Geographical Research Bulletin
Online ISSN : 2758-1446
Analysis of the path and mode of tourism resources innovation in Japan
Miyuki Yanagi
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

2022 年 1 巻 p. 2-13


The innovation of tourism resources is an important way to promote the development of the tourism economy. The rapid development of Japan’s tourism economy is inseparable from its unique concept of innovative development of tourism resources. Based on the case study of Japan’s tourism resources development model, this paper classifies Japan’s tourism resources innovation into seven types: (1) Tourism Resources Re-packaging Type, (2) Excavation and Reconstruction of Historical Culture Type, (3) Characteristic Resource-driven Type, (4) Cultural Creativity Type, (5) Transformation Value Reconstruction Type, (6) Characteristic Block Development Type, and (7) Theme Park Development Type. These innovative types of tourism resources reflect the recognition of tourism resources with the times, construct a development model that can fully cohere the local historical and cultural heritage and physical and geographical characteristics, and present the situation of coordinated development of the region.

© 2022 The Author(s)

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