The subventricular zone (SVZ) generates an immense number of neurons, which migrate to the main olfactory bulb (MOB) and differentiate into granule cells and periglomerular cells in the MOB, even during adulthood. Pheromonal signals, which are mainly received by the vomeronasal organ, provide specific information concerning the reproductive state in a variety of mammal. Vomeronasal sensory neurons project to the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) located on the dorso-caudal surface of the MOB. In the present study, bromodeoxyuridine-immunoreactive (BrdU-ir) structures in the sagittal section of the MOB including the AOB of young and old male rats were studied to explore the roles of newly generated cells at the region near the rostral end of AOB in the MOB. The density of BrdU-ir cells in the granule cell layer of the MOB of young rats was higher than that of old rats. In young rats, the density of BrdU-ir cells at the region near the rostral end of the AOB was higher than that at the region distant from the AOB. In old rats, the density of BrdU-ir cells at the near region was lower than that at the distant region. The density of BrdU-ir cells at the region near the AOB in the MOB in old rats may be concerned with age-dependent changes in ability of discrimination and memory of general odors and odors related to the reproduction.