Online ISSN : 1881-8153
Print ISSN : 1340-4202
ISSN-L : 1340-4202
高齢化にともなう歩行メカニズムの変化からみたすべりの評価の相対的変化の推定 : 高齢者の安全性からみた床のすべりの評価に関する基礎的研究 その1
横山 裕小野 英哲稲垣 太郎高橋 宏樹
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 60 巻 478 号 p. 35-44


The change of evaluation of floor slipperiness resulted from the change of gait with aging was investigated in this paper. At first, we developped an outfitting equipment for the young to simulate geriatric gait. Secondly, the sensory test was carried out using young panels with and without the equipment. The psychological scale of evaluation relating to slipperiness of sample floors employed for the test was constructed. Then, C. S. R which was the physical value corresponding to slipperiness was measured using "O-Y Pull Slip Meter". Thirdly, based on the correlation between the psychological scale and C. S. R, the difference of the aged from the young in evaluating slipperiness was investigated.

© 1995 日本建築学会
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