Online ISSN : 2185-0194
Print ISSN : 0371-4217
ISSN-L : 0371-4217
ブリ, ヒラマサおよびそれらの交雑種のBenedenia seriolaeに対する感受性の違い
長倉 義智中野 昌次虫明 敬一大原 恵理子岡本 信明小川 和夫
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 54 巻 3 号 p. 335-340


In this study, we compared seasonal changes in the number of the monogenean parasite Benedenia seriolae infesting amberjacks: yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata, goldstriped amberjack S. lalandi and their hybrid, i.e. yellowtail _??_ ×goldstriped amberjack _??_ (termed as YG) . These fish, individually identified by passive radio frequency transponder tag and kept in a single net cage throughout the experiment, were examined individually for the intensity of infection. All the fish groups showed similar seasonal changes in the intensity of infection; the number of parasites peaked in June (29-237 per fish), while it was low in March, September and October (0-18 per fish) . Goldstriped amberjack was most heavily infected, followed by YG, and then yellowtail. When compared within each fish group, there was a big difference in the intensity of infection among individuals. These results suggest that the susceptibility against B. seriolae infection is different not only among fish species, but also among individuals within the same fish species.

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