Geographical Research Bulletin
Online ISSN : 2758-1446
Preface to the 2024 Issue of Geographical Research Bulletin
The Editorial Committee of Geographical Research Bulletin
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Pages 1


Since its inception, the Geographical Research Bulletin has been devoted to serving as a pivotal platform for disseminating the latest research findings in the field of geography. In the upcoming 2024 volume, we continue to adhere to our proactive editorial policy, striving to elevate the academic standards of the journal and present readers with more captivating content from the realm of geographical studies. Geography, as an ancient yet continually evolving discipline, has borne witness to the progression of human understanding of nature, utilization of natural resources, and transformation of the environment. Over the past few years, the Geographical Research Bulletin has not only chronicled the developmental trajectory of geography but has also spotlighted the innovative facets of geographical research in terms of content, methods, breadth, and depth. The expansion of geography encompasses a wide spectrum, spanning from the macro to micro, from the Earth’s surface to its depths, and extending further into Earth’s spatial dimensions, revealing diverse and globalized characteristics. Amidst the changes of our times, geography faces heightened societal demands necessitating in-depth exploration through modern scientific technologies. The Geographical Research Bulletin actively responds to this demand by adopting a rapid publication policy to expedite the dissemination of research articles, ensuring that scholarly achievements promptly reach the academic community. We are committed to continuing to serve as a platform where natural sciences and social sciences intersect, reflecting the interplay between various disciplines within geography and conducting in-depth research with diverse perspectives and methodologies. Furthermore, in the upcoming volume, the Geographical Research Bulletin will persist in publishing articles that possess both academic depth and popular science appeal. We aim to convey the latest scientific information to readers, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of geographical science and related fields. By combining scholarly and popular science articles, we seek to facilitate information exchange, knowledge complementarity, and the advancement of scientific and technological innovation. In the new year, the Geographical Research Bulletin welcomes submissions from contributors worldwide, anticipating that through the collective efforts of the academic community, we can further propel the continuous development of geographical research. We extend our best wishes to all authors and readers, hoping for a more fruitful year in 2024 and collectively witnessing the progress and development of geography.

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