Online ISSN : 2433-0043
Print ISSN : 0910-8017
ISSN-L : 0910-8017
温風暖房空間の上下温度分布の簡易計算モデル : 空調空間の熱的特性に関する研究 第2報
伊藤 尚寛横井 睦己中原 信生
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 398 巻 p. 59-67


In this paper we describe a simplified calculation model of vertical air temperature distribution during heating in the air-conditioned room, where air supply outlets are installed in the ceiling or the high sidewall and air return intake is installed in the low sidewall. The basic equations for the calculation are derived from a mixing process model of the room air, which is divided into complete mixing region at the upper side of the room and piston flow region at the lower side of one. It is assumed that in the former the discharged warm air is mixed with the room air completely, while in the latter the room air moves downward to the floor and its temperature gradient is formed only in the vertical direction of the room. Regression equations were derived from many experimental results for stepwise inputs of warmed air at the simulated full-scale office room. The equations give relation between the model parameter defined as a ratio of depth of the complete mixing region to the room height and Archimedes number which is induced from the supply air condition.

© 1989 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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