nucleus with which to manage the lagoon.
       The “Doi Moi”, an open-door policy initiated by the Vietnamese Government in 1986 has been fueling rapid changes in the rural society of Vietnam. The most significant change in natural resource management was the establishment of Land Law 1993 which allowed the allocation of lands to households. Consequently, resources which were previously shared by the communities around the lagoon have been changing to household ownership. This increase in private ownership has reduced the common fishing ground of the Sampan people and thus narrowed their access to the natural resources on which they based their livelihood. This is one of the major reasons behind the marginalization of the Sampan people, who have sacrificed their position of being the greatest beneficiaries of the lagoon’s resources, to being the poorest.