Annals of Mixed Methods Research
Online ISSN : 2436-8407
Original Article
Exploring the learning needs of mixed methods research skill levels based on self-assessment
Using the Guetterman scale
Yoko Kawamura Hisako Kakai
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Issue 1 Pages 271-291


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to obtain multifaceted insights into the learning needs of nursing researchers from the perspective of their self-assessment (perception) of explanatory and adaptive skills related to the practice of mixed methods research (MMR).

METHODS: This study was a convergent design MMR. Attributional characteristics of three groups (high, medium, and low) based on self-assessment of MMR skills were identified using the Guetterman scale as quantitative data analysis. Next, qualitative data analysis was conducted by reading the verbatim transcripts of the focus group interviews (FGI) and coding their content according to meaning. Then, quantitative data transformations were performed on these coding results, which allowed us to identify differences in trends among the three groups. Finally, the results of quantitative and qualitative data analysis were integrated, and meta-inferences were derived to identify learning needs by the three self-assessment groups for MMR skills.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We highlighted that the learning needs of the high, medium, and low groups differed based on their overall research skills, coupled with differences in learning environments based on their overall research characteristics and the temporal changes in acceptance of MMR from time to time.

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© 2024 Japan Society of Mixed Methods Research

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