Online ISSN : 2433-0027
Print ISSN : 0387-1185
ISSN-L : 0387-1185
読書施設の状況と住民の読書形態・続 : 公共図書館の設置計画に関する研究・2
栗原 嘉一郎竹下 俊夫
ジャーナル フリー

1966 年 127 巻 p. 43-48,57-58


This is the second report of the fundamental investigations for the planning of the library system to community area in Japan. Survey has been done in Kochi city in place of Amagasaki city mentioned on the first report in 1965 to know the distribution of libraries, and how they are going to be used by the people. The public library services to community area is in far rich level at Kochi, having a municipal central library, 4 branch libraries, 276 bookmobile stations, and a prefectural central library for 200 thousand's population, compared to Amagasaki with only a library and 58 bookmobile stations for 400 thousand's population. At these circumstances we have chiefly intended to know how much the use of public Library increase in Kochi compared to Amagasaki. It was sure that the public library use has been far increased in Kochi as the results, compared to Amagasaki. In this meaning, the public library services in Kochi seem successful. Nevertheless, it has been unchanged that most people buy the book at the book-store or they borrow from their friend when people want to read a book, and the public Library use is still limited at least 7〜8% as a source of book reading as a whole. It will be obvious that far more rich level should be required on the planning of the public library to the community area, having far more branch libraries rather than bookmobile stations as it has also been known there was an apparent limitation to this system.

© 1966 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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