Online ISSN : 2434-5636
中瀬 雄三佐野 淳
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 26 巻 p. 29-45


 In basketball, tactics training for solving the game situation is considered important. In order for developing players’ tactical ability, it appears necessary to analyze the sense or consciousness of the players. It is because the exploration of meaning in playersʼ tactical action is indispensable to coaching. However, there have been no studies of tactical ability which analyzed the playersʼ ability and intention.

 It is also important to take into the account that the players sense the structure of the situation when practicing the tactic. The structure of the situation can be considered as the structural relationship of players with a “kinästhese”. Thus, the purpose of this study is to reveal the elements that make up the players’ body intelligence to sense the structure of the situation in basketball.

 Three main elements that make up the body intelligence became apparent by consideration. 1.The corresponding method of tactics in offense is acquired (i.e., somatization). 2. That the principles of basketball “When the offense is located near the goal, defense is dense” and is mastered by players. 3. Abilities of the teammates are considered as “kinästhese”.

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