Online ISSN : 2434-9917
Print ISSN : 1882-2088
豊田 明子
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 17 巻 p. 56-67


This study aims to focus on the guidance of graduates of agricultural supplementary schools in colonial Taiwan, and to elucidate the lives of those who did not leave written records of their own in the early 1930s. In certain cases, these schools, especially in Taiwan, were used as a bridge to secondary education in rural areas due to the lack of appropriate educational institutes. However, the school teachers endeavored to operate the curriculum rooted in the region to stabilize educational activities.

This study illustrates that individuals who studied at agricultural supplementary schools wanted to learn about agricultural technology and management even after graduation. Furthermore, they wished to interact with fellow students, and expected much support to improve their lives. The younger generation exhibited the desire to overcome the older generation and wanted to change society through the desire for better lives. This aspect suggests that Taiwan was a place in which peasants could live, instead of being suppressed or resisted. In addition, the people practically acted and wanted to enrich their lives.

© 2023 アジア教育学会
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