Online ISSN : 1347-7935
Print ISSN : 0021-4884
ISSN-L : 0021-4884
実験的気管支喘息に関する呼吸生理学的研究 : 第一報 電気容量の変動を利用した呼吸曲線描記法について
笛木 隆三
ジャーナル フリー

1963 年 12 巻 7-8 号 p. 237-247,281-28


Successful Results were obtained to record the respiration in the experimental asthma, using an electric method. The experimental animal is put in a glass cylinder containing a definite electric capacity and the respiratory movement of the animal arise the variation of the electric capacity of the cylinder, then induced voltage change was lead by high-cycle condencer pic-up to direct pen writer.The guinea pigs were sensitized with inhalation of "Konjac Maiko " (a dust produced by grinding of "Amorphophalus Konjac") and the provocation of asthmatic attack incluced also by inhalative method. In another group of animals, asthmogenic agents such as histamine or acetylcholine was used as the provacation.In the control group of animals a smooth, "sine-curve" like respiration curve which reflect normal respiratory movement was appeared, but as an asthmatic attack develops, a characteristic, large, irregular shaped, biphasic wave pattern was appeared. By the observation of these patterns, the occurence, severity, and the process of asthmatic attacks could be evaluated. Allergic asthmatic attacks needed generally more long time until the beginning of attacks, and the duration of the attack is also longer than that of the drug induced asthma. Although the duration of inhalation in the sensitization and the provocation were under the same condition, significant individual differences were observed in the reactivity either to asthmogenic agents or to the antigen. At the continuous every day provocation to the antigen, almost all animals showed the refractory phenomenon, but in the acqiring duration of it the individual differences were also observed. This recording method is thought to be better than formerly reported various methods because any constriction on the animals is not needed. So the another respects of utilization in the field of physiology is expected.

© 1963 日本アレルギー学会
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