Annual Design Review of Japanese Society for the Science of Design
Online ISSN : 2188-7772
Print ISSN : 1341-8475
ISSN-L : 1341-8475
kodomotomorimoto: Design of Supplementary Jelly Kits for the Medication of Children
Naoshige AkitaYasuyuki HiraiHideko MatsuoMorio NakamuraKyoko Tanaka
Author information

2015 Volume 20 Issue 1 Pages 1_32-1_35


As a rule, however, you cannot masticate drugs, so you put water in your mouth to create the right conditions for deglutition. But many people end up drinking a lot of water without succeeding to swallow the drugs. They stay in your mouth or get stuck in the back of your throat. Many children dislike taking medication, because they find the taste unpleasant, have a hard time swallowing it, or are embarrassed about doing so in front of other people.
So how can we make it easier for them to take medication without undue physical and mental stress? We have teamed up with Morimoto-Pharma Co., Ltd., which develops and produces medical administration jelly, and conducted joint projects. Using a user-participation design methodology, based on repeated workshops and prototyping, we have distilled concrete insights from children's everyday lives and developed solutions.

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