Online ISSN : 1884-5738
Print ISSN : 0387-1207
ISSN-L : 0387-1207
松井 康功田中 一也浅野 宏国日高 徹村上 健二
ジャーナル フリー

1976 年 18 巻 3 号 p. 462-466_1


Complaining of anorexia for the last one month, patient, 51-year-old, female, admitted to our hospital. Two large tumors, typed Borrmann II, were found on the anterior wall of the antrum and the posterior wall of the angulus by X-ray and endoscopical examination. Both tumor consisted of sharply defined and ringshaped embankment, covered with smooth and grossy mucosa, and sharply margined ulcer. The ulcer of the angulus was covered with cream-like yellow coat. Degenerated malignant lymphomatoid cells were found from biopsy materials of the tumor of the antrum and no cancer cell was found from both tumors. From these result, we diagnosed preoperatively as two malignant lymphomas of the stomach. Histologically, these tumors were not connected on the epithelial layer, however, were connected partially within the subserosal layer. Consequently, it was diagnosed as single primary reticulum cell sarcoma of the stomach. In re-evaluating X-ray and endoscopical films, we found enlarged folds of submucosal tumor type between both tumors. This finding of submucosal tumor could be important for the preoperative diagnosis of gastric sarcomatous lesion. This patient was on chemotherapy post operatively (oncobin 3.8mg, endoxan 19600mg, 6MP 1400mg, predonin 1020mg) and was well during 20 months after operation.

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