Environmental Control in Biology
Online ISSN : 1883-0986
Print ISSN : 1880-554X
ISSN-L : 1880-554X
Original Paper
Correlation Network Analysis Visually Identifies Interactions of Antioxidant Compounds with Plant Growth, Leaf Photosynthetic Performance, and Agronomic Quality in Strawberry
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 59 巻 3 号 p. 147-155


Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a rich source of diverse antioxidants associated with health benefits. However, the interactions of antioxidants with plant growth and photosynthetic performance have not been investigated in the strawberry fruit. This study aimed to visually identify the interactions of antioxidant compounds with plant growth, photosynthetic performance, and agronomic quality in commercially grown strawberry on three farms during a 2-month period using correlation network analysis. Growth and photosynthetic performance-related parameters showed variations between seasons and among farms, whereas antioxidant compounds showed only seasonal variations. Additionally, the total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity showed a negative correlation with ten and seven leaf photosynthetic performance parameters, respectively, but no correlation with any of the growth parameters. By contrast, ascorbic acid (ASA) and total ASA were correlated with two photosynthetic performance parameters and three plant growth parameters. These results suggest that ASA exhibits different interactions with the total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity. In addition, leaf thickness and several photosynthetic performance parameters were key factors of the interaction of antioxidant compounds. Overall, our results indicate that correlation network analysis provides useful information to enhance the level of antioxidant compounds in strawberry.

© 2021 Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists
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