The 12th Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology
セッションID: O2-1-3

口頭発表2-1 英語セッション(社会的認知,感情・動機,発達・教育・学習)
Successful experiences lead to more implicit transfer
*Kanji TanakaKatsumi Watanabe
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Learning and transfer of behavioral sequences are vital for our everyday life. Our recent work has suggested that people can implicitly transfer learned sequences (Tanaka & Watanabe, 2013); even if participants are not aware of the hidden relationship between learning and transfer sequences, they can transfer their acquired knowledge to a new sequence. In the present study, we examined whether implicit transfer would depend on the number of experience of successful and/or failure trials during learning. We adopted a basic experimental paradigm of visuomotor sequence learning and modulated the number of required successful trials in the learning session. Then, we found that the number of completed trials (i.e., successful experience) rather than error trials (i.e., failure trials) in the learning session led to better implicit transfer.

© 2014 The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology
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