IEICE Electronics Express
Online ISSN : 1349-2543
ISSN-L : 1349-2543
Meandered UC-EBG structure for a reduction of the mutual coupling in a patch antenna array
Son Trinh-VanKeum Cheol Hwang
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2012 Volume 9 Issue 22 Pages 1748-1755

A meandered uniplanar compact electromagnetic band-gap structure is proposed. Meandered microstrip lines between adjacent cells are used to increase the equivalent inductance. As a result, the dimension of the proposed EBG structure is more compact and its frequency band-gap is wider than that of the conventional uniplanar EBG structure. Two patch arrays with and without an EBG structure were designed, fabricated, and tested to validate the performance of the proposed EBG structure. The measured results demonstrated that a mutual coupling reduction of 4dB is achievable in a patch array with the proposed EBG structure.
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© 2012 by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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