Online ISSN : 2433-0043
Print ISSN : 0910-8017
ISSN-L : 0910-8017
空間言語(地景名)からみた集落空間の組織化と構成原理について : 農村集落の空間的整序性に関する研究・その1
寺門 征男
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 416 巻 p. 55-65


This paper reports the concept of spatial, composition and organization of shuraku (settlements) in rural area. The study is based on the results from the investigation carried out at Karakida in Ochiai-dis-trict, Tama City, Tokyo from 1984 to 1985. Karakida is one of typical rural settlements situated in the suburbs of Tokyo. The number of spatial languages collected in Karakida is 74. The spatial language could be classfied into 10 groups and 4 categories. The main results are follows ; 1) The study method by spatial language is effective to analyze the spatial composition of shuraku as a living space. 2) The classification and categorization of spatial language showed clearly the object and the content of inhabitants recognition to their common space. 3) The main concepts drawed and proved about spatial composition and organization of shuraku are follows ; (1)territory (2)access (3)heart (4)division and knotting (5)orientation. 4) This paper indicates the existence of the second spatial language as an immanent order that integrates 5 main concepts, for example, Uchi(inner) and Soto(outer), Kami(upper) and Shimo(under), Mae(front) and Ura(back), Oku(inner part) and Omote(outside).

© 1990 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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