Online ISSN : 1881-8188
Print ISSN : 1341-9463
ISSN-L : 1341-9463
コミュニティバス運行取組状況に関する研究 : 全国自治体の実施状況把握と分析(都市計画)
天野 圭子中山 徹
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 12 巻 23 号 p. 415-420


For this research, we collected the questionnaire survey for the municipality nationwide in Japan. Main results are as follow ; 1.Operation purposes are mainly to improve living convenience for the weak of transport such as the aged, the disabled and the student, especially in the area unable to access other traffic. 2.The passenger on a bus under five people occupies some half routes. Community bus tends to low utilizing condition. 3.The income and outgo rate under 30% occupies 60% of all routes. Most of the community bus is difficult to be profitable. 4.Resident's intention is collected by 75% of municipalities how a questionnaire, a hearing, a conference and study meeting. 5.Approach to the evaluation of project is 30% of municipalities. The point is, although problems of low profit and low utilizing exist, the project's evaluation from various angles is desired.

© 2006 日本建築学会
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