Geographical Research Bulletin
Online ISSN : 2758-1446
Ecological agriculture traits: Constructing an integrated agricultural system for sustainable development
Shengna MaMiaoyu Zhuge
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Pages 2-5


Ecological agriculture is a comprehensive farming system dedicated to environmental conservation, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and promoting sustainability in agriculture. Its core features include avoiding chemical pesticides, widespread use of organic fertilizers, maintenance of biodiversity, crop rotation, and fallow periods. These practices collectively enhance agricultural products' yield and quality while minimizing adverse environmental impacts. Adhering to the no-chemical pesticide principle reduces pollution in soils, water sources, and the air. Applying organic fertilizers and protecting biodiversity contribute to improved soil structure and decreased reliance on chemical fertilizers. Crop rotation and fallow practices reduce soil erosion, providing a sustainable approach to soil management. Water resource management focuses on efficient utilization, maintaining water quality, and fostering the sustainable development of agricultural systems.

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