Online ISSN : 2434-9917
Print ISSN : 1882-2088
17 巻
  • 朴 聖希
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 6-17
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study aims to examine the decision making of elementary teachers in terms of career choice and how students in the teacher training stage form career awareness under the purpose-specific teacher training system in Korea. Toward this end, the researcher conducted interviews with six students in the University of Education. The narratives of the respondents lead to the following results. First, the general assumption is that students enter a university of education after opting to become elementary teachers due to the institutional characteristics of the purpose-specific teacher training system. However, variations exist in the actual timing and motivation of students in the choice of teaching in elementary schools; in certain cases, enrollment in a university of education preceded their career choice as elementary teachers. Second, exposure to the reality of the field of education after entering university was a factor that simultaneously strengthened and weakened their intention to become elementary teachers. Third, the students expressed the intention to enter graduate school and other various professional attractions of elementary teachers, which indicates their future prospects for career development and professional life as elementary teachers beginning with the teacher training stage.

  • 朱 奕雷
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 18-30
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, its social system was transformed into a socialist system. As a result, social status became defined according to the political positions of the people.

    This study examines the influence of the transformation of the social system on the educational strategy of the family based on the life stories of a parental generation born in the 1930s and 1940s and a child generation born in the 1960s and 1970s.

    In conclusion, for families of parents born in the Republic of China, the accumulation of economic and cultural capital exerted an impact on the educational strategies of the subsequent generation. Alternatively, for families of children born in the beginning of the formation of the People’s Republic of China, the accumulation of political and cultural capital influenced the educational strategies of the subsequent generation.

    This study confirms that when applying Bourdieu’s theory of cultural reproduction to China (a socialist country), political capital is an important factor in addition to classical forms of capital such as economic, cultural, and social.

  • 沙馬 婧瑤
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 31-42
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This case study focuses on the NiuNiu Choir, a project aimed at providing a supportive environment for left-behind children in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China. Left-behind children refer to those between the ages of 0 and 17 years whose parents have migrated to urban areas for work and left them behind in rural hometowns. This study intends to elucidate the NiuNiu Choir’s activities and demonstrate the function and role of creating a place through music and social media in which the well-being of left-behind children is supported. The study analyzed related news, videos, and interviews to illustrate the impact and effectiveness of the NiuNiu Choir.

    Analysis revealed that the NiuNiu Choir serves as a creative and inclusive place for these children by offering them a sense of belonging, emotional support, and opportunity for personal growth. Furthermore, instructor-teacher and social media are essential components of the NiuNiu Choir, because they significantly support the comprehensive development of these left-behind children.

  • 祁 暁航
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 43-55
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study examines the role and functions of learning activities among community members in the context of women-led cooperatives in rural China. As a response to the challenges of weakened local productive capacity and inadequate public service provision, the establishment of cooperatives and the provision of diverse learning opportunities for community members by various actors facilitate the formation and operation of local organizations. The study shows that supporting residents’ learning needs and providing them with activities that meet those needs enhance their participation and common understanding. Moreover, it promotes the formation of community organizations. Furthermore, the local NPO acts as a coordinator bridging the different actors involved in the project, including the college, the basic government, the professional NPO, and the local community. Collaboration among multiple organizations is also fostered through the local organization.

    By providing comprehensive learning support to community members, they enhance the capacities and autonomy of local organizations. This study emphasizes the need for flexible collaboration among actors in organizing community-based learning for problem-solving and advocates strengthening the institutional framework to achieve sustainable development in depopulated regions.

  • 豊田 明子
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 56-67
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study aims to focus on the guidance of graduates of agricultural supplementary schools in colonial Taiwan, and to elucidate the lives of those who did not leave written records of their own in the early 1930s. In certain cases, these schools, especially in Taiwan, were used as a bridge to secondary education in rural areas due to the lack of appropriate educational institutes. However, the school teachers endeavored to operate the curriculum rooted in the region to stabilize educational activities.

    This study illustrates that individuals who studied at agricultural supplementary schools wanted to learn about agricultural technology and management even after graduation. Furthermore, they wished to interact with fellow students, and expected much support to improve their lives. The younger generation exhibited the desire to overcome the older generation and wanted to change society through the desire for better lives. This aspect suggests that Taiwan was a place in which peasants could live, instead of being suppressed or resisted. In addition, the people practically acted and wanted to enrich their lives.

  • ビャムバスレン エンフゲレル
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 68-80
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    Mongolia has been actively pursuing global standards in the educational system since the fall of the socialist state; this notion aligns with the rapid globalization and growth of information technology. Recently, the government has begun introducing various initiatives to enhance national language education. For example, a new mandatory examination called the Mongolian Language and Letter Exam was established in 2013 as a new requirement for higher education. This examination was in addition to the two existing exams, namely, the high school graduation exam and the university entrance exam. Although the government lacks an elucidation of the necessity of this reform, the establishment of this exam implicitly creates a new standard of literacy for citizens. To analyze the purpose of the exam and promote literacy standards, the study examined recent education and language policies as well as the knowledge and skills tested through these three exams.

    The results indicate that basic literacy has become a crucial issue, once again, in public education due to the unique background of Mongolia regardless of its high literacy rate. Moreover, the findings suggest that literacy education is moving toward the promotion of functional literacy, which is in line with global trends. However, a close examination of exam contents reveal an assumption of extensive cultural background knowledge for successful examinees.

  • 徐 佳汝
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 81-93
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study focuses on the Hygiene Campaign in Shanghai at the end of the 1920s, and by clarifying the actual participation of schools in the Hygiene Campaign, revealing that schools played a role in the indoctrination of the people while being incorporated into the Hygiene Campaign of the Shanghai authorities.

    With the official establishment of the Shanghai Municipal Government in July 1927, the Public Health Bureau (PHB) began to address various health and hygiene issues in Shanghai society, and the Hygiene Campaign was one of its projects. Under the philosophy of improving sanitary conditions and revitalizing the nation, the PHB’s Hygiene Campaign aimed to indoctrinate the general public, and it can be seen that they attempted to transmit hygienic knowledge and raise the public’s awareness of hygiene through the development of “entertainment” activities by pupils who were considered as “future citizens. Children appeared as a “medium” who conveyed hygienic knowledge to the people through their body movements and dialogues, and at the same time, the students themselves had the opportunity to be injected with hygienic knowledge. Through the activity of yugei play in the first campaign, this paper reveals the duality of the school in hygiene education.

  • アズミ ムクリサフ
    2023 年 17 巻 p. 94-106
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/12/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    This study aims to examine the integration of general and religious knowledge in Integrated Islamic Schools (IIS) in Indonesia by analyzing their textbooks. It focuses on general subject textbooks used in IIS and explores the manner in which religious knowledge is integrated, the relationship between religious knowledge and general subjects, and the types of religious knowledge presented.

    Analysis revealed that there were two methods of incorporating religious knowledge:(1) adding it as an independent section at the end of a general subject unit ; (2) integrating it within the content of the unit. The first method was the primary method used. However it was not truly integrated because general and religious knowledge was separated, although they were listed on the same page.

    However, when considering the relationship between general subjects and religious knowledge, the majority of religious knowledge was related to the contents or materials of the general subject unit. Although listed separately, the study observed a substantial integration in terms of content.

    The added religious knowledge covered a wide range of topics, including Quranic verses, Hadiths, Islamic cultures, stories about prominent Muslims, and Islamic-related knowledge that did not fall under these categories. These results demonstrated that IIS aim to establish connections between general and religious knowledge through the inclusion of various types of religious knowledge.
