Online ISSN : 1347-7935
Print ISSN : 0021-4884
ISSN-L : 0021-4884
吸入誘発による小児気管支喘息病態像に関する研究 : 第1編.血清学的検索を中心として.
鳥居 新平
ジャーナル フリー

1968 年 17 巻 1 号 p. 6-18,79


The purpose of the present study is to examine asthma attack in childhood chiefly by serological analysis of provoked asthma. 1) Twenty one of 42 asthmatic children developed clinical asthma by inhalational challenge of house dust antigen. 2) The group of the patients whose sera contained skin-sensitizing antibodies of high titers had significantly more who reacted to the provocation than the other whose sera contained those of low titers. 3) In those whose sera contained skin-sensitizing antibodies of low titers, seasonal variation in the positive rate of the provocation test was remarkably observed. 4) There seemed to be no consistent relationship between the hemagglutination titers and the skinsensitizing titers or, the times of hyposensitizations or the positive rate of the provocation. 5) The decreases of the skin-sensitizing titers were observed in the group of the patients who were challenged by the inhalation of house dust antigen but they were not observed in control group and hemagglutination titers showed no significant change. 6) Ten patients who did not developed asthma only by the provocation of house dust antigen and whose sera contained low skin-sensitizing titers were inhalationally challenged by house dust about 20 minutes after the injection of mecholyl chloride and 6 of them developed asthma. 7) The polygram patterns of the patients who developed asthma by the inhalational challenge of house dust antigen were similar to the patterns of those who developed asthmatic-like attack by the injection of mecholyl chloride and it was supposed that both patterns represented a state of sympathetic tunning.

© 1968 日本アレルギー学会
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