Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry
Online ISSN : 1347-6947
Print ISSN : 0916-8451
Food & Nutrition Science Regular Papers
Inhibiting Effects of Theanine on Caffeine Stimulation Evaluated by EEG in the Rat
Takami KAKUDAAyumu NOZAWATomonori UNNONoritaka OKAMURAOsamu OKAI
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2000 Volume 64 Issue 2 Pages 287-293

  In this study, the inhibiting action of theanine on the excitation by caffeine at the concentration regularly associated with drinking tea was investigated using electroencephalography (EEG) in rats. First, the stimulatory action by caffeine i.v. administration at a level higher than 5 μmol/kg (0.970 mg/kg) b.w. was shown by means of brain wave analysis, and this level was suggested as the minimum dose of caffeine as a stimulant. Next, the stimulatory effects of caffeine were inhibited by an i.v. administration of theanine at a level higher than 5 μmol/kg (0.781 mg/kg) b.w., and the results suggested that theanine has an antagonistic effect on caffeine’s stimulatory action at an almost equivalent molar concentration. On the other hand, the excitatory effects were shown in the rat i.v. administered 1 and 2 μmol/kg (0.174 and 0.348 mg/kg) b.w. of theanine alone. These results suggested two effects of theanine, depending on its concentration.
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