Online ISSN : 2433-0027
Print ISSN : 0387-1185
ISSN-L : 0387-1185
公共図書館利用者についての分析 : 公共図書館の設置計画に関する研究・3
栗原 嘉一郎竹下 俊夫
ジャーナル フリー

1966 年 130 巻 p. 27-32,62-63


This is the third report of the fundamental investigations for the planning of the library system to community area in Japan. The paper describes the social characteristics and the way of library use by the clienteles of the public libraries. Several matters were known as follows : 1) Many of the clienteles are students in many cases. They visit the public libraries for their school task or preparation for entrance examination and merely to reserve a seat without borrowing books of the library, which may differs from the original function of the public library. 2) "Not students" visit the libraries for book circulation mainly for their refinement or enjoyment at the nooning of their offices, when the libraries are located in the official street in the city. 3) The geographic range of the clienteles is limitted within the area of radius of several hundreds metres as for the branch library, and within a range approachable on bicycle even as for the main library of medium size. These matters show the importance of the book circulation department on the library, and suggest the way of locating the library to invite many of "not students" to the public libraries. They also give the geographic views of the library system to community area.

© 1966 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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