Online ISSN : 2433-0043
Print ISSN : 0910-8017
ISSN-L : 0910-8017
田中 勝三宅 醇小川 正光
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 385 巻 p. 76-87


It has been very important to arrange properly housing standard in Japanese housing policy. Because governments have responsibility to rehouse for the people who live in houses under minimum housing standard and, to increase houses over optimum or targeted housing standard. The background to study housing standard are mainly as follows. (1) A dissociation between present national housing standards and housing level is remarkable. Especially minimum housing standard has been left as it was, compared with continuous rising of housing level. (2) There is a neccesity to establish the methodology to rearrange housing standard reflected housing difficulties of people more precisely. The aim of this paper is to reexamine socio-psychologically present national housing standard by catching actual conditions of housing level. Conclusion of this study are mainly as follows. (1) According to the relation between size of house and the evaluation about it, 50 % need level which gives the major part of people satisfaction is somewhat higher than minimum housing standard, and is lower than targeted housing standard for urban areas. Percentage of satisfaction about minimum housing standard is about 30 %. Hence governments need to raise up it to higher level. Targeted housing standards are satisfied by 80 % of the people, but the satisfactions to each household members are not equal. (2) It is very important to reorganize housing policy so that their effects may bring the improvement of housing conditions, and also to set up local housing standard to match local housing conditions.

© 1988 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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