Print ISSN : 0525-1931
地球化学標準物質JCu-1 (銅鉱石) 及びJZn-1 (亜鉛鉱石) の共同分析結果
岡井 貴司寺島 滋今井 登
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 51 巻 10 号 p. 973-977

GSJ has issued many geochemical reference materials, which have been analyzed by many researchers. According to the organization change of GSJ, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, the GSJ geochemical reference materials were charged from April 1, 2001. Therefore, the certified values have to be decided before the distribution of reference materials by collaborative analysis. In this study, collaborative analyses were carried out on the two latest GSJ geochemical reference materials JCu-1 (Copper ore) and JZn-1 (Zinc ore) in 10 laboratories. The analytical data were obtained on 9 components (TiO2, Al2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, T-Fe, Zn), and Cu (JCu-1) and Pb (JZn-1). ICP-AES and AAS (Na, K) were mainly used. The analytical results agreed comparatively well. In a statistical analysis, the reference values were mainly decided using the robust method. ISO typically recommends that data be submitted from no fewer than 15 laboratories for deciding the certified values; the reference values were considered to be the preliminary certified values.
© The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry 2002
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