IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
Particle swarm optimization for mobile network design
Ayman A. El-SalehMahamod IsmailR. VikneshC. C. MarkM. L. Chan
Author information

2009 Volume 6 Issue 17 Pages 1219-1225

In mobile network design, the challenge is to efficiently determine the locations of base control stations (BSCs), mobile switching centers (MSCs), and their connecting links for given locations of base transceiver stations (BTSs) so that a predefined objective function is satisfied. In this paper, a particle swarm optimization- (PSO-) based optimization engine is used to effectively lay out the network components and their interconnections such that the overall deployment cost is kept as low as possible. The performance of the PSO-based engine is then compared with a genetic algorithm- (GA-) based one. The simulation results show that the PSO-based optimization engine is able to successfully optimize the network deployment cost and significantly outperforms the GA-based optimization engine.
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© 2009 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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